
Books about Advanced WPF control building

Hello. I'm really interested in learning really advanced features of WPF to learn how to create advanced controls, but apparently I'm running out of resources, and possibly, imagination. I have these 4 books: WPF Control Development Unleashed Experiences Pro WPF 2008 Presentation Professionals Programming WPF Chris Sells WPF in Action...

Looking for good book for JSF 2.0

Hello, I'm looking for a good book to learn JSF 2.0. I have very good understanding of servlets, but little experience with JSF. I also want the book to include new JSF (2.0) features. ...

What is the bests book for learning JSP?

The title is pretty suggestive... :) What book should I buy. Something new, updated with the last updates of JSP. ...

How difficult is it for an old-school programmer to pick up an FPGA kit and make something useful with it?

I'm an old, old, old coder. (How old? I've used paper tape in anger.) I've programmed in a lot of languages and under a lot of paradigms (spaghetti, structured, object-oriented, functional and a smattering of logical). I'm getting bored. FPGAs look interesting to me. I have the crazy notion of resurrecting some of the ancient hardw...

What's the easiest beginner book for learning parsing for writing a compiler?

It seems that parsing is a hard subject to learn. I was wondering what would be recommended as the very easiest books on the subject. The most basic, beginner, easiest books on parsing. Is there no parsing for dummies? ...

I'm at a loss what to read and study! Database design or Code Complete?

I've been a PHP programmer for 3 years. I really want to improve myself and I think reading more helps, but I'm confused where to concentrate next. I have two choices, read more about database design and advanced SQL or should I read Code Complete fully? ...

Books for experienced .NET developer learning PHP/MySQL

Hi All, I am an experienced .NET developer (C#/ASP.NET) looking to broaden my skills to the PHP/MySQL arena. I would like get recommendations on books for learning PHP/MySQL that are geared towards someone who is already familiar with object oriented programming and web development. I do realize that there are lots of online material ou...

Where I can find a book to learn RichFaces?

I need to learn RichFaces deeply. Where I can find a book or tutorial that covers all RichFaces's topics? Thanks in advance ...

Good book(s) for MMORPG design & implementation?

I am a long time professional C/C++ programmer (mostly embedded systems) and a hobbyist windows & php hacker. Can anyone recommend a book(s) specifically aimed at designing and (hopefully) implementing an MMORPG? I don't need general how to design or how to code books. Maybe a really good generic games book, but I am not interested in ...

Which Computer Organization & Architecture book is good for me?

I'm always interested in learning the inner working of things. I started with C programming and then learnt Operating systems (from stallings) and then linkers & loaders and then assembly language after reading these now I want to go into little more depth. Computer Architecture. I feel that makes everything clear. As per SO archives t...

Which guru would you interview in a virtual bonus chapter of "coders at work" book?

I've really enjoyed reading Peter Siebel's Coders at work book. At the end of the last chapter (Don Knuth), i tought that the interviews selection was good but a little bit too old-school oriented. So, in your virtual 16th chapter, which guru would you interview? In my 16th chapter, i would be amazed to read an interview of John Carmack...

Good book for C programming on linux

Possible Duplicate: Good book on Programming C in Unix environment? Can you suggest me some books for C programming on linux... ...

Is there a book for learning MVVM and WPF at the same time?

I am trying to learn MVVM and WPF, but most WPF books seem to teach you how write your software the wrong way. So is there a WPF and uses MVVM for its examples? ...

a good Java guide

Do you know a good guide for Java, such as "dive into python" for python? If I searched google I expect I would find tons of random guides, but trying them all until I found a good one could take ages... that's why I am asking: do you already know one in particular? one you KNOW is good? I already know C, PHP and a bit of Python, if th...

Best books for SQL Server / database design.

I have some really good books for SQL Server, like: SQL Server 2008 Bible Pro SQL Server 2008 - Relational Database Design and Implementation SQL Server 2008 for Developers. Can you suggest/recommend some other titles, that may address other topics perhaps, that you found truly useful? ...

Why are there so few multimedia learning resources for Java?

Why there are so many webinars/screencast/podcasts for Ruby and none for Java, is Ruby harder to learn (I don't think so)? Why does Java have only books? Here is the thing, I've been learning Java and related technologies for some time now and its really hard to pick up for a beginner I seem to make progress only when I'm programming af...

Good Websites/Blogs/Books to learn nhibernate?

Any Good Websites/Blogs/Books that i can have a look at for learning nhibernate... I have looked at NHibernate for .NET from Hibernate Core site.... Any other good ones.... ...

is there a Java GUI for dummies ?

Hello, first I want to apologize about my english, it may not be clear enough. Well, I'm new to Java programming, and I've searched this website about the use of Swing, AWT, 2D, etc. but I didn't get the answer I was looking for. I want to know about a book or method to learn Java GUI programming (not even sure this is a proper term)....

Please Recommend a Good .NET Oriented REST book

Hi Guys I'm Curious if somebody could recommend a book about REST that isn't "Effective REST Services Via .NET: For .NET Framework 3.5 (Microsoft .Net Development)". One of my colleagues read it and he wasn't too impressed with it. Can anyone suggest a better one? Thanks Dave ...

win32 api programming book

Which is the best book for win32 api for beginners? Many in other posts suggested Charles Petzold's Programming Windows, but isn't that book old. As far as I remember it was written in Win9X, more then a decade ago on a dos based system. Windows has changed a lot since then. Is that book still good? I've also considered QT, but I believ...