
windows azure in Xp

Is there any way to Install and program windows azure in Windows XP operating system? Any help would be appreciated. ...

Anyone know of Forum software that will run on Windows Azure Table ?

I'd like to have a Azure-Table based forum for my site. Rather than re-invent the wheel, does anyone know of such a thing? ...

Do I need external 2nd level cache for multiple NHibernate instances in Windows Azure?

I am developing AMF Flash gateway on FlourineFx application for deployment on Windows Azure and I want to use Azure SQL. I use NHibernate 2.1 + NHibernate.Linq 1.0 + FluentNHibernate 1.1 There will be two or more instances of this FlourineFx gateway and only 1 database. I am planning on implementing memcached as 2nd level cache later ...

Multi-Tenant in windows azure MVC2

Hello, Anyone knows how can i start to develop a multitenant site in MVC2, in a way it run on Windows Azure? I search a lot about this question, and i allways find theoric explanations, everybody says it can be easily done, but i dont find any sample... Can someone explain me where to start? Thanks, João ...

Read excel file and insert records in database in C#- Windows Azure

The requirements for my application is to browse for an excel file, Upload the file , read each row from the excel file and insert into the database. I am building this appliation in Windows Azure. Prior to this I have successfully used OleDbDataAdapter to read the data from the excel file into the dataset. The connection strings I use...

Running a .NET app on Azure

I have lots of experience running my app on Amazon EC2. It requires a low-end server, and I currently pay approx $90/month for the server (yes, I know I don't really need the scalability, but I still use EC2). I was wondering about the benefits of moving this app, which is purely .NET, to Microsoft Azure. Are there any experiences with: ...

How would you recommend doing stress testing to an azure cloud service?

How would you recommend doing stress testing to an azure cloud service? ...

Exception when deleting message from Azure queue?

I'm dipping my toes into Windows Azure, and I'm running into something that has to be simple, but I just can't see it. I have this small test to play with Azure queues: public void CanPublishSillyLittleMessageOnQueue() { var queueClient = CloudStorageAccount.DevelopmentStorageAccount.CreateCloudQueueClient(); var testQueue = qu...

How to create a new Table using Table Storage in Azure

I have tried to use the samples that Roger Jennings recommeded in his book, "Cloud Computing with Windows Azure", but he is using version 1. I'm using v1.2 and there is a lot of differences. Firstly, I had to recompile the StorageClient DLL with the corrected namespace and other changes. Then, when I use his code to create a Table at ...

ASP.NET TableStorageProvider for Azure tables not persisting users ?

I have a windows azure Webrole application using Silverlight on top of WCF+ASP.NET. I found this useful ASP.NET provider for Azure tables in the Azure samples and implemented it. I authenticate my users with the WCF service System.Web.ApplicationServices.AuthenticationService. It works great: I create my users with a very simple ASP.NE...

Is there an easy way to revert the changes that SQL Azure Data Sync Tool does to a local database?

Hi, I tried using the SQL Azure Data Sync Tool and successfully transfered a local database from my dev machine to a SQL Azure account. However, later on I noticed that the tool has silently made a bunch of changes to my local database - definitely not a nice thing to do without any notification or confirmation dialog. Does anybody kno...

How does ServiceConfiguration.cscfg and ServiceDefinition.csdef play with WebConfig in Azure?

Hi, I have a big Silverlight app which I have successfully converted and added a CloudService project. I have uploaded the database to SQL Azure, and from my webconfig file with a connection to this database on SQL Azure everything works fine. So, my next step, where I'm crashing, was when adding a Cloud Service to my solution and setti...

Microsoft.ServiceHosting.ServiceRuntime is missing on WcfAzureSamples

Hi, i have the latest SDK of azure and i downloaded Microsoft azure WCF samples. when i try to compile the solution, i get this error: The type or namespace name 'ServiceHosting' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft' (are you missing an assembly reference?) and i can't find it anywhere. what do you suggest i should do? tnx ...

Php Eclipse on windows azure

Hello, After following all the steps: Getting started with PHP on Windows Azure Tools for Eclipse Easy Setup for PHP On Azure Development When I do "Run in developement fabric" nothing happens (the packaging must be failing)..... Help please Thanks a lot! ...

How to do file upload in Azure-hosted Silverlight?

I am building an app that is entirely Silverlight. It is hosted on Windows Azure. How can I do file upload? There are a number of SL file uploaders, such as this one, which don't work for me because they are stand-alone SL controls - they can't be embedded in my app. I see a few SL file upload examples that seem straightforward enough,...

MVC 3 Preview 1 with Azure Development Environment

I am in the early stages of developing an Azure web project which will likely take more than six months to complete. The views which make up the UI would benefit from clean syntax provided by the Razor view engine found in the MVC 3 preview 1. The following exception is thrown whenever the site is run as an Azure web role: InvalidOpe...

Azure cloud service error in Development Fabric when I try to run in my Visual Studio

When I click the run button in Visual Studio, I stopped getting my solution to work. I checked the Development Fabric and in the status bar, I get the following error: Failed to register logger for deployment This is also strange because we the solution on SVN and my colleague has no problems at all. What does this mean?! And why did ...

Twitter Streaming API recording and Processing using Windows Azure and F#

Hello, A month ago I tried to use F# agents to process and record Twitter StreamingAPI Data here. As a little exercise I am trying to transfer the code to Windows Azure. So far I have two roles: One worker role (Publisher) that puts messages (a message being the json of a tweet) to a queue. One worker role (Processor) that reads mes...

silverlight RIA deploy not working on windows azure due to the fact internal role instances are on port 20000.

I have a Silverlight/RIA application that worked fine locally and on my IIS 7 server. Now that I've moved it to Azure, I'm getting EndpointNotFoundExceptions. Can you provide me with any help to try to figure out why this is happening? [EndpointNotFoundException]: There was no channel actively listening at 'http://rd00155d3a15d6:2...

Pulling data asynchronously from third-party web service on Windows Azure Platform

I want to pull large amount of data, frequently from different third party API web services and store it in a staging area (this is what I want to decide right now) from where it will be then moved one by one as required into my application's database. I wanted to know that can I use Azure platform to achieve the above? How good is it t...