
Simple performance testing tool in C#?

Hi, At first -I need to do it as my university project so I am not interested in using existing tools. I would like to know whether it is even possible to write a very simple tool that I could use for performance testing of web applications. It would only record actions (I do not know, maybe just packet sniffering?) and then replay. Howe...

Simulate mouse movement in Ubuntu

Problem Am looking to automatically move the mouse cursor and simulate mouse button clicks from the command-line using an external script. Am not looking to: Record mouse movement and playback (e.g., xnee, xmacro) Instantly move the mouse from one location to another (e.g., xdotool, Python's warp_pointer) Ideal Solution What I'd li...

How to automate testing of a browser-based app?

If it were a windows program, I would use Auto it to automate testing. Is there something similar for browser-based apps? Nothing too complex, it should just allow scripting (preferable for me to macro-recording) to simulate human interaction with the browser, which means being able to identify fields of a form by name, inject text into...

Problems with data driven testing in MSTest

Hello, I am trying to get data driven testing to work in C# with MSTest/Selenium. Here is a sample of some of my code trying to set it up: [TestClass] public class NewTest { private ISelenium selenium; private StringBuilder verificationErrors; [DeploymentItem("GoogleTestData.xls")] [DataSource("System.Data.OleDb", "...

Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.Extension.UITestControlNotFoundException was unhandled by user code (VSTS 2010 on Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009)

I am trying to automate the UI testing process using VSTS 2010 on Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009. Using coded UI test, I am recording tests on on Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009. Recording works fine, it runs into issue when trying to run the test recorded on TreeView control in the application. Tests fails to execute on that control. Following ...

Understanding how software testing works and what to test.

Intro: I've seen lots of topics here on SO about software testing and other terms I don't understand. Problem: As a beginner developer I, unfortunately, have no idea how software testing works, not even how to test a simple function. This is a shame, but thats the truth. I also hope this question can help others beginners developers t...

Is it possible to exceute a method from a different application in Java?

I'm trying to automate some manual tests for a desktop app written in Java. I'm using FEST to do this. Is it possible to execute some parts of the code on the app being tested from FEST and get the results back in a stream or something. Or is there any other testing framework that lets you do it? ...

gwt-maven-plugin / running GwtTestCases

Hi, i'm struggeling to set up an example which runs a gwt test case with maven when i execute mvn install. I followed the instructions on this page gwt-maven-plugin. I always end up with [ERROR] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/codehaus/mojo/gwt/test/MavenTestRunner [ERROR] Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.codehaus.m...

Flex : How to design a fully functionnal automated App ?

Hi everyone, We are currently thinking on getting our apps automaticaly built and tested through a CI server. My major concern is regarding UI tests.. I've been playing with FlexMonkium/Selenium IDE in Firefox but it doesn't really play nice with my app. I'm also testing RIATest 3 but I would have liked the Firefox approach better beca...

How do I perform automated testing of XSLT stylesheets?

I have some increasingly complex XSLT stylesheets and it would be helpful if I could run some tests on them as part of my CI build process, and even use TDD to develop them in the first place. I'm currently using Visual Studio to run fragments of XML through the stylesheets and I am manually checking the results. What would everyone rec...

How can I bind a specific key to different launch configurations in Eclipse?

I have several launch configurations for the code I work on. One configuration (#1) means "run the unit tests for the file in the frontmost editor (i.e. selected resource)". I would really like to be able to always make this be bound to a key. Another configuration (#2) means "run the server that I am working on (in the frontmost proj...

read csv using jmeter(starting from x)

Hi, I'm writing a jmeter script and I have a huge csv file with a bunch of data which I use in my requests, is it possible to start not from first entry but from 5th or nth entry? ...

Testing using CUnit Tool

I am new to testing area of software engineering . I have successfully downloaded CUnit tool for testing but i have no idea how to operate this and how to carry out automated testing .Please help me out and also refer me any other good tool for conducting different code tests for java and C Programs . Engineer Saleem ...

Simulate latency in Java

I am developing a simple test framework in Java that needs to simulate weblogic deployments by responding to JMS calls. One of the the test configuration options is a delay to simulate latency. I was wondering if anyone has any good ideas on how to do this. I was jsut going to create a TimerTask to handle it, is there a better way? Thank...

Free Automatic software test infrastructure

Hey, Do you know of a good free/open source test automation infrastructure? I'm looking for infrastructure (python is preferred) which has features like: connecting to a remote computer. running python scripts on a remote computer. Identification of UI components watch dog. test report summery generation anything else useful (: Thx,...

What script executes after clicking the button (Web app)?

Hi all! I'm automating the manual testing of some Web Application. This app uses a lot number of JavaScript. And I want to know, what scripts executes when I manually clicking some button. Here is the example of button's code: <button type="button" class="x-btn-text " id="ext-gen525" title="Add Options">Add</button> This button adds...

Automatic testing of web pages (and generating from use cases by DSL)

Hi, My goal is: Our customers could generate new web-tests. Our continuous integration server makes a test-environment deployment; it should execute the tests against it The test could also be run against some other environment. (Final acceptance tests should be made by the customer, to test fonts etc, but this would be a great pre-...

Quantity / Performance Test

I don't know the name of it, but I want to run a test say 10,0000 to 100,000 times to test for variations in performance. For example I want to test the speed variation between json and xml. I am using visual studio. Is there any tool that will allow me to run my code this amount of times and collect the statistics? Please help me ASAP. ...

HTTP Record/Playback alternatives to Eclipse+Solex

Hey All, I have been playing with Solex, ... quite a cool Eclipse plugin that allows you to record and playback HTTP traffic, make assertions, request-time header mods based on variables pulled from prior requests (via regexp, XPath). All in all, quite impressed; However, I can not see any method for runti...

Is it common or even a good idea to release source code for automated tests with a closed-source app?

Please point me to any dupes or better places to post this question that you may find. I have never sold software before, but when I put myself in my customers' shoes, I think, "I sure would like to see source code for automatic tests for any software that I buy. It would serve as awesomely detailed documentation for the software that ...