
Assembly Language: can anyone recommend good introductory resources?

Possible Duplicate: Whats the best beginner book for Assembly Language? I want to learn assembly language. Can you tell me what books are good for beginners? Also I see there are many different versions of assembly. Which one to learn and why? ...

System-programming, books about specific fields

Currently reading : but I can't say I'm pleased. I'm interested in the following chapters in the book : Ch 7. Linking Ch 8. Exceptional Control Flow Ch 10. Virtual memory Ch 11.System-Level I/O Ch 12. Network programming Ch 13. Concurrent programming Reading the book, if feels "too easy". I can clearly understand what they want to e...

What are the prerequisites of reading 'The Little Schemer'?

From the reviews 'The Little Schemer' looks like the book to learn functional programming techniques and theory/reasoning. I wanted to ask if this book requires me to learn basic Scheme first? or I can get the hang of it in the middle? Some background about myself to give depth to my question: I'm planning to have a crack at this book, ...

Math for core animation?

What is a good level of math required for, like, advanced core animation? Take this for example: And what's a good book/resource to learn it? -Jason ...

Learning 'advanced' ruby to contribute to rails?

What is the best place to learn 'advanced' Ruby so I can start contributing to Rails? Any other things I should read/know would be appreciated. Thanks. ...

Javascript object oriented programming books

I find myself working on an application that started out small but that has increasing amounts of javascript in it. Currently my code is procedural. However the codebase is growing in complexity and I suspect I am getting into a situation where a more object oriented approach would be appropriate. I come from a procedural background...

What are the best programming books in 2009?

Similar with this question: but now for 2009! Thank you for your sharing! ...

Can anyone recommend a good book over the Caché database ?

I am currently running the local version of Caché on my system in order to determine if I can (and will) take on a new possible project. Can anyone recommend a good book on the Caché (preferably having read it - I don't need a copy of the back cover) ? Querying Amazon drops the é and replaces it with an e, creating 'cache' which display...

Do you know books or other resources about Windows NT Service programming?

Searching for books about Windows NT Service programming, I found "Programming Windows Services" by Randy Morin, and "Professional NT Services" by Kevin Miller. Both books are quite old. Does anyone know of more recent resources (book or other) about NT service development? ...

List of best books about software development process for non-developers (non technical business owners)

I am looking for a good book that explains software development to non developers. My goal is to educate business owners (non technical folks) on the software development process, its hurdles, problems, methods etc. The book should be written from a non programmer's perspective. I found in my software development career that if the busin...

looking for some books about asp.mvc and nhibernate

Hi i'm looking for some books about and nhibernate. Any suggest? thanks ...

Recommended Big O Notation book with .NET examples

Does anyone know of any good .NET books that focus on algorithmic complexity specifically looking at Big O Notation? The only book I have found is Data Structures and Algorithms Using C# by Michael McMillan but unfortunately (based on Amazon reviews) this does not appear to be the greatest.... Any other suggestions would be much apprec...

data structure textbooks/online notes

Hey I was curious if anybody could suggest a good data structures book or, preferably, a set of downloadable notes I could work my way through. I took a course in C awhile back, and I understand all the standard stuff--loops, arrays, pointers, etc., but I'd like to go further and understand data structures, dynamic memory allocation, et...

What's a good book for learning Postgres?

I just need a book for an intermediate/advanced database developer in MySQL and SQL Server to start learning Postgres. Any recommendations? ...

Resources to learn sh scripting 'just like a normal programming language'

Hi, what is the best resource (book would be nice) to learn sh scripting (the "standard" shell on Unix systems) just like when i would learn a "normal" programming/scripting language ? There are lots of tutorials on certain aspects of shell scripting, they mostly deal with shells in general and unix commands and so on, but i would rat...

Which book for windows Shell programming?

I've been looking for a good book for windows shell programming, and the only one I could find is Visual C++ Windows Shell Programming by Dino Eposito: It is an old book, and I'd like to know if you know of any good resources which could help. I need to develop a couple of ...

Good book for THINKING in terms of algorithms?

Before you mark this is a duplicate, let me explain why this is different. Most of the books on algorithms are more of a reference. You basically have a list of algorithms at your disposal. But what happens when you need to create a new algorithm for something? These books don't teach how to think in terms of algorithms. So I'm looking f...

Learning web architecture?

Hi, What is a good book to learn about web server architecture? I am a beginner Rails developer and want to go beyond Ruby. For example, I want to know what exactly a 'Mongrel cluster' is, rack-middleware, HTTP, etc. Is there a good book (or more than one) which covers this? Thanks. ...

'Assembly Language Step-by-Step' on Mac OS X?

Hi, I am following through the book Assembly Language Step by Step and it says the book is for computers running Linux. What are the necessary tools to use the book with Snow Leopard? Thanks. EDIT: The book uses the Kate editor. So, preferable something that does the same thing as Kate. ...

good book about C# object model.

Or, should I put it "the .NET object model"? I am looking for a book just like Stanley Lippman's "Inside the C++ Object Model", and my favourite language is C#. Anyone got a recommendation? Thanks in advance. ...