
what's the best way to consume an axis 1.3 web service using visual studio 2005 in c++

Hi I'm trying to consume an axis web service in VS 2005 & unmanaged c++.. The inbuilt sproxy.exe in VS falls over with a namespace error as the input/output namespaces are different.. though if I consume the web service in c# it works fine.. i've investigated gSOAP as well as Axis C++ both seem rather complex for what I need All the...

SOAPMonitor unable to communicate with server

I have a problem with my Apache Axis 1.4 service, using the SOAPMonitor which comes with the binaries. While the applet starts up with no problems (e.g. http://localhost:8080/axis/SOAPMonitor), the status bar in the embedded application gives the following error message: "The SOAP Monitor is unable to communcate with the server" Some...

how to set custom interval to horizontal axis in Flex Charts

Hello folks, I am trying to set custom step (interval) to my Line Chart's horizontal axis. The chart gets its data from a grid. The grid has a lot of data and it is displayed accurately but because there are so many data points the horizontal axis is screwed up. I wanted to set a step on horizontal axis so that you get an idea when you s...

program R- in ggplot restrict y to be >0 in LOESS plot

Here's my code: qplot(data=sites, x, y, main="Site 349") (p <- qplot(data = sites, x, y, xlab = "", ylab = "")) (p1 <- p + geom_smooth(method = "loess",span=0.5, size = 1.5)) p1 + theme_bw() + opts(title = "Site 349") Some of the LOESS lines and confidence intervals go below zero, but I would like to restrict the graphics to 0 and po...

JAX-WS client with Axis service

I'm relatively new to web services, but I need to integrate a call to an existing service in my application. Ideally, I'd like to use JAX-WS because I'm looking for the simplest, quickest-to-develop solution on my end, and MyEclipse is able to generate a JAX-WS client from a WSDL. Unfortunately, the WSDL I've inherited was built from wha...

How come AXIS generates multiple classes with similar names?

How come when eclipse generates a web service client from a wsdl using AXIS, it creates for each method two classes one that is named DoSomething and one with an E appended to it like DoSomethingE. ...

R plot- SGAM plot counts vs. time - how do I get dates on the x-axis?

I'd like to plot this vs. time, with the actual dates (years actually, 1997,1998...2010). The dates are in a raw format, ala SAS, days since 1960 (hence conversion). If I convert the dates using to variable x, and do the GAM plot, I get an error. It works fine with the raw day numbers. But I want the plot to display t...

How to cancel a running AXIS 1.4 SOAP request?

Is it possible to cancel a SOAP request (Axis 1.4, Java 1.6) that's currently executing? I'm using the interfaces generated with WSDL2Java, so the call is something like myProvider.submitMyRequest(request). This is synchronous and doesn't return until a response is received. I want to be able to interrupt the call based on an external c...

Axis web service can't be invoked from web application

Hi all, I have a simple axis 1.4 web service which I deployed successfully and can invoke it from main method of a Java class. This works fine but when I try to invoke it from a web application it throws an exception saying 'Class not found' for the class 'ws/impl/AwardWebServiceSoapBindingStub'. I tried to debug it but could not find...

possible to constrain jQuery resize to x or y axis, like drag constrain?

This jQuery lets you constrain drag movement so it occurs only on the axis specified: $("#draggable2").draggable({ axis: 'x' }); See: This is not legal jQuery but I wish it were: $("#Container").resizable({ minHeight: 150, containment: {axis:'y' } }); Is it possible to preven...

Java webservice in tomcat using axis

Hello, I would like to ask a few questions to make sure that I understand things. When creating a web service using tomcat and axis, I create an interface defining the methods that I am going to expose. so far so good. I have a couple more classes as well. I compile my classes (.class files no jars) an store them in WEB-INF\classes .....

Unknown Exception on trying to initialize the web service stub created by Axis C++

Hi, I am trying out the sample calculator program given in the folder of axis c++. I am mainly interested in the client side. So I used the wsdl to create the stubs and my main is pretty much the same as given in the sample. However on executing the call Calculator ws (endpoint) I get an unknown exception "First-chance exception at 0...

Python, Matplotlib, subplot: How to set the axis range?

How can I set the y axis range of the second subplot to e.g. [0,1000] ? The FFT plot of my data (a column in a text file) results in a (inf.?) spike so that the actual data is not visible. pylab.ylim([0,1000]) has no effect, unfortunately. This is the whole script: # based on

pgf/tikz: String Symbols as Input Coordinates

Hi all, I'm new to pgf so i was trying out some examples from the pgfplot manual. One example is especially relevant for my current task but, alas, it would not compile. Here is the code: \documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{pgfplots} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \begin{axis}[symbolic x coords={a,...

CSS: Freeze table header and first column, *but only on certain axes*

Hello all, I have a variation on a common question, and I'll try to explain it as best I can. It may take some visualization on your part. I have an HTML table (in reality there are tables within tables within divs within tables -- I'm using the JSGantt plugin). I'd like for the table header to be frozen only when I scroll down on the y...

Flex Date Time Axis Not showing Correct Values

<fx:Declarations> <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here --> </fx:Declarations> <fx:Script> <![CDATA[ import mx.collections.ArrayCollection; [Bindable] public var stockDataAC:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [ {date: "2005, 7, 27", close: 41.71}, {date: "2005, 7, 28", ...


I am trying to create wsdl definition for the below soap response, < reasonCode Required="TRUE"> < ValidCode>RR< /ValidCode> < ValidCode>RB< /ValidCode> < ValidCode>RT< /ValidCode> < ValidCode>AR< /ValidCode> < /reasonCode> Below is the wsdl definition I have, < xsd:complexType> < xsd:sequence> ...

Axis xsd:dateTime issue

Here is the whole thing. I 'm using a webservice, with wsdl2java I generate classes and communicate with another application. Problem is , when I use a method from my generated WS client that is resulting in data that contains some object with data in format xsd:dateTime(Axis 1.4), and that data is represensted by java.util.Calendar obje...

Apache Axis web service clients vs plain SOAP requests.

I'm looking for the best way to consume a Java web service that returns rather large and complex objects. I am currently using Apache Axis clients generated from the wsdl, (using eclipse "generate web service client" tool). We have concerns about performance of this. The service proxy objects are not thread safe, and they are rather h...

How to change the amount of increments in pyplot axis

Hi probably quite a simple question but.. When plotting a graph using matplotlib.pyplot my Y axis goes from -0.04 to 0.03 which is fine but there are 8 labels for increments (eg 0.03,0.02,0.01 etc.). I need more maybe 16 or so. Thanks for your help ...