
Every subsequent call to an Axis webservice fails

I've been having a strange issue with an Axis webservice which is called through the https protocol. Basically, when an invocation is made, the call goes through just fine. If the call is made again, the web service fails, returning me with the following message: <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="

Can I include both Apache Axis 1 and 2 libraries in the same project?

If it sounds like a ridiculous idea then it is. The client only wants to have to install one project on their server. Our web service will be bridging between mobile phones and various SOAP services made in .NET, Apache Axis 1 and 2, which rely on standards to transfer files such as MTOM and DIME. I am looking for an 'architecture' tr...

Howto change Axis server-config.wsdd sothat we don't expect a SOAPAction

The problem I'm facing is that the client of my service will never send me a SOAPAction header. How can I tell Axis to still map to the incomming call to my service implementation anyway. I did bump into tricks like adding a Handler like this: <handler name="ReportMapper" type="java:com.mycompany.project.ReportMapper"/> <transport nam...

JBoss Web Services interoperability with ASP.NET

I have a Web Service deployed on JBoss 4.2.3. The Web Service is created using the EJB3 @WebService annotation. One of the method requires an object which has a java.util.Date property public void createUser(UserDTO dto) throws FancyException{ //-- do some work here } class UserDTO { ..... private Date joined; //-- app...

Axis SOAP responses in different format is it the same?

I am getting two different responses from different Magento installations. They considered to be the same and both should work but second response can’t be parsed by my Axis Java client app. And I don’t know if certain newer version of Axis can parse both. The question is: From the SOAP format form of view should these both responses pa...

Using iphone accelerometer to count the number of spins when tossed in the air

I would like to have a program that build a program that uses the accelerometer to count the number of time an iphone spins (either on a table top or when tossed in the air ) any suggestions? ...

Going nuts with XCode animation chain

Hi gang, I am trying to do a very simple animation, but it is giving me much grief... I must be doing some simple thing wrong and just missing by a bit my desired result. As posted here: Rotating around a diagonal axis I was trying to re-create a "Reversi" piece - a square which when activated would rotate about the axis Y=X, and cha...

Core-Plot: How to keep axises are always at bottom-left side of screen

Dear all, Currently, I can keep the axises at bottom-left side of screen by using CPConstraints, isFloatingAxis and set a properly value for orthogonalCoordinateDecimal, but when I change the xRange and yRange value, the axises are moved, so is there anyway to keep them always at bottom-left side without re-calculate and change orthogon...

mx.chart.LineChart showing duplicate labels

I am getting a graph that looks correct except for the fact that all the labels are being rendered on the verticalAxis instead of being grouped (Normal and Abmormal). As an aside, in my real code, the date field is an actual Date object rather than a string, if that makes a difference. var exampleData:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollecti...

org.w3c.dom.DOMException: WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: A node is used in a different document than the one that created it.

I'm getting an error when I try to generate an element that should look like <hold/> Using the java client code generated by Axis2. java snippet HoldPayment hold = new HoldPayment() cr.setHold(hold); but when I fire it off I get an error of WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR. If I don't include this element in the message being fired off it works ...

Calling a WebService caused a "org.xml.sax.SAXException: Bad envelope tag: sProfile" exception

THe WSDL is: I mocked a WebService response as: <% response.setContentType("text/xml;charset=utf-8"); response.addHeader("Pragma", "No-cache"); response.addDateHeader("Expires", 0); response.addHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); ...

iPhone CALayer's rotation axis

Hi guys, I'm rotating a CALayer on the X axis, but even if it's displaced on the Z axis, it uses the Z = 0 as axis for the rotation? Is there a way of telling it to use the bottom of the plane, as the axis? Thank you! ...

should soap-env be saved in the db along with the payload for future parsing

I have a requirement where the RAW response received from a webservice endpoint need to be persisted so that it can be parsed again later. I am seeking advice as to whether I need to persist just the payload (without the soap envelope) or store the entire raw as is. If I store with the soap envelope then I believe any soap stack can saf...

Migrate from Spring 2.5 to 3 within an existing Axis 1.4 webservice

I have to migrate from Spring 2.5 to 3.0. My web services are still running with Axis 1.4, with Spring 2.5 I was rather simple, every class of a service implementation extends the ServletEndpointSupport. In Spring 3.0 the ServletEndpointSupport is deprecated. For example: public class PersonBindingImpl extends ServletEndpointSupport i...

Magento catalogProductInfo - access denied for unknown reason

I am getting access denied when asking Magento with following request: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""&gt; <soapenv:Body> <ns1...

How to specify alias name in system property while making 2way SSL con ?

Hi All, I am trying to run a java client with 2way SSL which uses CAC card as keystore for the client. I have addded the following system property in my client program to make it work and change the file to add pcks11 provider. System.setProperty("", "pkcs11"); System.setProperty("

How to catch a MessagingException on Apache Axis

On my Axis 1.4 webservice this exception is thrown when an incoming message is corrupted. WARN ;2010-07-15 14:45:38,232;org.apache.axis.attachments.AttachmentsImpl;;Exception: AxisFault faultCode: {}Server.userException faultSubcode: faultString: javax.mail.MessagingException: Error in input ...

Axis webservice error

I have written a simple java file as below public class Calculator { public int add(int a, int b) { return a+b; } public int subtract(int a, int b) { return a-b; } } Now, i renamed it to Calculator.jws and put it in my web application's root directory. (in the same directory as the WEB-I...

How to create java client using AXis 1.4 for consuming WCF service using wsHttpBinding

Hi, I have created a java client for consuming WCF service using axis 1.4. If i use basicHttpBinding than everything works fine, but if i use wsHttpBinding than i am getting following error:- Did not understand "MustUnderstand" header(s):{}Action AxisFault faultCode: {

Connect to Unknown SOAP Web Service

Hello all I would like to build an app in C# that connects to an Apache AXIS web service and performs the following operations via SOAP. Login in to the server. POST string data to server Receive and display server response Here's the tough part. I do not have access to the server, nor do I know where the .JWS file is located on th...