
WPF Listbox with usercontrol as ItemTemplate DataTemplate Binding Issue

I have created a simple MVVM wpf project. The basic Idea is to display data about the annual Income of a customer and the loans he has with various Banks. The Model consists of 2 Classes , Financial and FinancialLoans. The ViewModel consists of 2 Classes FinancialVM and FinancialLoanVM Below are the VM Classes: namespace WpfTester.Vie...

EventDispatcher undefined in Flex 4 class

Hi all, My class in ActionScript works perfectly, it all it's job but my only concern is that I have a textfield binded to a getter property and although this initially works perfectly, whenever the property updates the value will not change on the textfield =( public function get XMLCollisions():String { var s:String = new String();...

Problems binding data to dropdownlist in MVC

Hi guys, Learning MVC and having major trouble over the last two days trying to bind data from a database to a dropdownlist in MVC. I'm currently following the nerddinner tutorial. I have followed it exactly and somehow still ended up with this error. The ViewData item that has the key 'Dinner.Country' is of type 'System.Strin...

spring-mvc + jpa: data binding

I have simple application which manages football teams and matches. I am using JPA, in the form editMatch.jsp i have property team_1, team_2 (instance of class Team) for choosing the team from the list. The problem is when editing match, the team_1 and team_2 dont select in the list, and after submitting the error message is: Property t...

WPF: Passing Button.Content as ConverterParameter

hi guys, say I have this Button markup: <Button Visibility={Binding Path=Mode, Converter{StaticResource VisibilityConverter}, ConverterParameter=<i want Button.Content here>} Where the Button.Content is something I want to put at the expression for ConverterParameter. It refers to the current Button's Content property. Thanks, any hel...

DevExpress WPF grid bound to List<String> using MVVM

Hi All, I am trying to do something that should be simple, but think I am just not seeing the answer. I have a List with several strings. I would like to bind it to a DevExpress DXGrid. It appears that the grid is showing the correct number of row, but not displaying my text. I am using the MVVm patern and have seperated my ViewMode...

Late binding of COM->NET call with enum value argument(s)

First, note that this is just a learning exercise for me. The intent is to produce a .NET messagebox using nothing but pure C++ (not C++/CLI) and late binding as necessary. This works fine with just a title and text in the messagebox. However, when I try to specify buttons I get back 2147942487 "The parameter is incorrect". On the .NET...

Binding StringFormat

I have a collection of textblocks that I'm going to be showing and I'm needing the text of each textblock to be displayed differently. I'm currently saving the format string in the tag property and I'm needing to display the text in this format. How do I bind the StringFormat section? Something like the section below: <TextBlock Tag="{...

Silverlight complex binding

Hi. I've the page: <view:PhoneApplicationPageBase x:Class="Exadel.CCHMobile.View.NewsView" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:phone="clr-namespace:Microsoft.Phone.Controls;assembly=Microsoft.Phone" xmlns:shell="clr-namesp...

Binding TextBlock to complex properties

ys, I need help understanding why a field is not being updated: I have two sample class both deriving from Observable that simply implements INotifyPropertyChanged. public class ClassA : Observable { string p1; public string Property1 { get { return p1; } set { ...

wpf - binding datacontext to static properties of singleton class

I found myself using a lot of individual bindings to my App class for storage of properties and this led me to a untracable stackoverflow exception. I've now decided I would move those properties to a separate singleton ApplicationInfo class but I am having some issues with the binding. If I bind directly to a member property of my cla...

JSF: How to bind many of h:selectBooleanCheckbox ?

I have a problem to bind list of h:selectBooleanCheckbox to my bean. Anybody helps ? This is not working: <ui:repeat value="#{cartBean.productsList}" var="cartProduct" varStatus="i"> <h:selectBooleanCheckbox binding="#{cartBean.checkboxes[i.index]}" /> </ui:repeat> public class CartBean extends BaseBean { public List<Product> get...

WPF: Dynamically created text with clickable links in it via binding

Hi, I do want to create a listview which consists of many items of an own class. One of the properties is a text which can contain one or more links in it. Normally I use a textblock with a binding on Text to get this content displayed. Now I do want those text being parsed for links and then dynamically make those links clickable. I f...

StringFormat in silverlight Xaml and resources

I have format strings in my resource files. I am trying to access these from the Text attribute of TextBlock using FormatString Text="{Binding Path=Project.Name, StringFormat={Binding Path=WkStrings.DisplayProjectName, Source={StaticResource ResourceWrapper}}}" I am getting the following error: Provide value on 'System.Windows.Data....

WPF Data binding to project settings

Hi In my app, i data bind two text boxes to project settings. <Page.Resources><p:Settings x:Key="Settings" /><Page.Resources/> <TextBox Grid.Row="3" Name="textBox1" Text ="{Binding Source={StaticResource Settings}, Path=Default.Number_Of_Versions, Mode=TwoWay}" Grid.Column="1" Height="30" /> In the textbox i see the number of vers...

Collection Binding on CollectionViewSource Source Property

I've a CollectionViewSource as ItemsSource of my DataGrid...on Window.Resources I've this definition: <CollectionViewSource x:Key="ItemsPoolCollectionView" Source="{Binding Path=MyObservableCollection, Mode=OneWay}" /> now, I would do the same definition from code, so I've done this: Dim _cvs as CollectionViewSource = New Coll...

Bind value of property to result of some method in ASP.NET

Hi, there! I need to bind an ASP.NET control something like so: <asp:label ID="lblName" Text=<%# GetName()) %> and in CodeBehind file I have this method: protected string GetName() { ... } Is this right, or how I can do something like this? ...

How can I get notified that binding has finished?

I have an application to which I want to add a progress bar. It works in most cases. In one case the time is actually taken because of binding and layout work which is asynchronous, so my progress bar is hidden before the work is actually done. Its rather large list of items shown within a scroll view. I can't use virtualizing becaus...

Which language has the best Git API Bindings?

Hello, I am looking at building an application with heavy ties to git.. Are there language bindings available and if so which are the most comprehensive? Would it mean going to Bare Metal C? Or does perl python php C# have a set of full bindings? Thanks Daniel ...

populate listview dynamically

If i bind a data table to WPF need to specify the column names will automatically take that from the datable. But if I am binding a list-view to an observable collection...I have to specify the column header names for each column one by xaml file. So if I have a list of column names ->List<...