
How to make this bookmarklet work on Safari?

Hello, I am trying to make a bookmarklet test. Below code works on FireFox but couldn't on Safari 4.0.3. Does anybody know how to make it work on Safari? javascript:var s = document.createElement("script"); s.text = "document.write('hello');"; s.type = "text/javascript"; document.body.appendChild(s); ...

Loading page and executing JS on it...from JS bookmarklet?

Essentially I'm trying to navigate to a webpage wait for that webpage to load execute a JS function/alert/whatever on that page all from a single bookmarklet. Is this possible? I can't seem to get onload to work for me, but that may be because of my own personal failings here. ...

Executing bookmarklet code when a page finishes loading

I'm trying to set up a bookmarklet that will go to a web page, enter in some login information, and then automatically click the Login button for me. My problem is that if I simply go to the page and then enter the login information sequentially, the script usually finishes executing before the form elements are loaded. So, I need some...

Decoupling HTML from JavaScript in bookmarklet

(Can't think of a good title :(( ) Hey all, I'm developing a bookmarklet. When clicked on it creates a toolbar on the page the user is looking at. The above involves pulling various javascript and css files from my server and injecting them into the pages DOM. I don't want to encode toolbar's HTML as a string inside one of my javascr...

Does a JavaScript bookmarklet need to be a valid URL?

I've searched around but I can't find any information about this; maybe I'm not using the best search terms. Does a JavaScript bookmarklet - i.e., a link that uses the "javascript:" pseudo-protocol that can be dragged to a browser's address bar and opened on any page - need to be a valid URL? I've heard that it does, but I'd like to fin...

Bookmarklet Keeps going to new page

I made this bookmarklet: javascript:(function(){var s=document.createElement('script');s.setAttribute('src','');document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(s);$('#hldIntMain').hide();$('#fadeBackground').hide();return false;})() Formatted code: // Add in jQuery v...

Javascript Bookmarklet fails in IE8

Anyone want to take a stab at why this bookmarklet fails in IE8? It turns all text uppercase in Friefox and Safari. But in IE8, it simply stalls with "loading..." I've enabled running scriplets and lowered javascript security settings in IE8. Update 3/19/10: This bookmarklet now works in IE, thanks to sergey. javascript: (function(){ ...

Can a Javascript bookmarklet overlay an image on a web page?

Can a bookmarklet be used to overlay an image on a web page? Not as a pop-up, but as a image positioned by CSS and with a high z-index to display on top of other elements. And without a mask i.e., Shadowbox or similar jQuery effect. Just an image from a URL and positioned in the bottom left hand corner of the browser window. This is wha...

How can I distribute a bookmarklet in FBML?

I have a JavaScript bookmarklet that I'd like fans of a certain page to take. Unfortunately, the only way I've found of distributing it is giving them the raw JavaScript source, which is then problematic to add as a bookmark. Ideally, I'd use <a href="javascript:/*my bookmarklet*/">Drag this to the bookmarks bar</a> But FBML filters ...

jquery-ui from a bookmarklet

Hi I'm trying to create a bookmarklet which will use the jquery-ui - what steps must I take to do this? My bookmarklet loads a remote script and appends it to the page. This script includes jquery and jquery-ui, but getting the stylesheets and images is turning into a nightmare. Do I have to edit all the CSS to point images to their loc...

How does this Bookmarklet allow you to stay signed into this site?

Hello all, I have come across Evernote's bookmarklet and was wondering how this worked. You can just drag it to your bookmark and go to any webpage, click that bookmarklet and it will first ask you to login in. All this I have done already and know how it works. The bit that I don't understand is that when you log in they authenticate...

Show the focused div only bookmarklet

I'm searching to select a text from a div, then click on a bookmarklet that remove all html parts in the body except the div where the text is selected maybe jquery can help with something like : javascript:var%20s=document.createElement('script');s.setAttribute('src',%20'');document.body.appendChi...

How can I remove an inline onclick attribute with a bookmarklet?

There is an annoying website out there that foils attempts to "open in new tab" by using <div onclick=> instead of <a href=>. I've written a bookmarklet, using jQuery, that creates a wrapper <a> tag and inserts it within the <div> around its content. How can I remove the original onclick handler? ...

Using a bookmarklet to track a package

I'm trying to write a bookmarklet that tracks a package in the mail. First it checks to see if the tracking page is open, if not it opens it in a new tab, and then sets the value of the form to the tracking number. Finally, it submits the form. What I'm so far unable to do is set the value of the form in the case where the bookmarklet...

Javascript for conditional URL append or redirect based on window.location.href

I am trying to make a bookmarklet that when clicked will check the URL of the current tab/window to see if it contains 'char1' and/or 'char2' (a given character). If both chars are present it redirects to another URL, for the other two it will append the current URL respectively. I believe there must be a more elegant way of stating thi...

Javascript Bookmarklet - Opening Multiple Links on a Page

I want to make a bookmarklet so that when I go on Digg, I can simply click it and have the top 10 stories open up in new tabs. The HTML on the page looks like this: <div id="topten-list"> <div class="news-summary img-thumb"> <h3> <a href="/comics_animation/Pokemon_COMIC">Pokemon - (COMIC) <span> <em style="ba...

javascript to select text from web page

I'm trying to write a bookmarklet that grabs any selected text on a web page and sends it to my website. It should (hopefully) work in Chrome, FFX, Safari, and IE. I did a search and found a function, but it doesn't appear to work. Here is the code: <html> <body> <div onClick=getSelText()>Click</div> <div>please select me</div> </bod...

Using Bookmarklet to open and pass values from Parent and Child Window

Hi, Is there a way to open a window from the current page using a javascript bookmarklet, and once the the child window has finished loading, setting the value of one of the elements in its DOM to some value from the current page, say for example the currently selected text. I know that this can be done in plane javascript, and also, ...

Javascript - Problem with escape characters in bookmarklets...

Hi all, I've got a nice piece of javascript <script type="text/javascript"><!-- var d = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime()-86400*1000); window.location = ""+(d.getYear()+1900)+"%2F"+(d.getMonth()+1)+"%2F"+d.getDate(); //--> </script> That works entirely satisfactorily w...

Bookmarklet to edit current URL.

Hi, I'm looking for a simple bookmarklet to take the current URL of my website and refresh it with a couple of changes. For example: Take the current page: and change it to: https: // * then load that new URL. *(I added an extra space after https:// because I'm a new user so can't...