
Specific OpenGL Resources Required

I try to avoid asking school specific problems on Stackoverflow, but I've ran into a bit of a problem, and was hoping someone here might be able to point me in the right direction. I'm currently doing a Graphic Programming class in college independently (no class, just me, a book, and the teacher). However, the professor doing this is ...

Options for Publishing Programming Education Materials

I'm working on a programming class through the Twin Cities Experimental College. I'd like to publish the curriculum materials, and I'm open for ideas about how to do so. Pluses: collaborative editing CC license some sense of "book"-ness able to easily format code (python, specifically) I don't want to manage the server myself. ...

What made it "click"

For me, I would have to say things really started to "click" after I read Fowler's Refactoring book. Craftsmanship was not something that I was thought in academia. Most of my coursework taught language features, object oriented concepts, and theoretical stuff. Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code provided examples of "s...

.NET Framework Namespaces?

What is a really good book that lists and explains all the namespaces of the .NET framework. version 2 (3/3.5 is a plus)? ...

Linux GUI programming

Hello. Could anybody please tell me which is the best software to do GUI programming in Linux and some books for it? ...

Good book on Programming C in Unix environment?

I have this fantasy of becoming a really good C programmer, but I've found it very hard to find learning resources on tackling big C projects. I've learned C a few times (I forget the fundamentals, since I don't code big projects in C) from K&R, O'Reilly's Practical C, and A Book on C. However, none of these cover the existing Unix libra...

Recommended Data Visualisation Books?

I'm trying to decide on a good set of 4 books that would be considered the "best" books to read for people wanting to learn about how best to display and visualize data. I'm particularly interested in language-agnostic books (e.g. I'm not so interested in books specifically about Processing). Currently I have: Data Visualization - Prin...

Are there any books like the 'CodeNotes' series?

I stumbled upon a copy of 'CodeNotes for XML' and I just love it. It's a smallish book (like a pocket guide feel) with only a few hundred pages that explains XML just beautifully and offers a great layout for a handy reference book. The book was great at filtering out fluff that you find in most books but yet it did the job just as wel...

Recommended programming books published in 2009

I would like to know any worth-reading recent books (published in 2009) on programming/software. ...

What are must have good books/online Resources for Software Architecture ?

Dear Stackoverflow Readers, I looking for some really good must have books/online resources for Software Architecture. I am willing to understand different Software Architectural Concepts and learn more about them so would certainly appreciate if someone can point me to appropriate resources. Thanks, Rachel ...

Best books for search engine optimization or search engine marketing?

Thanks in advance! duplicate of ...

What are some good database resources online ?

Hi, Can anyone point me to some really good online resources for understanding Database Concepts. p.s.: My background is of Java Development. Thanks. ...

Suggested Reading for Design and Development of Software Programs?

Hi, I am looking for suggested reading for Design and Development of Software Programs, currently I am reading Code Complete and want to continue my reading as it really helps to understand different aspects of Software Engineering and industry best practices. Guidance would be highly appreciated. Thanks. ...

Books/resources for Natural Language Processing for non-academics

I found "Natural Language Processing with Python" today, and am wondering what other good, non-academic (the research papers tend to be too dry and/or specific to certain areas) NLP resources the SO community knows about. I'm starting-out in text processing for a couple hobby projects, and am keen to find good places to start :) ...

I'm new in Java. What to read?

Can you advise me as to some useful Java books to read first? ...

Looking for a good C++ book on data structures

I'm looking for a good book on C++ and data structures that would teach me everything about linked lists, how to reverse them, arrays, how to reverse them in place and any other tricks that seem to pop up during C++ interviews lately. ...

C programming book for long time Java developer?

I started to learn how to program when I was 8 years old with BASIC. After like 5 years of GW-BASIC, I started to program in C and inline assembly language with my IBM XT PC. In my high school days, I used to program in C++, but it was rather close to C. And then since I entered university and until now (10 years), I have been using J...

Java EE technologies after learning SE?

Ok so there are lots of nifty little technologies included in Java EE. When one learns SE, where should they go from there? I think what I'm looking for is more abstract/high level technologies that pertain to EE. I want to learn more and it seems to be difficult to find a book to transition into EE from SE. Where should I go from here? ...

Suggest a good book on ASP.NET projects

Can somebody suggest a good book on ASP.NET projects? It should give an idea of practical problems (I mean professional life) and how to deal with them, things like database handling, caching, n-tier architecture, etc. ...

Best book for Wordpress designers?

I recently finished the book Textpattern Solutions and it was a great introduction to the Textpattern CMS. It had me creating awesome, extremely dynamic websites in no time. I was wondering if there is an equivalent book to this for Wordpress? One that can be used half as a manual or reference, but also provides great examples of real...