
SQL Server 2008 - Execute Batch Job and Bulk Insert in T-SQL

Hi I am faced with an interesting problem and I am not even sure if it is possible: I need to create a Stored Procedure in SQL Server 2008 that when executed does the following: Executes a Batch file - located on the SQL Server (i.e. C:\Mybatchfile.bat) - This Batch file will output a single text file to a directory on the SQL Server...

Writing a simple bat file?

I am writing a simple batch file and i get this "The syntax of the command is incorrect" error for the if statement.The batch file is as below: @echo off set ARCH=%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% if %ARCH% == 'x86' ( ) I also tried if %ARCH% EQU 'x86' What is wrong with the if statement? ...

How to get around batch file processing limit

I have a Windows batch file that processes all the files in a given directory. I have 206,783 files I need to process: for %%f in (*.xml) do call :PROCESS %%f goto :STOP :PROCESS :: do something with the file program.exe %1 > set /a COUNTER=%COUNTER%+1 goto :EOF :STOP @echo %COUNTER% files processed When I run the batch file,...

win32 batch files: gather and concatenate all matching files

In a Windows batch file, I want to construct a classpath of .jar files in a trusted directory. I thought this might work: set TMPCLASSPATH= for %%J in (*.jar) do set TMPCLASSPATH=%TMPCLASSPATH%;%%J This doesn't seem to work, since %TMPCLASSPATH% appears to be evaluated once at the beginning of the for loop. Any suggestions? ...

Run bat file in Java and wait

You would think that launching a bat file from Java would be an easy task but no... I have a bat file that does some sql commands for a loop of values read from a text file. It is more or less like this: FOR /F %%x in (%CD%\listOfThings.txt) do sqlcmd -Slocalhost\MSSQL %1 %2 -d %3 -i %CD%\SQLScripts\\%%x exit Don't worry about the spe...

How do I make a shortcut for a Perl program under Windows using a DOS batch file?

I'm trying to "hide" some of my perl program from the end user to make things easier on them. I'm doing what I can to keep them out of the command prompt. The program itself has a GUI designed in Perl/Tk, so they don't have to worry about the command prompt. Could I write out a quick batch file that goes along the lines of: START perl ...

Run bat file in Java and wait 2

This is a followup question to my other question : The reason i am posting this as a separate question is that the one i already asked was answered correctly. From some research i did my problem is unique to my case so i decided to create a new question. Please go ...

Dos create a batch file and run with multiple C++ programs.

Respected sirs, My name is @nimit. I want to create a batch file and run it in a DOS prompt. The batch file will execute a C++ program I've written. The output should be stored in a single text-file. How can I do this? The C++ program output should be stored in a particular text file. Thanks in advance, @nimit ...

How to get the current directory the file executed is in using batch of windows?

I'm not familiar with this programming language,in PHP it's getcwd(). ...

Rogue black-box java application not responding to standard input redirect

I have an external java application (blackbox), which requires authentication. I need to run this application in a batch setting, but it seems to be reading from standard input in some nonstandard way. That is, if I set the calling of the program to redirect STDIN to a file (... <password.txt) or pipe data to it (echo mypasword | ...), i...

Processing Semicolon on Command line

I have two batch files which is used to run a large c+_+ build, the first one starts the processes, creating directories and figuring out what to send to the second script. If certain information is presented to the first script, I have a routine that pops up a window and asks for a password. This is passed to the second script by callin...

Escaping an equals sign in DOS batch string replacement command

I need to replace some text in a JNLP file using a DOS batch file to tune it for the local machine. The problem is that the search pattern contains an equals sign which is messing up the string replacement in the batch file. I want to replace the line, <j2se version="1.5" initial-heap-size="100M" max-heap-size="100M"/> with specific...

how to suppress output in R

Hi, I would like to suppress output in R when I run my r script from the command prompt. I tried numerous options including "--slave" and "--vanilla". Those options lessens the amount of text outputted. I also tried to pipe the output to "NUL" but that didn't help. Thanks a lot, Derek ...

Display an image as a splash screen when running Windows batch file, vbscript/wscript or Python console script

Any ideas how I can display an image file (bmp or png) centered on the screen as an application splash screen when running a Windows console script based on a batch file, vbscript/wscript or Python console script? I'm not interested in a wxPython solution - that's too much overhead just to implement a cosmetic feature like a splash scre...

How to remove the first and last character from a file using batch script?

This is my input file content which I am using to copy to the output file. #sdfs|dfasf|sdfs| sdfs|df!@$%%*&!sdffs| sasdfasfa|dfsdf|#sdfs| What I need to do is to omit the first character '#' and last character '|' in the output file. So the output will be, sdfs|dfasf|sdfs| sdfs|df!@$%%*&!sdffs| sasdfasfa|dfsdf|#sdfs Batch script is...

The value returned from a function in a windows batch script is ignored in a FOR loop

Hi, I need a script that inserts a number at some point into a file path, like this: from C:\WINDOWS\system32\ansi.sys to C:\WINDOWS\system32\5.ansi.sys I made a function using a label and it seems to work fine, until I invoke it from within a FOR loop. This is the code I wrote: @ECHO OFF SET PATHTOPROCESS="C:\WINDOWS\system32\ansi...

Invoke Java via Batch File with Filepath Arguments

Hi there, I'm having an issue getting files loaded into an app called GCS, by dragging them onto the executable. GCS can be invoked on Windows with a bat file, which goes like this: @echo off start javaw -Xmx256M -jar "GURPS Character" %* If I hard code a filepath in place of the batch argumen...

Windows batch file to delete .svn files and folders

Hi,in order to delete all ".svn" files/folders/subfolders in "myfolder" I use this simple line in a batch file: FOR /R myfolder %%X IN (.svn) DO (RD /S /Q "%%X") This works, but if there are no ".svn" files/folders the batch file shows a warning saying: "The system cannot find the file specified." This warning is very noisy so I was w...

When appending to a file using Windows batch commands, how to append immediately after the next word in the file?

When appending to a file using Windows batch commands, how to append immediately after the next word in the file? For example, these commands echo here is the date of > c:\arun.txt date /t >> c:\arun.txt write the following text to the arun.txt file: here is the date of 29-03-2010 But I want the output to be like this: ...

Moving a large number of files in one directory to multiple directories

I am looking to create a Windows batch script to move about 2,000 files and splitting them up so that there are 10 files per folder. I have attempted creating a batch script but the syntax really boggles my mind. Here is what I have so far @echo off :: Config parameters set /a groupsize = 10 :: initial counter, everytime counter is 1...