
PHP system batch args

Using PHP's system function, how can you pass arguments to a batch file? It would probably look something like this system("batch.bat argument", $output); I found out how to do it with a C++ executable here I'm guessing it should be relatively simple... What the real question is is how to receive the argument with a batch file? ...

I think I am looking for the ESC char to use in a DOS Batch file

The code that is confusing me: set CLEAN=\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\Directory One\Sub Directory\30% Dalton.txt IF EXIST %CLEAN% echo "It Works" This code will never work because the file name has a " % " char Is there a way to get around this and produce the Echo "It Works" ...

Run a batch file continuously after 20 minutes (windows xp OS) ?

I want to run a batch file which contain command arp -d * ( used to flush the MAC entry table) I want to execute this batch file continuously after 20-20 minutes .. regulary ? How can i do this with batch programming ? Plz guide me .. hoping for quick and positive response .. ...

Batch file trouble.

Hello I want to make a batch file and i have made it as set OLD_PATH=%CD% set PATH=C:\bada\1.0.0b3\Tools\Toolchains\Win32\bin%path%C:\bada\1.0.0b3\Include set CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=C:\bada\1.0.0b3\Include call g++ -I"C:/bada/1.0.0b3/include" -I -O0 -g3 -Wall -c -MMD -MP -MF"src/AnimationApp.d" -MT"src/AnimationApp.d" -o"src/AnimationAp...

Batch string replace

I have a variable like this "Folder With Spaces/filename.ext" When I pass it to my program via PHP's system command, arguments are separated by spaces system("batch.bat Folder With Spaces/filename.ext"); So I have it like this system("batch.bat Folder_With_Spaces/filename.ext"); Is there a way now that it is back in the batch pr...

how to copy a directory over another through Batch except from a specific file or file type.

Hi, I need to copy a file directory for a web site from one server to another when a change have been made i have this part working fine. But i need to copy all the file except the web.config. Is there any way in batch to copy a whole directory except a specific file or file type? Any help is appreciated. Kind Regards, Berty ...

Batch file to generate an executable file and delete the remaining files

Hello I have made a batch file to generate an executable file(.exe).Now my requirment is that in the process of generating the executable file my batch file should delete the other generated files such as .o and .d except the .cpp files.can any body specify code or explain how it can be done. ...

Passing argument to a .bat file which is user defined file (amongst many .sql files).

Experts, I have 2 .bat scripts called exportdata.bat and other is importdata.bat. Both are used to take backup of the data. in exportdata.bat i am executing following command :home_defined %MY_HOME%\database\bin\mysqldump -u root -p mydata>dumpfile.sql and later i am inserting date-timestamp and then renaming it to dumpfile-2010060...

How to find the offending insertion from a BatchUpdateException?

When I have a BatchUpdateException as the result of a unique constraint violation is there a way for me to determine which record in the batch insert is in violation? For example let's say I'm performing a batch insert by calling PreparedStatement.executeBatch() and I catch the BatchUpdateException which has as it's cause "ORA-00001: un...

Windows Batch: How to add Host-Entries ?

hello, i want to use this batch script to add new entries into my host file automatically by using windows batch. my problem: the script just adds one line to the hosts file, also when i run the script as a administrator, so what's wrong? :( @echo off set hostspath=%windir%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts echo

Unexpected exit from windows batch section

I am developing a batch file to collect websphere products information, it seems to work fine except for some cases. For some reason under some circumstances versionInfo.bat -maintenancePackages is called but the following code (check for manageprofiles.bat), it seems like it's returning from the :check section after calling versionInfo...

Can a batch file change the system date; save file with attributes; change date back to current date?

Can a batch file change the system date; save file with attributes; change date back to current date? Goal to save MYFILE.TXT with the date of 01-01-2010 using Batch commands. I have tried to set date=01-01-2010 and then save the file, but it didn't work. Is this impossible? @echo off rem to Run this Batch file as administrator da...

log in batch program

i have been formulating and doing a batch program that enables the user to enter his password,just like that, and i seem to arrive at nothingness, can anybody show me how to create a batch program that enables the user to enter his password?and run a specific program when log in is successfull, by the way, i am using windows xp sp2 ...

How to run Scala compiled classes from a different directory

Under Windows, I can run a Scala script from a different directory using a batch script like: Hello.bat: @scala "%~dp0Hello.scala" %* (%~dp0 will be translated to the path where the batch file is) So I can call it like this: c:\somedir>path\to\scala\script\Hello Hello World! c:\somedir>path\to\scala\script\Hello Moon Hello Moon! ...

Can a batch file capture the exit codes of the commands it is invoking?

Basically, let's say that I have a batch file that calls myapp1.exe and myapp1.exe exits with Exit Code 1. Can the batch file capture this information and either force the batch file to exit with that same exit code or perform some other logic? ...

Batch command for if filename contains "X"?

I'm trying to run a batch file through a folder and delete files if their name contains a certain string. I'm not sure how to check the filename against the string though. ...

Problem executing a batch file in Java

I am trying to execute a batch file in my Java application. The code is the following: Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /C start C:/Documents and Settings/Zatko/My Documents/Project-Workspace/IUG/external/apps/archive/run-server.bat"); When it executes, a error dialog appear telling "Windows cannot find 'C:/Documents'. make sure you typ...

Batch file to change all network shares on computer

I need to change all shares of //foo to //bar in a batch file. Say i have R: //foo/foo and Z: //foo/bar I need to have a batch script that makes them R: //bar/foo and Z: //bar/bar Anyone have any idea how to do this? I'm thinking of looping through somehow with net use but that's as far as I've come. Will be researching myself as well ...

Problem executing a batch file in a Java application

I have batch file, named run.bat which inlcudes the following code: @echo off REM bat windows script set CXF_HOME=.\lib\apache-cxf-2.2.7 java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=%CXF_HOME%\ -jar archiveServer-0.1.jar When I execute this file on a command line it works perfectly. However when I try to execute within a jav...

spring simplejdbctemplate batch update - array of strings

Hey StackOverflow, could please anybody help me out with an example of batch update of an array of strings into one column ? This is an example of batch update of an array of objects having getters public int[] batchUpdate(final List<Actor> actors) { SqlParameterSource[] batch = SqlParameterSourceUtils.createBatch(actors.toArra...