
How many digits will be after converting from one numeral system to another

The main question: How many digits? Let me explain. I have a number in binary system: 11000000 and in decimal is 192. After converting to decimal, how many digits it will have (in dicimal)? In my example, it's 3 digits. But, it isn't a problem. I've searched over internet and found one algorithm for integral part and one for fractional...

How can I analyze a closed format (e.g. doc or vce)?

I want to study the .vce format. It's a binary format and it seems more complicated than a simple object serialization. Does it exist any tool or technique to analyze a binary format? ...


I want to change the value of a couple of bytes in a large binary file using matlab's fwrite command. What I am trying to do is open the file using fopen(filename,'r+',precision) then read down the file using fread(fid,NUM,'int32') (this all works). Once I get to the file position where I want to write (overwrite) the values of the nex...

Binary file IO in python, where to start?

As a self-taught python hobbyist, how would I go about learning to import and export binary files using standard formats? I'd like to implement a script that takes ePub ebooks (XHTML + CSS in a zip) and converts it to a mobipocket (Palmdoc) format in order to allow the Amazon Kindle to read it (as part of a larger project that I'm worki...

How to find the location of a string in memory (have the physical offset)

Hello, i need to find a str[possibly n]cmp out of a hostile binary file. problem is there are a billion in the disassembly. I know it is there becuase of the help from strings. I am disassembling a binary that does not have 'otx' (the dissassembler that puts in the strings for you :) ) I need to know how to find the memory offset of th...

Edit (patch) a binary file in IDA Pro

Hi, i would like to know how to edit a binary file in ida pro (i just need to change one instruction!) (its ARM binary) thanks ...

Structure validation for binary files

I'm looking into ways of formally specifying format for various binary streams and using a tool to check streams for compliance with specification. Something like XSD+any of validation tools for XML. Or like extremely complicate grep expression working on a binary level (preferably not - that would really be hard to read). Does anybody ...

Can someone explain me the pack() function in PHP?

Hi, I would like to know more about the pack() function in PHP: I know it packs data into binary, but I'm not sure what all those v V n N c C mean and I was wondering if someone could be kind and give me a practical demonstration when to use which formats? The online documentation, for cha...

Forcing the ASP.NET Application to load the assembly from bin not from GAC

Is there any way to force my application to load the assembly from local bin directory since there is another older version of the assembly with the same name in the gac? I can't delete the gac version since other applications are using it and I am facing some difficulties when adding the newer version to the gac. ...

Mercurial internal:merge and binary file conflicts

Folks, I'm using i**nternal:merge** tool since I'm not a big fan of GUI diff tools. I really like it and the only thing I find a bit confusing and not quite convenient is its behavior for binary file conflicts. It can't merge binary files and exits which is absolutely correct. However in the directory with the conflicting file "foo" it...

How to GET data from an URL and save it into a file in binary in C#.NET without the encoding mess?

In C#.NET, I want to fetch data from an URL and save it to a file in binary. Using HttpWebRequest/Streamreader to read into a string and saving using StreamWriter works fine with ASCII, but non-ASCII characters get mangled because the Systems thinks it has to worry about Encodings, encode to Unicode or from or whatever. What is the ea...

Most elegant way to get all subsets of an array in c#

given an array: [dog, cat, mouse] what the most elegant way to create: [,,] [,,mouse] [,cat,] [,cat,mouse] [dog,,] [dog,,mouse] [dog,cat,] [dog,cat,mouse] I need this to work for any sized array. This is essentially a binary counter, where array indices represent bits. This presumably lets me use some bitwise operation to count, but...

Can bin() be overloaded like oct() and hex() in Python 2.6?

In Python 2.6 (and earlier) the hex() and oct() built-in functions can be overloaded in a class by defining __hex__ and __oct__ special functions. However there is not a __bin__ special function for overloading the behaviour of Python 2.6's new bin() built-in function. I want to know if there is any way of flexibly overloading bin(), an...

Understanding bitwise operations in javascript

I am currently storing data inside an XML doc as binary, 20 digits long, each representing a boolean value. <matrix> <resource type="single"> <map>10001010100011110000</map> <name>Resource Title</name> <url>;/url&gt; </resource> </matrix> I am parsing this with jQuery and am cur...

How to concatenate strings with binary values in python?

What's the easiest way in python to concatenate string with binary values ? sep = 0x1 data = ["abc","def","ghi","jkl"] Looking for result data "abc0x1def0x1ghi0x1jkl" with the 0x1 being binary value not string "0x1". ...

What is the purpose of hex-encoding for binary data?

I'm a bit curious as to why one would want to use hex encoding over base64. It seems to me that base 64 is more efficient. In particular, why is it that databases seem to always use hex encoding? Is it a historical issue, or am I missing something about hex encoding? ...

How to write binary data to a file so that it can be read fast back [gcc/C++]?

I need to write a file format that writes out data to a file and can read it back. It should be able to read the data back fairly fast, which should involve blitting a large block of data into a std::vector (since their storage is always implemented contiguously). However, when writing the file, I have no idea how to enforce constraint...

How to Look for a binary sequence in a file

Possible Duplicate: byte[] array pattern search I am trying to write a simple compression algorthm in C# and .NET 3.5 and I need to be able to search a particular file for occurrences of a certain sequence of bits. what is the fastest way of doing this? ...

WCF Service with Binary Data

I have a unique problem and I would like the capability to process an incoming HTTP POST request that contains arbitrary binary data. I can currently process this data using a standard ASP.NET Page handler or in an ASP web service, but I want to know if its possible to processing INCOMING binary data in a WCF service? Can I drill down ...

Print an int in binary representation using C

Hi All, I'm looking for a function to allow me to print the binary representation of an int. What I have so far is; char *int2bin(int a) { char *str,*tmp; int cnt = 31; str = (char *) malloc(33); /*32 + 1 , because its a 32 bit bin number*/ tmp = str; while ( cnt > -1 ){ str[cnt]= '0'; cnt --; } cnt = 31; while (a >...