
Bookmarklet and tinyMCE

function loadBookmarklet() { var scriptT = document.createElement("script"); scriptT.src = ""; scriptT.type = "text/javascript"; document.body.appendChild(scriptT); tinyMCE.init({ mode : "textareas", theme : "simple" }); }; i am getting the er...

Help with editing an existing Javascript file

Hi All, I'm trying to edit the readability.js file from It's a bookmarklet that "cleans" the current page by stripping everything except for the web page/web article title and body. However, I'd like to edit the script so that when the bookmarklet is active, the current page is untou...

An instance of tinyMCE editor in a bookmarlet

has anyone tried to get an instance of tinyMCE editor in a bookmarket? i tried the following:- created a widget.js file which get attached to the body when the bookmarklet is clicked. in the widget file i use the document.createElement to create a textarea, which i want as a text editor. tinyMCE.activeEditor.setContent(selectedText)...

jQuery, do something after loading external files.

Ok, the point is having a bookmarklet load an external js that creates jquery, jquery-ui and a css file on the current web-page, with everything being done cross-domain. For some reason by the time the jquery code runs, dialog() function which is included in jquery-ui does not exist. My guess is that jquery is executing the code before t...

Bookmarklet: Redirecting to m.*.* for Mobile Browsers & www.*.* for Desktop Browsers

Is there a JavaScript hack I could place in the URL field which would guide mobile browsers to "m." prefixes and guide my desktop to "www." prefixes, if I provide the "<domain>.<root>" suffix? I think this would be useful for both Weave and Opera Link users. ...

JavaScript Programming Help

Hello everyone, I have some previous programming knowledge but need some help with this. I need to create a JavaScript bookmarklet like the one that has. I want for this bookmarklet to have the following functionality and look: Popup on the corner of the page (which I could specify in the code) Display a count-up timer ...

document.write in status bar

I'm trying to create my own bookmarklet, and there aren't exactly a huge number of guides for doing so. Basically, right now I'm trying to figure out why I can't just do javascript:document.write("HAI, WORLD"), which has the unintended effect of replacing the window contents. It's my understanding from elsewhere that Javascript replaces...

Get the Latest Wordpress Bookmarklet

Hi, Can such thing as a "get the most recent WP release" bookmarklet can be done? I can sure use that link in my browser. Thanks! ...

Bookmarklets that work with Frames?

Over the next year, I'll be hacking on an off-the-shelf web app from a Major Software Vendor. While we will have access to large portions of the code base, I'll be working blind on some of the web forms. Of course, Major Software Vendor only supports IE 6 & 7. It would be really nice to use some of the bookmarklets I use in more "modern"...

Does any installer support adding a bookmark to user's browser?

Hi, I am looking for an installer application (hopefully cross-platform, but only Windows would also be useful) that has the option to add a bookmark in at least the default browser for the user, bonus if it can do all installed browsers. Does such an installer exist at all? The reason for this request is that I have a bookmarklet for...

Javascript browser Bookmarklet

I have the following javascript bookmarklet which opens a new popup window with a facebook post page in side of it. javascript:var d=document,f='',l=d.location,e=encodeURIComponent,p='.php?src=bm&amp;v=4&amp;i=1261526047&amp;u='+e(l.href)+'&amp;t='+e(d.title);1;try{if (!/^(.*\.)?facebook\.[^.]*$/.test(l.ho...

Can a function defined in a bookmarklet be called from a page-level script?

I have a bookmarklet that needs to open a new window/tab. In order to avoid the popup blocker, I need to call the method directly in the bookmarklet ie: at the browser-level. However, I want to keep the bookmarklet updatable by loading external Javascript files. To do this, the bookmarklet needs to append script nodes to ...

Bookmarklet for ScreenScaping[link text][1] outlines a strategy to parse a page and submit contents to a Google spreadsheet that depends on Greasemonkey. I'd like to adapt this approach to a simple bookmarklet where, instead of hardcoding in the page address to be parsed, i would manua...

scripting a google docs form submission

I'm trying to create a bookmarklet that parses a page and sends the results to a googledocs spreadsheet via a form that I've defined. The relevent bit of the script is: var form = document.createElement("form"); form.action = ";ifq"; form.method =...

Is there any way to have some javascript (such as a Bookmarklet) autorun on page load?

To execute bookmarklet code the bookmarklet needs to be actioned by the user. Is there any way to have a bookmarklet or indeed any javascript run automatically on page load? Or is an Add-on the way to go? Thanks ...

Bookmarklet pulls data from current page then injects it in a remote page

I'm working with a script that is scraping data from my currently viewed page correctly. Now I need to know the syntax that lets me inject (and submit) those values into a form found on a different page. code for the bookmarklet: javascript:var%20s=document.createElement('script');s.setAttribute('src',%20'

How to create a javascript bookmarklet to paste text into all textareas on webpage?

I have the following code which works to a degree with text fields but not textareas javascript:(function(){for(var%20text=prompt('enter%20text%20to%20fill')||'',ins=document.getElementsByTagName('input'),it,m=ins.length,i=0;i<m;i++){it=ins[i];if('text')it.value=text;};}()); Thanks for any help. ...

Sending Text Cross Domain By Bookmarklet

I need a user to navigate to a certain page that has a certain div full of useful text. Then click my bookmarklet and send the text in that div back to my server, which is different from the current domain. I have successfully inserted jQuery on the bookmarklet click and selected the text. Now I need to figure out a way to send that t...

unable to run an external javascript using a bookmarklet

Totally newbie about JS. I need to use an external script which modifies some elements in the current page accessing it as a bookmarklet. If I modify the html source code of the web page inserting the following < script > lines: s=document.createElement('script'); s.type='text/javascript'; s.src='script.js'; document.getElementsByTagN...

Firefox Or JavaScript, count the DOM

I'm sure this is simple but I have no idea how to do it. How do i count the amount of DOM elements in my HTML page? I wanted to do this in a userscript or bookmarklet but i have no idea how to start! ...