
Web service performing asynchronous call

I have a webservice method FetchNumber() that fetches a number from a database and then returns it to the caller. But just before it returns the number to the caller, it needs to send this number to another service so instantiates and runs the BackgroundWorker whose job is to send this number to another service. public class FetchingNum...

How to dispose BackgroundWorkers the right way

I've got a Windows Service that runs BackgroundWorker's, and I'm wondering if I'm doing the right thing when I stop my Windows Service. Is it enough to: Let the BackgroundWorker1_DoWork method complete (I have a while loop in it now, doing some tasks) Set the variable that holds the reference to the BackgroundWorker, to null Is the...

background worker window controls not rendered

Is there any way to load window inside the background worker thread without using showdialog()? the background worker only terminate only after getting some input from the window. Here the issue is window shown but the button and other controls are not rendered even we don't have control over any of the window. private void backgroundWo...

BackgroundWorker RunWorkerCompleted in a Component

I'm familiar with the following: "If the operation raises an exception that your code does not handle, the BackgroundWorker catches the exception and passes it into the RunWorkerCompleted event handler, where it is exposed as the Error property of System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs. If you are running under the Visual ...

Having a Backgroundworker refresh splash screen

Hi, Would it be theoretically possible to make BackgroundWorker in a class to periodically refresh existing splash screen form, or is that impossible? (I know that it's probably bad design, but currently I do not see any better way.) Please keep in mind that: I do not want the background worker to do the loading as it would be terrib...

PHP: Prevent a function from returning value?

Hi everybody, How could I make sure that the startProcess(); function is being called, but without halting the execution for myFunction(). I'll guess that there's a way to call a function and prevent it from returning it's value to thereby accomplishing this? Pseudo-code: function myFunction() { startProcess(); return $someth...

Backgroundworker halts in between

I am starting a process lets say abc.exe in a background worker. In the beginning everything works fine but in between the newly created process i.e. abc.exe halts. Although I am starting abc.exe as hidden window but I come to know about its hang as it stops doing log writing. When I close my UI form then again abc.exe starts working. ...

BackgroundWorker and Progressbar.Show()

Hi, I am using Visual Studio 2010 and C# and try to get my progressbar to show but it doesn't work. I listen to an event. If it happens I want to do some work and show a progressbar while doing that. This is what I do: static void Main(string[] args) { ProgressForm form = new ProgressForm(); new FileWatcher(form).Start(); Appl...

Why does the BackgroundWorker in WPF need Thread.Sleep to update UI controls?

namespace WpfApplication1 { /// <summary> /// Interaction logic for Window1.xaml /// </summary> public partial class Window1 : Window { BackgroundWorker bgWorker; Action<int> myProgressReporter; public Window1() { InitializeComponent(); bgWorker = new BackgroundWorker(); bgWorker.DoWork += bgWorke...

How can I pause a BackgroundWorker? Or something similar...

I was using a BackgroundWorker to download some web sites by calling WebClient.DownloadString inside a loop. I wanted the option for the user to cancel in the middle of downloading stuff, so I called CancelAsync whenever I found that CancellationPending was on in the middle of the loop. But now I noticed that the function DownloadString ...

Cancelling long operation

Hi, I have a background worker running to copy a huge file (several GBs) and I'd like to know how to cancel the process in the middle of the copy. I can check CancellationPending property before the copy but don't know how to do it when copy is already in progress. if (worker.CancellationPending) // check cancellation before copy { ...

Can a Heroku app add/remove dynos or workers to/from itself?

Heroku allows you to add and remove dynos and workers on the fly and charges you per second that each is used. Is it possible to set up my app so that it can add/remove dynos and workers from itself depending on the load it's under? This paragraph on mentions an API, but I can't find out much more about it. ...

An affordable way to use multiple Delayed::Job queues

I have a Ruby on Rails app that needs process many background jobs simultaneously: anywhere from 5-6 at a time to up to 50-60 at a time depending on the time of day. Right now my app is running on Heroku, which charges $.05/hour per worker, regardless of how much CPU or memory the worker is using. This is costing me a boatload each month...

Background Worker Check For When It's Midnight?

I want to create a background worker for a WinForm that triggers code whenever midnight rolls by. I have an idea of how to do it, but I'm pretty sure it's not the best way to do it. while(1==1) { //if Datetime.Now == midnight, execute code //sleep(1second) } ...

BackgroundWorker might be causing my application to hang

I have a Form that uses a BackgroundWorker to execute a series of tests. I use the ProgressChanged event to send messages to the main thread, which then does all of the updates on the UI. I've combed through my code to make sure I'm not doing anything to the UI in the background worker. There are no while loops in my code and the Back...

How To Start And Stop A Continuously Running Background Worker Using A Button

Let's say I have a background worker like this: private void backgroundWorker1_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { while(true) { //Kill zombies } } How can I make this background worker start and stop using a button on a WinForm? ...

Read StandardOutput Process from BackgroundWorkerProcess method

Hi all, I'm working with a BackgroundWorker Process from Windows .NET C# application. From the async method I call many instance of cmd.exe Process (foreach), and read from StandardOutput, but at the 3-times cycle the ReadToEnd() method throw Timeout Exception. Here the code: StreamWriter sw = null; DataTable dt2 = null; StringBu...

When Something Occurs in a BackgroundWorker, Trigger Code on a Different Thread?

I have a background worker that runs and looks for stuff, and when it finds stuff, I want to update my main WinForm. The issue that I'm having is that when I try to update my WinForm from my background worker, I get errors that tell me I can't modify things that were made outside of my background worker (in other words, everything in my...

BackgroundWorker.ReportProgress confusing examples?

In almost all tutorials of BackgroundWorker the reportProgress event is handled like this (this example is from MSDN private void bw_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker; for (int i = 1; (i <= 10); i++) { if ...

Popping a MessageBox for the main app with Backgroundworker in WPF

Hi there, In a WPF app, I am using a BackgroundWorker to periodically check for a condition on the server. While that works fine, I want to pop a MessageBox notifing the users if something fails during the check. Here's what I have: public static void StartWorker() { worker = new BackgroundWorker(); worker.DoWork += DoSomeWor...