
Loop issue displaying data in TXT file with BATCH programming

HI, I want to display datas in text file. Here i have Listfile.txt and want to display each line using batch file. How to do this with looping. Below is my code for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in (Listfile.txt) do ( set /a N+=1 set v!N!=%%a ) set hostname=!v1! echo %hostname% pause Data in Listfile.txt: 4mLinuxMachine.cpp Shutd...

Nesting for loop in batch file

Hi, i want to nest for loop inside batch to delete Carriage return. I did liek this but not working please help @echo off setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in (Listfile.txt) do ( set /a N+=1 set v!N!=%%a ) for /l %%i in (1, 1, %N%) do ( echo !v%%i! for /r "tokens=* delims=" %%i in (windows.cpp) do ( ech...

copy variable data to new file using batch

hi THis is my code for /l %%i in (1, 1, %N%) do ( echo !v%%i! for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%l in ("!v%%i!") do ( echo %%l >> Linux.cpp ) ) Here i want to copy data in %%l to linux.cpp file Now what happening is if %%l contain abc.cpp this name is stored in linux.cpp. Here i want to store contents in abc.cpp to linux.cpp. Plea...

Write text file from batch file with embedded vbCRLF

I am using a batch file to write a vbs email file. I am unable to create the text body of the email which includes the vbCRLF code. When the TextBody is written to the Target file, it has executed the first vbCRLF, and the DOS returns errors as it tries to execute the second vbCRLF and the last string. Enclosing it in doucble quotes does...

Help with Batch Files?

What are batch files useful for? They just seem to be used to make viruses and other things...but it seems like shell scripting to me. Whats the uses for batch files? ...

Killing a process with taskkill /F returning code 0

Hi, I need to kill a windows process (java.exe). I'm currently using: taskkill.exe /F /IM java.exe I need to use the /F option since is a critical process,but in this way I get a return code 1 instead I need a return code 0 (returned when I don't use /F for killing other not critical processes) how could I fix this problem? Many tha...

change string in txt file

Is it possible using a batch script to change string in a txt file? For example, I have status.txt, which contains 2 lines: SingleSite integer1 MultiSite integer2 I want to change them into: TAG integer1 Engineer integer2 so SingleSite becomes TAG and MultiSite becomes Engineer ...

Getting the path of a batch script without a trailing backslash, but using a single line of code?

Suppose I wish to get the absolute path of a batch script from within the batch script itself, but without a trailing backslash. Normally, I do it this way: SET BuildDir=%~dp0 SET BuildDir=%BuildDir:~0,-1% The first statement gets the path with the trailing backslash and the second line removes the last character, i.e. the backslash....

Read the file and replace its filename with current date

Hello all, Question 1: I wanna append a list of filenames with a sequence no. at the back to current date , e.g. Originally: ABCDEFG-ALL-18269423.TXT ABCDEFG-ALL-18269521.TXT QWERTTY-ALL-18269530.TXT QWERTTY-ALL-18269600.TXT Result: ABCDEFGJul01.TXT QWERTTYJul01.TXT (Copy and rename only the file with latest sequence no. to anot...

Parallel/Multithread in CMD

I need to run a counter and a timer at the same time, but I'm not sure about how to achieve it. I have a batch file that counts the number of times any key is pressed in an easy loop made by a goto, once its done (keypress) for the first time, it fires a timer for 1 min; the key pressed in that time, must be stored in another variable...

Bulk Image Resizing with PHP and ImageMagick

Hello All, In the early days of my site, I allowed people to upload any size image they wanted. I now have client and server side config to limit new images to 2000px max, while maintaiing the origional ratio. So from the old config I have a heap of directories with large images that I need to scale down, I would like to do this on the...

Getting the current Revision number on command line via TortoiseSVN

Hello, I'm trying to write a batch file in which I need the HEAD revision of the project I am working on. Is there a command to get this from the command line? I am on a Windows XP Machine. EDIT I ended up using a mix between Shambulator, mizipzor, and Stefan's answers. I ended up with this: for /f "tokens=5" %%i in ('SubWCRev Workin...

move files to folders with partial names

hi, i have about 250 files that i need to move to a specific folder. the problem is that folder only have the partial name of the files. for example, i need to move file: "12345.txt" to folder "12345 - hello" as each folder starts by the actual file name. can i do this in a batch file in dos? thank you. ...

how to read registry string value from batch file

Hello I want to read registry string value, from bat file, and then assing the readed value to variable. I tried the following : FOR %%a in ('REG QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE\MathWorks\MATLAB\7.10 /v MATLABROOT') DO set MATLAB=%%a echo %MATLAB% but it doesn't work. ...

Batch script to pngcrush all files in all subfolders

I have a folder structure with one main parent folder containing many subfolders, and in these some PNGs, something like: .../data .../data/013523/ .../data/345343/ .../data/395338/ .../data/013523/filex.png .../data/013523/filey.png .../data/345343/filea.png .../data/345343/fileb.png .../data/345343/filec.png I'd like to crush all ...

How to make two batch file variables echo into a single line?

I am trying to create backup script for my ESXi server and I am running in a bit of an issue. I need to loop these 2 commands and then write them to a text file I call backup.list. It will contain all of the VM IDs and VM names I need to back. When I have the two loop commands run against the server they only return the last value, I k...

Using ExecuteBatch from Python on Google Calendars API

I'm trying to figure out how to add a series of events to a non-default calendar (and remove some) as a batch, but there's no hint of how to do it in Google's frankly awful documentation. Has anyone cracked this nut or does anyone know where there is actually useful documentation on using the Google Calendar API? ...

Pulling portion of file and storing in a variable within a Batch File

I have a file that contains some information about the product I work on. The information I'm specifically interested in is the version of the product. I need to read in this version and store it in a variable that I can manipulate so I can increment the version number appropriately. I'm trying to use a line like this: for /f "tokens=2...

Get Value of Registry Key

Hello all, I have a batch script that checks if a registry key exists and if it does exist then open Internet explorer. What I now want to do is get the value of that registery key and put it in the URL. How can I do this? @echo off reg query HKLM\Software\Test\Monitor\Settings if errorlevel 1 goto not_exist goto exist :not_exist :ex...

Batch: Remove file extension

I have the following batch script from Wikipedia: @echo off for /R "C:\Users\Admin\Ordner" %%f in (*.flv) do ( echo %%f ) pause In the for-loop all files with the extension flv get echoed, but I want the make some actions with the file(s) where I need one time the file without the extension and one time with the extension. How...