
Worker & Web Role in same application

Hi, We have a WebRole which deals with request coming in off a WCF service, this validates then puts the messages into an Azure queue in Cloud storage. In the same application we have a WorkerRole which reads the information from the queue and makes a call to our persistence layer which processes the request and returns the result. We...

How to Deploy a Workflow in the WindowsAzure Cloud?

Is it possible to deploy a WF (4.0) creating using .Net 4.0 in the windowsAzure cloud? Do we need to purchase a seperate BizTalk server account for this ? ...

What is the cheapest cloud non-BLOB storage?

I have an iPhone app that must use external cloud db to sync data between users. Data is structured, so BLOB storage will not do. So far the only alternatives that i see are Amazon SimpleDB MS Azure Storage (Tables). I didnt get if i could use just Storage and no Azure instances. Are there any other similar providers? ...

Using Dynamic LINQ (or Generics) to query/filter Azure tables

So here's my dilemma. I'm trying to utilize Dynamic LINQ to parse a search filter for retrieving a set of records from an Azure table. Currently, I'm able to get all records by using a GenericEntity object defined as below: public class GenericEntity { public string PartitionKey { get; set; } public string RowKey { get; set; } ...

Can I set a cap on costs in Windows Azure?

I want to set up a Windows Azure account. I'm an MSDN Subscriber so I get it for "free" the first 16 months. Still, Microsoft want my credit card number just in case I go over the free limit. In theory, this means I'm writing a carte blanche to MS to bill my credit card. I want to know if anyone has been using Azure and if there's any...

Azure Storage Blob Rename

Is is possible to rename an Azure Storage Blog using the Azure storage api from a Web Role? The only solution I have at the moment is to copy the blob to a new blob with the correct name and delete the old one. ...

Clean way to catch errors from Azure Table (other than string match?)

I'd like to get a list of all the Azure Table errors and figure out a clean way to handle them in a try...catch block. For example, I'd like to not have to directly code and compare the InnerException message to String.Contains("The specified entity already exists"). What is the right way to trap these errors? ...

Azure Table Pattern for deleting or updating multiple objects

I've been reading a bit of Azure code lately and wonder why the examples I see on the Internet don't seem to take advantage of multiple operations per round trip. Is there a reason that people don't code their DataSource like this: ForumDataSource.cs public void DeleteThread(params ForumThread[] itemToDelete) { foreach...

How do I convert a number to a custom 2char BaseX and back? (aka: How to do Azure Table Math)

Similar in how one would count from 0 to F in Hex, I have an array of numbers and letters I want to "count" from... and when I hit the max value, I want to start all over again in the "tens" column. I need this to increase storage efficiency in Azure Table, and to keep my PrimaryKeys tiny (so I can use them in a tinyURL). First conside...

Scheduling Azure Instances

I'd like to run a single Azure instance on a predetermined schedule (e.g. 9-5 PM EST, Mon-Fri) to reduce billing and am wondering what the best way to go about it is. Two parts to the question: Can the Service Management API [1] be used to set the InstanceCount to 0 on a predetermined schedule? If so, are you still billed for this se...

Where can I get a list of Unicode chars by class?

I'm new to learning Unicode, and not sure how much I have to learn based on my ASCII background, but I'm reading the C# spec on rules for identifiers to determine what chars are permitted within Azure Table (which is directly based on the C# spec). Where can I find a list of Unicode characters that fall into these categories: letter-c...

Cloud computing usage by region

Is there any way for me to identify cloud computing usage by region -- whereby cloud computing refers primarily to the use Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure. I have a product that is somewhat regional in nature, and I don't want to waste time customizing the solution to countries which are unlikely to bring much return in $$$. I can only p...

How do I determine the on-the-wire size of my batch before I submit it to Azure Table?

I understand that Azure Table will allow me to post up to 100 items at a time within the same partition. My question is how to I determine that the n-th object added to my batch will cause the maximum on-the-wire size to be exceeded? If this is about to occur, I'll simply save the current batch as-is, and append the new data. On a rel...

How to retrieve thumbnail url from Azure table?

How to retrieve thumbnail url from Azure table using LINQ query? ...

How do I extract "eTag" or "x-ms-request-id" from my Azure Storage response?

The Azure table whitepaper mentions that the x-ms-request-id is useful to send to Microsoft in the event there is an error working with the data. If I do have such an error, I'd like my try...catch block to take this and save it somewhere for future analysis. How do I extract this information and have it available when the Exception co...

How can I use fiddler between my local WebRole and local Table Storage?

I have a Webrole that is updating Azure Table storage, and I'd like to force Fiddler to see it. What needs to be done to make this happen? ...

How do I select 50 to 100 rows from Azure Table using the StorageClient?

I need to select several rows within a single partition of Azure Tables for later update. Since they all have the same PartitionKey, how do I structure my query to select multiple RowKeys? I'm interested in what the raw (on the wire) query should look like, and if possible the Linq query as well. I attempted this on my own and started...

Connect to a VPN from a .NET app on Windows Azure?

Does anyone know how to connect to an existing VPN from a .NET app running from a worker role in Windows Azure? ...

Which do I choose: Web Role with Worker Threads, or Worker Role with HWC?

I want to combine the features and function of the Azure Web Role and Worker Role into one. My driving reason for this is because I only need one of each, but the SLA is forcing me to get two instances of each role. Since 4 * $0.12 / hour is more than what I want to spend out of pocket, I want to combine purposes into two highly availa...

What are viable ways to develop an Azure app on multiple machines.

The scenario is that I am rebuilding an application that is presently SQL and classic asp. However I want to update this a bit to leverage Azure Tables. I know that the Azure SDK has the Dev Fabric storage thing available and I guess it's an option to have that installed on all of my machines. But I'm wondering if there is a less 'inv...