
recorded audio only plays with the mic

hello everyone, I've got an issue which I need to solve I am recording audio (caf) on the iPhone, then I need to play this after recording. I am doing this all right on the Simulator but the problem is that on the device, the audio played's volume is really low as the only output is the iPhone's mic and not the iPhone Speaker In the ...

High level audio crossfading library for python

I am looking for a high level audio library that supports crossfading for python (and that works in linux). In fact crossfading a song and saving it is about the only thing I need. I tried pyechonest but I find it really slow. Working with multiple songs at the same time is hard on memory too (I tried to crossfade about 10 songs in one...

Python: What is the most feature-rich library for loading audio metadata from various formats?

I'm looking for a good, feature-rich, library for reading metadata from various audio formats (MP3, FLAC, OGG, WAV, etc.). I have already looked at Mutagen, but the documentation is nearly nonexistent, and it seems incapable of loading basic information such as artist and audio title. ...

HTML5 and Streamcast?

Are there any HTML5 Streamcast audio players? Where do I start if I want to create one? ...

Issues regarding playing audio files in a JME midlet.

I am making a midlet which is to be used to play out local audio files. It is obviously not working. I am getting a null reference on the "is" variable, in the code snippet shown below. 1. try{ 2. System.out.println("path: " + this.getClass()); 3. InputStream is = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("res/01Track.wav"); 4. p1=Manager.cre...

html5 audio player - jquery toggle click play/pause???

hello guys, i wonder what i'm doing wrong? $('.player_audio').click(function() { if ($('.player_audio').paused == false) { $('.player_audio').pause(); alert('music paused'); } else { $('.player_audio').play(); alert('music playing'); } }); i can't seem to start the audio track if i hit ...

Our Flash Streaming Player Occasionally Stutters like a Skipping CD after a Period of Time

We offer a streaming player for a number of our clients, who are responsible for their providing us with their own audio streams. We have written a very simple flash player that can play all of the streams that we support (icecast/shoutcast/live365/mp3 over http/etc). Unfortunately, we have found that when listening, our player sometime...

Flash Audio pause button with volume slider

Flash CS4 - Action Script 2 I need to make a controller for audio that contains the following items 1 (!) Button that pauses and replays the audio file (consists of 2 pictures: 1 on, 1 off) Volume slider to controll the volume (consists of a bar and slider) I have searched for tutorials that combine the two, but couldn't find it. Th...

Audio Recording in C++

Hey, I was wondering, what was a good cross-platform utility for doing audio recording/ playback/ seeking in C++? I was thinking going the route of ALUT (OpenAL), but is there a better way? If not, do you guys know of any good tutorials/sample code for ALUT? ...

How get 0 and -1 in printf (buffer)? in audio recording iphone

Hi, here's my problem at hand: I need to analyze audio data in realtime to find out the amplitude of the signal I can't use the AudioQueue metering functionality because it has too much delay for detecting peaks I have studied the aurioTouch example..... however... I simply don't understand how the PCM coded buffer is converted back to...

How get raw data in printf (buffer)? in audio recording iphone

I need raw data like 0 / 1 static OSStatus recordingCallback(void *inRefCon, AudioUnitRenderActionFlags *ioActionFlags, // AudioQueueBufferRef inBuffer, const AudioTimeStamp *inTimeStamp, UInt32 inBu...

What's the best way to integrate video chat into a website?

I want to make video/audio chat(both one-to-one and chatroom) available on my website through web browser, and no download or login required. My back end is php+mysql. What's the available (and free) solutions out there? What are their pros and cons? ...

Problems with MediaRecorder class setting audio source - setAudioSource() - unsupported parameter

Hello everybody, I'm new in Android development and I have the next question/problem. I'm playing around with the MediaRecorder class to record just audio from the microphone. I'm following the steps indicated in the official site: So I have a method that initiali...

Autoplay audio files on an iPad with HTML5

I'm trying to get an audio file to autoplay in Safari on an iPad. If I go to the page using Safari on my Mac, it's fine. On the iPad, autoplay does not work. ...

AAC header and other info in IPhone

Hello Everyone, I'm building an IPhone Application that records sound. I'm using Audio Queue Services, and everything works great for recording. The thing is, I'm using AudioFileWritePackets for file writing, and I'm trying to put the same "AAC + ADTS" packets to a network socket. The resulting file is different since some "headers...

Is there an easy way to stream a m3u in iPhone?

I can have a UIWebView with the .m3u file opened, which will go to the webview with a play button displayed, and that automatically goes to the quicktime player and starts playing the stream. But when I press the done button, it goes back to the UIWebView with a little play button in the middle, and from there you can go back to the pre...

iPad Video Playback only delivers audio, not visuals.

Hi guys, Recently we've developed an iPhone app for an external company, and everything works fine in the app. There is a section where the app pulls video from the client's server, and streams it into the iPhone's MPMoviePlayerController. This works fine on the iPhone and iPodTouch - both the video and the audio show up just great. T...

how to make a chat room on gae ,has any audio python-framework to do this ?

i want to make a chat room on gae ,(audio chat) has any framework to do this ? thanks ...

Play audio file on hover

What is the best solution to play an audio file on mouse over via JavaScript? And stop it when the mouse leaves the link. jQuery is available. <a href="/test.mp3" class="play">play</a> ...

What trick will give most reliable/compatible sound alarm in a browser window for most browsers

I want to be able to play an alarm sound using Javascript in a browser window, preferably with the requirement for any browser plugins (Quicktime/Flash). I have been experimenting with the tag and the new Audio object in Javascript, but results are mixed: As you can see, there is no variant that works on all browsers. Do I miss a tr...