
Automated MSI installation

What is the best way to automatically install an MSI file or installer .exe? We want to do some automated testing from our build system on the installed copy of the product. Our installer has the usual license acceptance screen, install location, etc. As FryHard pointed out there are two options in particular that seem handy: "/quie...

How to keep automated tests fast?

Automated tests MUST be fast to reflect real time project state. The idea is that: after any commit to repository automated build is performed (as fast as it can be done). if build succeeded automated tests are started. MUST be fast. This is the best way i know to find out if your changes break anything. At first it seemed that maki...

Continuous Integration with Nant

I am preparing to use continuous integration for the first time. I will be using Nant for the automated build and testing tasks, and am trying to find the appropriate CI tool to poll the repository and execute the Nant script. I have so far loosely researched the following: Hudson Cruise Control Draco My sense so far is that since ...

Mercury Quick Test Pro - Testing with a custom grid

Hi, We are trying to create some tests that reference an vendors custom grid. Unfortunatly QTP only recognises it as a WinObject which is quite useless. We need to be able to navigate the grid and change cell values, double click on a cell(without using X,Y co-ordinates) etc. Ideally we want to get QTP to understand that this object i...

Are there any Ant conventions similar to Maven2 conventions?

For the past 2 years-(ish) I've been using Maven2 for my build/continuous integration solution. I used Ant a bit before that but really didn't get a lot of experience with it. Now I've taken a new job and the team I'm on now uses Ant. What I'm wondering about is this: In Maven we had directory conventions for seperating our java so...

Why does a deleted file reappear in Vista?

I have an automated test running on my program that generates some large MPG files along with other files. After running the test, I have the script clean up after itself. The other files (a mix of binary and text files) are removed with no problems. The MPG files, however, don't get deleted. If I try and manually delete the MPG file...

How to test infopath applications?

Is there a way to do reasonable test on InfoPath (web) applications with a SharePoint workflow behind? (There seems to be not much sence in testing, whether the rules in the form are performed correctly by the FormService.) ...

Selenium RC: Run tests in multiple browsers automatically

So, I've started to create some Ruby unit tests that use Selenium RC to test my web app directly in the browser. I'm using the Selenum-Client for ruby. I've created a base class for all my other selenium tests to inherit from. This creates numerous SeleniumDriver instances and all the methods that are missing are called on each instan...

Equivalent of Firebug's "Copy Xpath" in Internet Explorer?

I have an internet-explorer only web application. I'm exploring what we can do to automate the testing. Selenium looks like a good tool, but to be able to activate links etc I need to tell selenium where they are. The application wasn't built with this kind of testing in mind, so there generally aren't id attributes on the key element...

Automated testing (non-UI) for existing Flash component

I build and maintain a set of Flash components that is distributed to publishers and allows them to integrate with our system. Currently the component has no UI and simply contains compiled code for querying our system servers, parsing the response, and modifying the params sent in the query. There's an As2 version and AS3 versions for b...

Symbian automated testing tool

Could you recommend any testing tool that is able to run on a phone (or at least emulatior) and simulate predefined (via scripting) sequence of operations (eq. "press" keys, "type" data etc) ? Thanks ...

Continuous integration tools with "pipeline" support?

Our automated builds and tests are taking an increasing amount of resources, especially since we support many platforms and test in both debug and optimized. So, I'm looking for some tool support that would allow a more incremental "pipeline" approach so we could get feedback and results faster. Some ideal characteristics would include...

Automated (Web) Application Acceptance Testing Resources

What are some decent guides / books / blogs that deal with application acceptance testing? I'm particularly interested in web automation. I'm familiar with some of the frameworks and I'm more interested in the perceptions of "best practices" on the subject as well as how to maintain sizable amounts of these tests. ...

Functional test software/framework that covers Asp.Net Web Apps?

I recently began to use the NexusLight, a functional test automation framework. Are there more frameworks that does a similar job? Related question: ...

Web test to edit a SharePoint pages properties using Visual Studio Test Suite

I am using visual Studio 2008 sp1 to try and create a web test that will allow me to edit a page using the EditForm.aspx. I am trying using fiddler and the recorder. I have managed to get some test to run, but they do not change the properties. Anyone have any tips on how to do this? ...

How do I use WScript.Shell SendKeys to send Number Pad key strokes?

I am trying to use WScript.Shell SendKeys method to emulate sending a key press from the Number Pad. I have an application that I am writing automated testing for using QTP. It is a Web Browser based application and the input is into a Java App within the web page. The input only accepts key presses from the Number Pad and the Enter k...

How to test a webapplication?

If I have java-webapp (servlets), what is the best way to create automated tests for this application? Should I start a server? But that is very fragile. Should I call the servlets directly? But how can this be done? I don't know how to create a ServletResponse/ServletRequest. And what is the best way to test the functionality of the w...

running single rails unit/functional test

As title. ruby test/functionals/whatevertest.rb doesn't work, that requires me to replace all require 'test_helper' to require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper'. For some reason most of those test templates have such issue, so I rather to see if there is a hack I could get around it. ...

Does Application.ExecutablePath return different values depending on the test runner?

I'm trying to see if there's a way to get a consistent unit test result across multiple test runners. The current situation is that we have a test assembly where 4 of the tests pass if you run them in NUnit GUI, but fail if you run them using TestDriven.NET or the ReSharper test runner. In the cases where these tests are failing (a Sys...

How to add more than one test object from testobject map to the script.

Test which I have to automate: In an applicationmy I have to create 1000 objects. Then I have to go to each object and I have to put some value. Using script I created one object and then going to this object and putting value. Now in object creation step I put a for loop which created 1000 objects of different name. Now using "Add Ob...