
The body gets displaced (and part of the content disappears) on ie7

I have been searching for a way to fix this problem for a while now. It seems something could be wrong on the javascript, or maybe it has something to do with the positioning. This page works fine on FF, on Chrome, on Safari and on IE8, but on ie7 it doesnt, the body gets displaced to the right and the main c...

How to send data in the HTTP request body when using an HTML form?

The HTTP spec says that a POST request can contain an arbitrary body of data. An HTML form element can POST to a URL and may contain input elements, but those input elements get turned into a query string. How can I get a form to also send along data in the body of the HTTP POST request that it sends when its submit button is pressed? ...

Drupal 6: print all body field content to node template file.

I tried to display body content with: <?php print $node->content['body']['#value']; ?> However, it doesn't display all body content, it just display first paragraph of body content, sometimes 2 paragraph if it is short :/ I need to print all body. how can I do that? Thanks a lot! Appreciate helps! ...

How can I get NSURLResponse body?

Hi, I'm writing an application that connect with a server using NSURLConnection. In the delegate method didreceiveresponse:, if the status code is 404, I cancel the connection and I would like to show a message with a custom error that is generated in the server. The problem is that from response object, I only can get statuscode, he...

iPhone SDK Add Image to the Body of an Email?

Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew how to use an image in the body of an email when the mail app is opened. Can anyone help? Thanks in advance Kieran. ...

css help with background using a body tag

I need to add this background to a website and this is the criteria. I'm not sure what the right codes are, everything I try the background won't appear. Do I need to make a div or do I just put this info in the style section. Body tag The path to the background image is images/grunge2.jpg and it’s position is -40px and 0px. The font fa...

body and (*) Properties in css.

is body properties and * properties have different? i always use body and html properties same. can i use * properties with body and html? and what should be different in * and body property? i unable to understand that is this necessary to use these both property? if i use one of them than its create any problem? i use this *{ ...

javascript in the <body>

I used to believe that you should not insert javascript blocks <script language="javascript"> <!-- //--> </script> into the body part of a (what, HTML, XHTML?) document, but rather into the head. But is that still true? ...

Firefox issue: 100% body width stuck at 190px when resizing

Hi there! Ok, so, I have the following markup that opens in a pop-up window (the size is adjusted to 120px width and 300px height via Javascript): <body bgcolor="#000" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" style="width:100%"> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <tr> <td align="center" height...

I can't read my POST HTTP request's body with PHP !

Hi everyone ! I've never used PHP but right now, I need to write a PHP file that displays in a log file the content of the body of a POST HTTP request. I've read that you can access variables of the body via the _POST array. Unfortunately, it seems to be empty, although I'm pretty sure there is stuff in my HTTP request's body ! What s...

Jquery animation plugins HEAD versus BODY

with many things we do we reference external jquery plugins in the head and do things in the head like $(document).ready ..... We'll we are using ONE CMS that does link Jquery proper in the head itself, but we can't put anything in the head ourselves and just in the the body. My question with regards to javascript animation and other i...

Link on body background image

Hello guys, I am trying to create one advert that use both empty sides of the website content. So i add the advert image as a background on BODY tag. look nice. But the problem is to add a link to it. I start with onclick att on body, but them all site content become clickable. Also i try to use different z-index for body and the conten...

How to fadeTo() everything except one div???

I am creating a tutorial and want to fade every div on the page apart from the div I want them to see. How can I do this using fadeTo? I currently have it set to fade the whole body. How can I set it to fade the body apart from div id "step2"? Code: <script type="text/javascript"> $("body").fadeTo("slow", 0.5, function() { /...

Is it possible to load Jquery in the body of a page.

Hi everyone, I am using code-igniter, and some of my views require jquery. Because they must be used in multiple places they must call jquery in their file, however since they are referencing an external file, calls to $(document.ready) are evaluated before loading jquery and therefore fail. Is it possible to put jquery in the body and ...

how to extract body contents using regexp

I have this code in a var. <html> <head> . . anything . . </head> <body anything=""> content </body> </html> or <html> <head> . . anything . . </head> <body> content </body> </html> result should be ...

Cocos2d scroll layer on Sprite drag

I have designed a small tutorial named "Stacker", As the name suggests, The game involves stacking blocks on each other. I have a large number of blocks to be stacked and hence all cant be accomodated in the screen itself... I m new to cocos2d and box2d but have managed to create a body with its adjoining sprite wen a user clicks on the ...

Can I have <SCRIPT> tag inside <TABLE>?

I got to have a tag inside a table because PHP writes a code there that adds stuff to an earlier created Javascript array. However, I get a validation error (4.01 strict). Is there any way I can do this or is it simply forbidden to keep a script like this: <TABLE> <TR> <SCRIPT></SCRIPT> <TD> </TD> </TR> <...

jQuery fill the body with images

1) We have <body>, it's height and width varies (different resolutions). 2) Many blocks with images inside it, can be more than 50 blocks. 3) width and height are equal for each block. How can we fill the body with all available images, that can be visible on current resolution, and hide others? There should be no horizontal/vertical...

Where to include JS files - does it matter?

A few questions today :) I am using Codeigniter. I have a header view, containing my tags which contains the universal JS file loads. It also contains the 'layout' of the page, links etc, sidebar, and then it opens the tag and main content . This is closed in my footer view which is loaded after and 'content' view. In one particula...

Table and Body with two separate background colors.

Hey all, simple question I'm sure, but I would like to have the body of a page be one color and to have the table in the center a separate color. I tried specifying body color and table color, but body always overrides it. I'm attempting this in css, and I have a feeling I need to use a "not" excluder to make this happen? Such as specify...