
Blending messages in and out with control or jquery

What would you suggest, if I wanted to blend text messages in and out (fade in and out) from codebehind ? My problem is the following: I have a couple of modalpopups in which I have UpdatePanels running and when the user submits data, I want to show messages (not javascript's alert) like "Saved." as pure text, that is faded in and out, t...

formula for alpha value when blending two transparent colors

hello, lets assume an alpha of 1 means fully opaque and 0 means fully transparent. lets say i have two black images which have 50% transparency (alpha = 0.5). if they are laid on top of each other, the resulting transparency is 0.75, right? if they would have an alpha of 0.25 , the result would be around 0.5, right? if they would ha...

Java OpenGL blending image colors

I'm trying to blend 2 images together in the following way: Image 1 should be drawn as the base image. Image 2 should be drawn overtop of image 1. Anywhere image 2 is non-transparent, it should replace the contents of image 1 (not blend, but overwrite what is there). Wherever image 2 is transparent, image 1 should show through. I've tri...

Photoshop-esque blend mode in web pages using CSS or JavaScript?

Hi, I am wondering if it is possible to blend two or more images together on a webpage using blend modes like you will find in photoshop (overlay, screen, lighten, etc). I know that this kind of thing is possible with flash and java, but is it possible without any plugins i.e. with CSS or JavaScript? I have seen a few javascript exampl...

OpenGL texture blending and translation

I've got two textures mapping to a surface, one is a checkerboard (the pattern on the floor) and one is a lightmap, both of which are blending and presenting just fine. What I'm having trouble with is making the lightmap texture translate prior to blending. I need to do this so I can simulate a flashlight scanning across the floor.... C...

ID3DXMesh::CloneMesh breaks blend weights?

When I clone an ID3DXMesh with blend weights the blend weights end up breaking (but not completely, mostly the arms and fingers are skewed in strange directions), my code is very simple: LPD3DXMESH pTempMesh; if( model /*model is a mesh with animations, bone hierarchy, etc)) { if ( FAILED ( model->CloneMesh( model->GetOptions(), pDe...

How to set background colour on Open GL ES Android

I am currently playing about with lesson 08 here I would like to change the background colour from black to white. In order to do this at the start of onDrawFrame() I have called gl.glClearColor(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); This does indeed set a white background screen, but als...

DirectX alpha blending (deferred rendering)

I'm having a major issue which has been bugging me for a while now. My problem is my game uses a deferred rendering engine which makes it very difficult to do alpha blending. The only way I can think of solving this issue is to render the scene (including depth map, normal map and diffuse map) without any objects which have alphas. Th...

cocos2d-iphone setBlendFunc()

Here is what my code look like CCSprite *sp = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:@"textureWithOneColorbackground.jpg"]; [self addChild:sp]; // Change the blending factors [sp setBlendFunc:(ccBlendFunc){GL_ONE, GL_ONE}]; [sp setColor:ccBLACK]; The original texture color is (246,149,32) The outcome now is (0, 0, 0) According to OpenGL, the cal...