
Axis/SOAP service styles and interoperability

There are four "styles" of service in Axis. RPC services use the SOAP RPC conventions, and also the SOAP "section 5" encoding. Document services do not use any encoding (so in particular, you won't see multiref object serialization or SOAP-style arrays on the wire) but DO still do XML<->Java databinding. Wrapped serv...

Changing the x-axis of seqlogo figures in MATLAB

I'm making a large number of seqlogos programmatically. They are hundreds of columns wide and so running a seqlogo normally creates letters that are too thin to see. I've noticed that I only care about a few of these columns (not necessarily consecutive columns) ... most are noise but some are highly conserved. I use something like this...

Session Management in Axis1.2

Hi, In our application we are using Axis1.2. Our service has one instance variable profileDataManager which is responsible to return set of profiles. The application has pagination to display only 25 profiles at a time. My requirement is the profileDataManager should be instantiated only once for respective client. On subsequent calls...

Convert XML namespace prefixes with C#?

I have run into an exasperating problem getting a Java service client to communicate successfully with a WCF service. I have overcome many hurdles, and I believe that this is my last one. The problem boils down to how Java Axis + WSS4J seem to handle xml namespaces. The Java platform seem to be very rigid in what they expect for xml name...

Correlating traditional Windows joystick axes with HID

I'm a bit confused on the description of joystick axes and I'm hoping that someone has a link or document which could help clear my confusion. I'm not a Windows guy, so trying to port some traditional Windows gameport code has me a bit confused. We all know about the common first three axes: X Y Z My understanding was that in the game...

clarification on the concept of "web service"

Im a little confused on the varying definitions and implementations of web services available as implementations. Need some clarification please. Ones I have used till now: If a vendor gives me a specific format of XML that I can send populated with data to request and I make a simple HTTP POST over the internet passing in the XML Str...

Can I generate Axis2 stubs from Axis stubs or some other way from soapUI?

I have a WSDL that axis2 wsdl2java throws the following exception Caused by: org.apache.axis2.schema.SchemaCompilationException: can not find the compley type {}ActionIn from the parent type The original axis can generate the Java just fine and I can load the WSDL i...

HowTo JAX-WS+AXIS(standalone)+Hibernate

Hi, I am searching for a right way to use Hibernate in my web-service. To begin I whant to describe, how it is working now. I have made a simple class with @WebMethod and @WebService annotations and stored it in axis2-"1.5.1/repository/servicejars" folder. This class invokes real service implementation using reflection. And all implemen...

What Java frameworks support RPC/Encoded messages?

I have tried several Java frameworks, but I only found out that Axis 1 supports these messages, but Axis 1 is old and not developed anymore. So I would like to know if there are any Java frameworks that support RPC/Encoded messages and are still supported and developed. ...

Axis over SSL and authentication with a PKCS#12 keystore

I have PKCS#12 keystore that I've sucessfully imported in my browser for accessing a server that needs 2-way SSL authentication. Works perfectly reaching any https URL there. However, I'm unable to access an URL in the same server, and from the same host when using Axis 1.4. The given Axis faultString is:

Location of AxisConfiguration.exe in Axis C/C++ binary distribution?

In the installation documentation for Axis C/C++ it says the following: 4.1 Using AxisConfiguration to create the axiscpp.conf file The AxisConfiguration executable is a simple user interface that allows the user to generate an axiscpp.conf file by first asking a few simple questions about where the package was unzipped ...

Most Efficient Way of calling an external webservice in Java?

In one of our applications we need to call the Yahoo Soap Webservice to Get Weather and other related info. I used the wsdl2java tool from axis1.4 and generated th required stubs and wrote a client. I use jsp's use bean to include the client bean and call methods defined in the client which call the yahoo webservice inturn. Now the pro...

How to Encrypt a soap request using a secretkeyspec?

I have Web Service client code generated by WSDL2Java. I am trying to encrypt the Soap Envelope specifying a CallbackHandler in the wsdd. I've managed to set a username and password in plain text on the soap request, but I need to use a key instead (I have been given a .key file which seems to be a SecretKeySpec). I load the .key file,...

Axis 1.4 Java: Modify HTTP response code

Hello, Is there a way to modify the HTTP response code when using apache axis 1.4 for java? This would be useful for testing purposes, for example simulating server side errors. I've already tried the following: Set the HTTP code directly in the http servlet Request: MessageContext context = MessageContext.getCurrentContext(); ...

google charts: bar, y axis ascending order?

How is it possible to have the y axis, go from say 0-100, or even 0-1000, right now its all jumbled up and doesnt make any sense, i do not want to sort my data.,y&amp;cht=bvs&amp;chd=t:40,20,80,2,11&amp;chco=76A4FB&amp;chls=1.0&amp;chs=200x125&amp;chxl=0:|mon|tues|wed|thu|fr|1:|40|20|80|2|11 ...

Axis webservice calls fail sometimes, access.log shows content!

Hi, our app is a webservice client (axis 1) to a third party webservice (also axis 1). We use it for some years now. Since a few weeks, we (as a client) get sometimes HTTP status 400 (bad request) or read timeouts when calling the webservice. Strangely, the access.log of the service shows part of the request or the response instead of...

Flot not displaying x axis labels correctly

I have to display a graph with date on the X axis and Amt on the Y axis. There will be 8 lines (series) each with n months data. When I plot the graph I am sending in 6 months data for sure.( one line's data is shown below) [1251701950000, 34.50553] [1254294030000, 27.014463] [1256972350000, 26.7805] [1259567970000, 33.08871] [12622464...

Apache Axis not taking "final" parameters for webmethods?

I tried java2wsdl a Webservice with Apache Axis 1.3/1.4 and implemented my Webmethod with final parameters like this: public boolean myWebMethod(final String p1, final String p2, final String p3) { ... } When I tested the webservice with the build-in Webservice Test Explorer in my IBM RAD I always got an exception. I tracked it do...

axis Integrated Windows Authentication

I am trying to connect to a web service that has Integrated Windows Authentication with apache axis. I have set the call user name and password like so: _call.setUsername( "user" ); _call.setPassword( "password" ); I have also tried switching to the apache http client using this as the client-config.wsdd: <?xml version="1.0" ...

Apache Axis 1.4 problem with generics or composite datatypes

Hello, I have a class XMLDataCarrier which has a map attribute Map (Integer, XMLDataListWrapper)catPriorityXMLDataMap. The class XMLDataListWrapper has just a list of strings private List (String) xmlString; All classes i.e. XMLDataCarrier,XMLDataListWrapper implement serializable and have serializable id This data is exposed via a we...