
Android and binding to internet bookmark URLs?

Does anybody know if Internet Bookmark URLs are accessable from Android applications? Any way to bind something like a spinner to them? Thanks. Update: To add to my question: I've tried this code but getting just blanks back in my spinner. I confirmed I have bookmarks in my emulator: private Cursor cbookmarks; SpinnerBM = (Spinner) ...

how to bind a form with jQgrid?

I have a form with 3 text field and 2 combobox...I have send those data to server based on which my jqGrid will be populated...I can append the parameter like &text1=&text2& etc. Can someone point me towards an example based on binding form with jqGrid. Thanks! UPdate1: my approach <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ jQuery...

RelativeSource binding from a ToolTip or ContextMenu

What am I doing wrong here?: <GridViewColumn> <GridViewColumn.CellTemplate> <DataTemplate> <Button> <Button.ToolTip> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Title, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=Window}}" /> That's just a simplified example, that doesn't work anyway :) Actually I ne...

Can't bind child collection in silverlight

I have a pretty simple setup that I cannot get to work in silverlight. I have an order with a collection of OrderPayments. These objects are part of a Entity Framework model and are exposed through WCF RIA Services. I can bind perfectly fine to any basic property on the Order class, but I wanted to bind to a listbox to show the OrderP...

Two way binding with UI quirks

I haven't really done a two way binding project before, so this might be a simple question. I have an business object with all the right interfaces (INotifyPropertyChanged, etc...). I bound a Int32 property called CPP to a textbox named txtCPP via a BindingSource. The rules state that if CPP is less than 0, the text box should be blan...

Can you pass an array from javascript to mvc controller action without using a form?

I know that if I have a form with multiple elements with the same name I can use this to bind to an array, but is there any way to pass an array from a javascript function to an ASP.NET MVC controller action without using a form? ...

Assembly Binding Warning

I copied over my project to another PC. I have a reference to a assembly on my project. On this new PC, a higher version of this referenced assembly exists. I keep getting a warning each time I compile. The warning is along these lines. C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Microsoft.Common.targets(1360,9): warning MSB3247: Foun...

Flex Binding ComboBox to XML children

Hi All I am having some problems with my data binding and I hope somebody can help me. I have created a really simple example for what I am trying to achieve, which you can see below. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle" ini...

binding textbox with trackbar and with field in class

Hi I have problem with binding textbox with trackbar and with a property in class. I bind a textbox.text property to field `Progress` in my object. Next I managed to bound property Value from trackbar to TextBox Text property. If I change value in trackbar the textbox Text property also changes. However if I change textbox.text prope...

android: how to bind a sub-class to a service

I have a class the extends relativelayout. This class is inflated and added to a view by an activity. This class needs information from a service that I've created. What I'd like to do is bind the class to the service on its own thread but I'm not sure how to do it. When I try and call bindservice in the class I get a "method is not appl...

SpringMVC form bind to command object which is interface

I'm learning SpringMVC 2 and i have a form that i need to bind to an object (the command). But what if i need this command object to be an interface so i can use different implementations for the object (of course all the implementations will have the same fields). For binding a form that represents an Account i have this controller. Is...

Is this statically bound?

Say that I have a C program and it has this line: int a = 12; Is the value of 12 bound to 'a' during compile time? Or is the value placed into memory during run time when the scope of the program hits 'a'? What about programming languages like Python and Ruby? Are there languages/instances where a value is statically bound to a vari...

WPF: How to bind a numeric property to DataGridTextColumn?

I thought it should be a simple thing for WPF, but I can't make it work... I have an int property (Divisions) on my class and I want to bind it to a DataGrid column. <DataGrid AutoGenerateColumns="False"> <DataGrid.Columns> <DataGridTextColumn Header="Number of Divisions" Binding="{Binding Path=Divisions, StringFormat={...

WPF buttons are outside the datacontext and could not be bound

Hello, I have 3 Buttons add,delete,open as RelayCommands in my DocumentViewModel. Below you see how I have bound them. Of course those binding does not work, because the data is set to the ItemsSource of the ListBox and the buttons are outside of that... What I tried then is to set the DataContext at the first StackPanel you see in my ...

ASP.NET MVC Default View Model Binding of cookies to custom objects

Does the ASP.NET MVC 2 Default View Model Binding support binding a multi-value cookie to a custom object? Before I write a custom Value Provider, I would like to be sure that the functionality didn't already exist. So given an action like: public ActionResult SomeAction(CustomObject foo) where CustomObject is something like: public...

WPF - binding enum type to textbox

Hi I bind textbox.text value to enum type. My enum looks like that public enum Type { Active, Selected, ActiveAndSelected } What I wan't to acomplish is to show on textbox "Active Mode" instead of "Active" and so on. Is it possible to do that? It would be great if I could acomplish that in XAML - be...

SilverLight Binding Grid ColSpan

Can we use Binding for Grid ColSpan/RowSpan? For example, <StackPanel Grid.ColSpan={Binding ColSpanValue} /> ...

Binding a Value of a Custom Dependancy Property Silverlight

I have setted a property like this: public static readonly DependencyProperty ValorRegistadoProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached( "ValorRegistado", typeof(string), typeof(CampoInfo), new PropertyMetadata(new PropertyChangedCallback((d, e) => { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLi...

WPF Change a label's display based upon a bound textbox contents change

I have a bound textbox and I need to change its associated display label to bold upon the presence of any content. I dont want to use javascript if at all possible. Thanks ...

WPF binding screentip with relative source

I was expecting the title of the screen tip to show "X" as well, but it is empty: <Fluent:Button x:Name="rbNewProject" Header="X"> <Fluent:Button.ToolTip> <Fluent:ScreenTip Title="{Binding Header, RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType=Fluent:Button}}"> </Fluent:ScreenTip> </Fluent:But...