
Getting current path in variable and using it

I would like to extract the current path in a variable and use it later on in the script Something like: myvar = pwd Later on: cd myvar But my bash skills have rusted over the years. How would i go on about doing that? ...

does netbeans support coloring for .sh (bash) scripts?

I use netbeans 6.8 beta and when i load .sh (bash) file it's not colored at all. i can add a new file association for the .sh extension but it doesn't seem that there is a known associated mime type. ...

bash script - select from database into variable

I need a variable to hold results retrieved from the database. So far this is basically what I'm trying with no success. myvariable=$(mysql database -u $user -p $password | SELECT A, B, C FROM table_a) My understanding of bash commands is not very good as you can see. ...

Bash command to open largest file

I feel like this should be simple, but can't figure it out: What's the bash command(s) to look through a folder and open the largest file using VIM? ...

Who can hack the code to make it work with .icon?

The code is from here I tried it,but it generates the same icon to me! EDIT to be more specific,I want to create an icon like #!/usr/bin/env bash nargs=$# if [ $nargs -eq 0 ] then echo "Error - No arguments provided !" echo "" echo "animate converts rectangular image to a scrolling animated gif" echo "Usage : " e...

Conditional statament inside expect command called from a bash script

I've been trying to automate some configuration backups on my cisco devices, i've already managed to do the script that accomplishes the task but I'm trying to improve it to handle errors too. I think that's necessary to catch the errors on two steps, first just after the 'send \"$pass\r\"' to get login errors (access denied messages) a...

Bash scripting - execute and grep command inside script

Okay, so I'm learning Bash, and there's that exercise; "Write a script that checks every ten seconds if the user 'user000' is logged in." My idea is to grep a who, but I don't know how to incorporate this into a script. I tried things like if [ `who | grep "user000"` ] then things but it returns the matched lines with grep, not true...

Arrange Log Entries into Dated Files

I'm trying to split a large log file, containing log entries for months at a time, and I'm trying to split it up into logfiles by date. There are thousands of line as follows: Sep 4 11:45 kernel: Entry Sep 5 08:44 syslog: Entry I'm trying to split it up so that the files, logfile.20090904 and logfile.20090905 contain the entries. I'v...

Command as window's name in Ubuntu's ZSH

How can you convert the following command for Ubuntu's ZSH? DavidPashley's command for Bash trap 'echo -e "\e]0;$BASH_COMMAND\007"' DEBUG if [ "$SHELL" = '/bin/bash' ] then case $TERM in rxvt|*term) set -o functrace trap 'echo -ne "\e]0;$BASH_COMMAND\007"' DEBUG export PS1="\e]0;$TERM\00...

bash: fail if script is not being run by root

I have a bash script that installs some software. I want to fail as soon as possible if it is not being run by root. How can I do that? ...

Is there a good way to detect a stale NFS mount

I have a procedure I want to initiate only if several tests complete successfully. One test I need is that all of my NFS mounts are alive and well. Can I do better than the brute force approach: mount | sed -n "s/^.* on \(.*\) type nfs .*$/\1/p" | while read mount_point ; do timeout 10 ls $mount_point >& /dev/null || echo "stale...

Terminate running commands when shell script is killed

For testing purposes I have this shell script #!/bin/bash echo $$ find / >/dev/null 2>&1 Running this from an interactive terminal, ctrl+c will terminate bash, and the find command. $ ./ 13227 <Ctrl+C> $ ps -ef |grep find $ Running it in the background, and killing the shell only will orphan the commands running in the scr...

Bash loop - tokenize on lines rather than words

I'm writing a script to do variable substitution into a Java properties file, of the format name=value. I have a source file, source.env like this: TEST_ENV_1=test environment variable one TEST_ENV_2= #this is a comment with an equal sign=blah TEST_ENV_3=/var/log/test/env/2.log My script will replace eve...

Preserving leading white space while reading>>writing a file line by line in bash

I am trying to loop through a directory of text files and combine them into one document. This works great, but the text files contain code snippets, and all of my formatting is getting collapsed to the left. All leading whitespace on a line is stripped. #!/bin/sh OUTPUT="../best_practices.textile" FILES="../best-practices/*.textile" fo...

BASH: Copy named files recursively, preserving folder structure

I was hoping: cp -R src/prog.js images/icon.jpg /tmp/package would yield a symmetrical structure in the destination dir: /tmp | +-- package | +-- src | | | +-- prog.js | +-- images | +-- icon.jpg but instead, both of the files are copied into /tmp/package. A flat copy. (This is on OSX). ...

Why does bash ignore newlines when doing for loop over the contents of a C-style string?

Why does the following... c=0; for i in $'1\n2\n3\n4'; do echo iteration $c :$i:; c=$[c+1]; done print out... iteration 0 :1 2 3 4: and not iteration 0 :1: iteration 1 :2: iteration 2 :3: iteration 3 :4: From what I understand, the $'STRING' syntax should allow me to specify a string with escape characters. Shouldn't "\n" be in...

Command substitution in the same shell, db2 reports no connection

I have the following snippet in a bash script: db2 connect to $DB var=$(db2 -x "$query" | tr -d " ") $query holds a select count query, -x just prints out the result of the command with no headers so var would be assigned to a number. What happens is that $(...) is executed in a subshell and doesn't inherit the connection to DB2 resu...

How to get the PID of a process that is piped to another process in Bash?

Hi, I am trying to implement a simple log server in Bash. It should take a file as a parameter and serve it on a port with netcat. ( tail -f $1 & ) | nc -l -p 9977 But the problem is that when the netcat terminates, tail is left behind running. (Clarification: If I don't fork the tail process it will continue to run forever even the ...

FreeBSD, MySQL, Perl, bash: intermittent blocking on named pipes?

This is weird and I'm not sure who the culprit really is. I'm doing some scripting, on FreeBSD (6.2)? which makes extensive use of the following bashism: do_something <(mysql --skip-column-names -B -e 'select ... from ... where ...;') ... where "do_something is a somewhat crufty utility (in Perl) that won't read from a pipeline. If ...

Is there a grep or shell script that uses a regex to change filenames?

How can I recursively change xxx-xxx_[a-zA-Z]+_\d+_(\d+)\.jpg into $1.jpg? ...