
Batch files: Get absolute path

Hi, I receive a file that contains the following: \direcotry1\directory2\directory3\file1 \direcotry1\file2 \direcotry1\directory2\directory3\directory4\file3 \direcotry1\file4 \direcotry1\directory2\file5 file6 The amount of files in the file and the amount of directories are variable. What I need is the path only. \direcotry1\dir...

The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect, c#

i've written a console application deploy.exe which runs a batch script. Process p1 = new Process(); p1.StartInfo.FileName = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "installer.bat"; p1.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal; p1.Start(); p1.WaitForExit(); p1.Close(); the installer.bat conatins the following command. \shared1...

How can I compare two files in a batch file?

Hello everyone! I recently found this site and thought I might try it out because it seemed very unique. How can I compare two files in a batch file, and perform an action based on whether or not they match? I've tried something like: if file1.txt NEQ file2.txt goto label but it compares the actual string "file1.txt" rather than the ...

Number of files deleted from batch file

REM Detect how many files are on the C: drive dir /s /b C:\ |find /c "\" > NUMfiles.### set /p count1=<NUMfiles.### ##### TEMP FILES DELETED HERE, RUN CCLEANER, RUN MBAM, ETC ##### REM Calculate Total Files Deleted dir /s /b C:\ |find /c "\" > NUMfiles.### set /p count2=<NUMfiles.### set /a count3=%count1% - %count2% echo Number of fil...

Batch file variables initialized in a for loop

I have a batch file which initializes variables via SET inside a for loop, for a set of files on disk: for %%f in (%MYTARGETDIR%\*config.xml) do ( SET TMPFILE=%%F.tmp echo In loop %TMPFILE% ) echo End loop %TMPFILE% when I run this in a brand new command shell (without TMPFILE defined) the In loop echo is empty, but the end loop...

Controlling psftp in a Windows Batch File

How do I write a batch file to control psftp, but with a dynamic filename? Overall I'm trying to convert a video file and then upload it to my Apple TV. Here's what I have, it generally works, but the commands don't control psftp, psftp just waits for user input: echo Convert and Upload to Apple TV file Called %1.mkv ffmpeg -i %1.mkv -...

opening multiple pdf documents using batch file

Hello, I am trying to open several pdf documents using a simple batch file: ECHO OFF CLS cd Program Files\Adobe\Reader 9.0\Reader Acrord32.exe C:\Users\BW1.pdf Acrord32.exe C:\Users\BW2.pdf Acrord32.exe C:\Users\BW3.pdf Acrord32.exe C:\Users\BW4.pdf Acrord32.exe C:\Users\BW5.pdf Acrord32.exe C:\Users\BW6.pdf EXIT The above batch file...

Robust SVN export and copy script?

I'm looking for the best way to run a nightly script that exports a set of files from a SVN Repository to a local directory. When the export finishes, copy the contents of the local directory to several remote servers. This will be a scheduled back job running on a Windows Server 2003 machine. Remote servers are all on the network, so t...

Launch .jar files with command line arguments (but with no console window)

I have to do a demo of an application, the application has a server.jar and client.jar. Both have command line arguments and are executable. I need to launch two instances of server.jar and two instances of client.jar. I thought that using a batch file was the way to go, but, the batch file executes the first command (i.e. >server.bat [...

How to use an iterating variable in a for loop in MS-DOS batch files ?

I have a batch file which does something like this for %%a in (1 2 3 4 5) do dir > %%a.output %%a just gives me a . How can I use the value of the variable %%a to assign the file name (e.g. 1.output, 2.output) ? ...

recursive renaming file names + folder names with a batch file

I like to create a batch file (winxp cmd) that recursively goes through a chose folder and sub folders and renames there files+folders with the following rules: from all file + folder names, all uppercase+lowercase "V" and "W" letters need to be replaced with letters "Y" and "Z". e.g. 11V0W must become 11Y0Z. I believe its possible...

Is there a way to associate an elastic IP address with EC2 instance on startup?

Hi I am developing the code to start an instance of an EC2 image on Amazon Web Services, there are 2 steps 1) start the instance 2) allocate our Elastic IP address to the started instance Is there a way to carry out both of these in a single command? I will be running a .bat file to start the instance, and then when the instance is ...

How do I make a batch file terminate upon encountering an error?

I have a batch file that's calling the same executable over and over with different parameters. How do I make it terminate immediately if one of the calls returns an error code of any level? Basically, I want the equivalent of MSBuild's ContinueOnError=false. ...

Return a value from batch files (.bat file)to a text file.

hi, I have a .bat file shown below @echo off for /f "delims=" %%a in ('C:\MyProj\Sources\SearchString.vbs') do ( set ScriptOut=%%a) #echo Script Result = %ScriptOut% echo %ScriptOut% >C:\ThreePartition\Sources\myfile.txt I want my output variable which is ScriptOut to be stored into a text file. Can anyone suggest any method to be a...

How to set ERRORLEVEL in SSIS?

I have a batch file that runs an SSIS job. I have no knowledge of how the SSIS job runs, I took over a project involving it. The batch file uses %ERRORLEVEL% to detect errors that occur within the SSIS job. It must be expanded to report other errors too. How do I set the ERRORLEVEL in SSIS? ...

Batch File Display Startup Items

Hey guys Just wonderin' if anyone here knows how to display startup items from within a batch file? ...

Batch file redirection

I have a batch file which invokes my IDE, so I just want to know if we could extract the contents present in my IDE(whole contents) to some text files. My batch file is written below D:\WindRiver\wrenv.exe -p vxworks653-2.2.3 run PAUSE Is there any more code needed to be added to my existing batch file?? ...

I want to delete all bin and obj folders to force all projects to rebuild everything

I work with multiple projects and I want to recursively delete all folders with the name 'bin' or 'obj'. That way, I am sure that all projects will rebuild everyhing (sometimes it's the only way to force visual studio to forget all about previous builds). Is there a quick way to accomplish this (with a bat file for example) without ha...

How are named parameters passed to a batch file?

One of the first lines in a batch file I have is this: IF "%FirstServer2%" == "No" goto :SkipSolution The variable %FirstServer2% is not declared anywhere, so it must be passed to the batch file somehow. So, how can I pass in the value? ...

installing nant with a batch script

I have a nant build file which numerous users have to run locally. Is there an easy way to automate the process of installing nant/nantcontrib and updating the matching environment variables on a windows system. I have thought off a solution where a folder containing the nant/contrib files and a batch script is copied to each station. ...