
Learning different build commands for building from source?

Hi, How do you learn all the commands for building programs like mysql and git from source? For example, this article: Installing MySQL on Mac OS X (Hivelogic) Is there a good book that teaches you command-line tools for building, makefiles, etc.? Thanks -Chris ...

Modern book on C++ templates

If I were to buy one and only one book on C++ templates which one would you recommend ? And why ? ...

(Accelerated C++)++

I just finished reading Accelerated C++. I completed all of the exercises and I am looking for another book to continue developing my knowledge and skills of C++. What is a good book to read after this one? In particular, is Essential C++ by Stanley Lippman a good follow up or is the overlap with Accelerated C++ too large? In your answe...

Any free copy of "Introduction to Algorithms: A Creative Approach" to read it online?

Hello, I've been waiting for a long time to read "Introduction to Algorithms: A Creative Approach" Written by Udi Manber. Published by Addison-Wesley. The book is not available in print in the place I live. I was wondering if is there any free copy available to read it online. Please do not suggest, buying it online. I seriously canno...

Where to start with programming Android Applications

Hi, I am a student and would like to develop softwares for Android Phones. Please suggest me where to start. I have alwayzs programmed in C++, Matlab, Javascript. I do not have so much experience in programming Java. Appreciate your support and help. Thanks Kiran ...

Recommending to a friend a strategy to build a rich internet application using Flex and (maybe) Java or Ruby on Rails

My friend has an idea for a web application. The application is relatively straight-forward: no more difficult than a flash game (so I'm told) that exchanges minimal data with a server. Only thing is, he is a beginner. I don't know anything about developing Flash/Flex applications. Nevertheless, this is what I've recommended he do. ...

Alternatives to Google Book Search API?

I'm looking for alternatives to Google Book Search API. Ideally, something with more detailed information about books. ...

The Design and Evolution of C

Hi guys, Is there a book that describes the design and evolution of C similiar to the book 'The Design and Evolution of C++' by Bjarne Stroustrup ? thanks, Prakash ...

Book Recommendation on C#

Possible Duplicate: What are the best C# .NET books? Hello, I m sorry this obviously is not a programming questions, hope it s fine. Can you please recommend a book on C# ? I have been programming with C# for a year. I have Java and OOP experience. Looking to learn more about C# . Thanks. ...

Good books on designing applications making use of the Spring Framework?

Like the title suggests, I am looking for a good read on Java application design that leverages Spring. When I read different examples on the internet or the Spring official documentation, I had this feeling that every author out there presumes that you are good with patterns. Buzz words like DAO, Singleton and etc are used a lot. As an ...

A good book for PHP XML DOM

Unfortunately the PHP DOM classes and functions are not very well documented and I am starting projects that are going to be very XML heavy. I do not have a solid grasp on the DOM functionality and have been making due with SimpleXML abd XMLWriter untill now, but I am running into some serious problems with their limitations. Is there ...

What is a good HTML5 book?

I am looking for a good book on HTML5. I am in particular interested in things like AppCache, Canvas, and the new video tag. Thank you very much for your help ...

Is speed reading good for technical / programming books?

I will register as graduate student, and my friend has suggested I attend a speed reading class. (He is MBA student). I don't know whether it is good to attend this course or not, but at this moment almost of my textbook required time to think about its content. Has anyone applied speed reading with technical books? Is it good to atten...

Regex for Time Format

Regex needed for a time of the format: 12-02-30T00:59:43. Also, I've not managed to find any decent websites or books that contain good explanations or reference material for regular expressions. Can anyone recommend any? ...

Learning Python, what to do now after reading ThinkCS

I've been reading a beginner python book How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python, and wanted to knwo what to read now that I'm finished with it. Or, maybe what to do now? I don't still feel like a strong enough coder :/ Can anyone recommend a more advanced book or what they did to become a great programmer after rea...

Books on Genetic algorithms or AI in general

What books/tutorials do you recommend for learning Genetic algorithms, or AI in general? I'd prefer language agnostic. ...

Is there any good programming books forum out there?

I always feel the internet forums are a good way to gain knowledge - asking questions and get some answers from everybody, and SO is a great example. But when I get questions reading some programming books, I wonder to whom can I ask the questions. O'Reilly and PragProg have their own book forums, and some authors open their own forums...

Good books in Facebook development for beginner?

I found this question, but it haven't solved my problem. I'm new to facebook development, and also new to PHP & Javascript (Facebook Apps use these languages, yes? I have some experience in C#/.NET, it would be great if I can use them). I need some "basic" ...

What do you think of this book

MS Press Self packed Training kit Exam 70-536, by Tony Northup and Shown Wildermuth. I have bought this book year ago to get prepared for the exam, but I did not because I was so busy with my job. Is there a better resource that save my time. Is this a good book. For best estimations I think it will take like 6 months tell I pass the...

The Definitive Algorithm Book List

Possible Duplicate: Modern books on algorithms Though there are a few questions on algorithm book recommendation,I thought we could make a more comprehensive and definitive version.Please provide book with suitable category such as reference,graph,etc. Encyclopaedia Style The Art of Computer Programming by Donald E. Knuth...