
Getting started with Objective-C and the iPhone SDK

So I finally got a Mac to play around with and I'm downloading the massive iPhone SDK. Do any of you iPhone/Mac programmers have a favorite book? Site? Tutorial to get started with? I haven't touched C code in a long time and have only briefly seem some Objective-C code. I'm a full time dev, so I have a programming backgroun...

.Net 4 DLR - Any books in the pipeline?

I've also been reading through all the documentation about the DLR as this environment is truly exciting for somebody with my kind of tastes! Now - the documentation is quite, well, heavy; even if nice and detailed - and I'm hoping that with such a huge addition to the .Net framework proper (till now it's been a sideline) that somebody ...

generalist book for web2.0

I need to learn web20 frontend. Javascript, jquery, dom, ajax, css. A quick search reveals the best JS books which don't cover all of my goals. From reading the table of contents: JavaScript-Good-Parts-Douglas-Crockford is the defacto JS intro book, but covers syntax only, no intermediate web JavaScript-Definitive-Guide-David-Flanagan...

Is there a OOSC-3 (Meyer) coming up and a new Abelson in the near future?

These books are a bit old, and are there any new editions coming up in the near future or are there sayings universal and sort of timeless? And which are their competitors in the same category? ...

OCaml resources?

Hello, I need to learn this language for my thesis so I was wondering which good resources are available like books or free tutorials? Is there any "bible" reference book that I should consider? Ok, I can search over google but I think that having feedback about resources works better if it's directly from ocaml programmers.. ...

Objective-C-Cocoa book recommendation for an AS3 developer.

Hi Just looking for more recommendations for great Ojective-C-Cocoa books. My ideal book would be one with actual hands-on walk thru examples increasing in complexity and doesn't spend unnecessary time on basic OOP. Trying to leverage what knowledge I DO have in Actionscript 3. (or maybe its all about unlearning?) ...

F# Book Recommendation

Possible Duplicates: What’s a good book for learning F#? Good F# Programming Books With the upcomming release of Visual Studio 2010, I want to broaden my knowledge of F# and functional programming in general. Which particular book(s) can you recommend and why? ...

Recommendation To Learn FreeBASIC

I'm now going to have a home project that I need to learn FreeBASIC, and it syntax is like QuickBASIC as on the wiki: FreeBasic is a BASIC compiler with syntax compatible to QuickBasic, with several improvements that make it a viable compiler for Operating System Development. But what did you suggest to me? More suggestion...

Suggestions requested on what to cover in seminar on `Recent Trends in Virus & Anti-virus Stratagies`

I'm going to give a seminar on "Recent Trends in Virus & Anti-virus Strategies" as a part of my course work in my Post Graduation. I got two months of time. So, I want to fully utilize this period. I myself chosen this topic because I want to master this area. I previously asked

Learn Python 2.x from Dive Into Python 3?

I keep hearing that Dive Into Python 3 is more pythonic than Dive Into Python. I have some experience in programming, but at the same time I'm new to Python (only went thru the official tutorial so far). I will be using Python 2.x at work. Would it make sense to use Dive Into Python 3 to learn Python 2.x? ...

Enforced reading list for development & test team

Seriously, is this a good idea? Is it reasonable to instruct your team to read certain books - outside of business hours! Before you write me off as a crackpot, bear with me... I head a medium-sized team (6 developers and 5 testers). We have quite a well documented software dev process that we adhere to most of the time. In o...

Is there a book/web site “VB.NET from a C# mind set”?

see also Good VB.Net 2008/3.5 Reference Book? and Converting C# knowledge to VB.NET any potential problems? Or other good resource for an experienced (5 years C#, before that 10 years C/C++) C# programmer to learn VB.NET. I am being forced to program in and understand a lot of VB.NET code (I was not told that most of code w...

Fault Tolerant Computing Learning Resources.

Hi All, I am planning to take a course on “Fault Tolerant Computing” Does anybody know some good learning resource about this subject? Public domain books/tutorials would be very handy. Thanks ...

Effective Java by Joshua Bloch

I keep hearing very good things about the book Effective Java by Joshua Bloch I'm new to Java and OO in general. Can anyone please tell me what exactly does this book teach and when is the right time to pickup this book. ...

I need a book/tutorial/etc to help explain iphone view classes

I'm pretty much through "programming in Objective C" and I am working through the stanford class as well, but I'm really am having a hard time understanding how to deal with views (especially how it relates to drawing, paths, subviews, pretty much all of it actually(I understand the concepts but the implementation is where i get confused...

Modern effective C++ books

Hello Can you give me advice for a modern book(s) for Effective C++ Programming By modern I mean that I want it to include new features from Boost C++ Library (casts, smart pointers, etc.) I have these books: Effective C++: 55 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs More Effective C++: 35 New Ways to Improve Your Programs...

2 Books: Head First Javascript vs. Javascript The Defenitive Guide

I want to start learning javascript from Scratch (beginner) so I tried to find the best book for that but I am now confused! I have found 2 books and both of them has a very nice reputation. The first book is O'Reilly Javascript, The Definitive Guide, 5th edition. The second book is O'Reilly Head First Javascript I don't really know...

I need a good book recommendation for Object Oriented programming, preferrably with a focus on ActionScipt 3 and Flex

I know there are a billion questions regarding what books are best and I'm sorry for posting another, but all of them see to have an orientation to a language I am not familiar with. My problem is I learned to program before OO became big, then I stopped programming for a few years, moved into web design, moved into coldFusion, and now ...

Books on designing and implementing a Delphi application

Hi there, I would like to broaden my Delphi horizons by reading a book about creation of Delphi applications. So far I have read books about Delphi mostly from Marco Cantu (Delphi 6-2009) or The Tomes of Delphi Algorithms and Data Structures. But none of them describe the process of application creation from the beginning to end. Somewh...

Solutions to the 'Programming Pearls' book by Jon Bentley

Hi.. Is there a place where I can find the solutions to the 'Programming Pearls' book by Jon Bentley ? I need to verify what ever little exercise problems I solve.. Thank you .. ...