
"Silverlight 3 Jumpstart" book, is it worth to read?

There are several Silverlight 3 books available right now on Amazon, but some of them are based on BETA version - which I don't like. Silverlight 3 Jumpstart book is based on the Release version instead and looks like a good book to read (based on what I can read on Chapter list). What do you think guys? Have you read that book? Should...

Recommended programming/computer book publishers

Any of us who have looked at dozens of programming books start to notice the differences. One of the first things I do when choosing a book is look at the publisher. So what are our favorite computer book publishers and why? Share your experiences of the books you've read. Please post only one publisher per answer so they can be voted o...

Recommended books to learn Java / web applets

I come from a few years experience in .NET, and played a bit with Java during my uni studies. Could you recommend any good books to learn the best ways to develop a Java web applet? ...

Can anyone recall my favorite childhood programming book?

Way back in the late 80s I was learning to program on my Tandy 2000 which had two 5.25" disk drives. My grandmother bought be a programming book from Radio Shack. It was a great book about BASIC and I really enjoyed it. I was hoping somebody might recall the title, author, etc? It looked kind of like this book

What to read after Kernighan-Ritchie?

I have finished K&R book but I want to learn some more advanced things about C. Which book do you suggest me to read next? Something with data structures? Let me say that I have already read Sedgewick's "Data Structures in Java", if that helps. ...

Best books on JVM

Every good Java developer (well.. any developer) has his own list of the best books on each technology. Like: Core Java — "Thinking In Java" B. Eckel, "Core Java" K. Horstmann; Advanced Java — "Effective Java", "Java Puzzlers" J. Bloch; Code Style — "Code Complete" S. Mcconnell; Design Patterns — "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable ...

Which one of the java spring books to start?

I am currently dealing with java spring framework and i have two good books to start but i dont know which one to go first? I have beginner knowladge about spring by the way. Spring in Action Spring Recipies ...

Book on translating particular business problems into software implementations?

I would be interested in finding a book that deals with some common business issues and how they are translated into software implementations. For example: a trading system - how requirements are gathered and an appropriate technology and architecture are chosen to translate this into a web application an integration project - an exam...

C for R programmers - recommended resources/approaches once past the basics

I would like to improve my C skills in order to be more competent at converting R code to C where this would be useful. What hints do people have that will help me on my way? Background: I followed an online Intro to C course a few years ago and that plus Writing R Extensions and S Programming (Venables & Ripley) enabled me to convert b...

Best book to learn MFC internals

Hi All, Which book you suggest by which any bit experienced MFC programmer can learn much dipper, about internal design or architecture and structures and how the whole things works. If anyone knows any book or online reference... Thanks, Bhavesh Bagadiya ...

ASP.NET MVC free book

Can anyone point me to a free ASP.NET MVC book? ...

Book resources for x86/x64 assembly programming on Win platform

Hello, I ran a search for assembly language resources on and found some interesting results, but they seemed to boil down to two groups: 1) Assembly references to old ia32 architecture, such as the 80386 to Pentium 2) Windows agnostic books. Most of the commenters make the point that assembler is CPU dependent and tha...

How can we teach managers how Software Development works?

In my current company the management does not understand how software development works. You may have heard the quote: "But why can't we develop this from a external company? Ferrari does not produce their screws themselves!" Which is somewhat correct, but does not apply to Software development. I am getting tired to explain ...

Probabilities & Statistics, learning material

I'm not sure how to post this. So I'm setting the question as CW off the bat. Hope you don't mind. It relates to programming in the sense this is where I will be applying it. But it is not a programming question. I'm in need of learning material (in the shape of books preferably) that can teach me Probability and Statistics from the gro...

How to become computer scientist Online?

I think I am good at programming, so will call myself computer engineer in the sense that to solve a problem I do find good solutions but I wouldn't say I have deep knowledge of computer science as such, which I do want to learn, but I do not want to buy any book a) they are heavy b) they are costly So what online resources you think I ...

Best Book on Operating Systems

What is the best, up-to-date and comprehensive book on operating systems? Voice your opinion. I have seen recommendations for Tanenbaum's Modern Operating Systems but the reviews saying the latest edition has many conceptual errors and numerous typos make me worry. ...

What is a good book that teaches n-tier development?

I would like to learn how to do n-tier development. I would likd to separate my web application to multiple layers: Presentation Layer Business logic layer Data Access Layer Does anyone have any advice on any resources that would help me learn how to build applications in this manner? Note: Some programmers have advised me to use "S...

iPhone Book Application Help

Hello fellow programmers, What im tyring to create is an application the utilizes book features like when the user drags a touch or just touches the right screen the page turns, the book im trying to create has atleats 300 pages. What i need is a starting point on how to access the text data and display it on a view. When the user chang...

What is the best, sexiest book on software testing that is also useful?

I've read a number of great books on software design, software management. In these books, you can find authors with passion and readers who get excited about the latest thing, whether it's agile, patterns, BDD. A typical engineering team is constantly buzzing about these things and arguing in the halls about whether buzzword X is a load...

Good Book on Writing a 3D Modelling Application in Java

Hi :), Does anyone know a good book on how to write a 3D Modelling Application in Java? Thanks Q Edit: Thanks for the suggestion. ...