
Book on rendering e-book/document formats

I'm looking for guidelines/best practices for building software architecture of a document rendering software. For example, something on how to create a modular software to be able to parse/render various document formats. Can you recommend any books/web sources? ...

Is there a current OpenSSL book?

Does anyone know of a more recent OpenSSL book than "Network Security with OpenSSL: Cryptography for Secure Communications" ( It is from 2002 and does not cover OpenSSL version 0.97+. Best would be a book for OpenSSL 1.0.0 but I guess that one is too recent. ...

Any recommendations for a print version of Why’s Poignant Guide to Ruby?

Although it’s probably meant to be experienced on the web, I’d love to read a great print version of Why’s Poignant Guide to Ruby. It’s liberally licensed, so I can run off a copy for myself. But I think a work like that deserves more. Full colour illustrations. Main text on the left-hand page, sidebars on the right. (Stick in a few car...

C# Book on Windows Services and Multi-threading

Can you recommend a good book -- or other learning resource -- for using C# to build Windows Services that are multi-threaded? Specifically, I am using Visual Studio 2008 with .Net Framework 3.5. The books that I am finding deal with web services. Further, I am finding next to nothing on multi-threading. Thanks in advance, Wolfgang ...

Material/books/resources related to testing dependencies in software modules?

Any suggestions for material related to blackbox testing of dependencies in software modules? ...

What do I need for development for an ARM processor?

Hello, I'm familiar with X86[-64] architecture & assembly. I want to start develop for an ARM processor. But unlike desktop processors, I don't have an actual ARM processor. I think I need an ARM simulator. say An ARM assembly compiler will be required, the most accessible is the ARMulator. I thought o...

Information on Rojiani's Numerical methods C textbook

Hi, having taken a look at a few textbooks that discuss numerical methods and C programming, I was gladly surprised when browsing through "programming in C with numerical methods for engineers" by Rojiani. I understand of course it's important that one need to have a solid background in numerical methods prior to try implementing them on...

Differences between Zend Framework 1.8 and 1.10

I want to start learning Zend Framework. My only concern is that the most recent ZF book on Amazon with good reviews teaches version 1.8 of the framework, which is now about a year old. Do you think it would be a good idea to still pick up that book or is it too old now? ...

What is a good balance for having developers learn at work

So now I am the manager. One of the things I always promised myself I would do is have the other developers focus on learning new stuff. In fact I even want to force them to read a couple books that really helped me learn to program. However now I am also accountable for the product getting finished. I have this vision of everyone ...

Good C# Networking Book

Hey guys I am looking for a good solid introduction book to the fundementals of network programming in C#. For example is have looked at this one but it is quite old now. Anyone used one recently, i would greatly appriciate it thanks dan ...

Are there some newer books to read beside these?

I've come accross these websites who recommend certain books but they are pretty much old : Are there books in recent years which every dev...

Good book suggestions for building enterprise software

Enterprise software are built using technologies/softwares/terminologies/APIs such as EJB, JBoss, Seam, Hibernate(JPA), Maven, Eclipse, Spring, JTS, JMS, JNDI etc. I know there are great books out there for each of these individually, however can someone suggest a book or two that covers all (or most of) these topics in lesser detail and...

What would you like to see in a book about Rails 3?

Hello, Now that I'm quite a ways into this book I can announce that it's Rails 3 in Action. I'm thinking of writing a book about Rails 3 and I have a basic idea of what I want to write about, but really what I need is that little bit of polish from the community. The book is planned to cover: A little bit of Ruby Version control usin...

Any good book recommendations for TFS 2010?

Anyhow have any good book recommendations on TFS 2010? ...

Is Android reference at good enough

Hi, I am a C++ developer, but have a fair idea of Java as I learnt it in college 5years ago. I have been trying to learn programming for android. But instead of rushing to buy books, I have tried to read through the Android Dev Guide and learn from there making use of the sample applications. Thats besides SO ofcourse. I am trying to ma...

Good ASP/Visual Basic/SQL book

Hey Everyone I am starting off in the .NET world and wanted to know what a great beginner book would be that would explain how to use, vb and SQL. I hear "Learning Visual Basic" is a good series but wanted to see if there were anymore out there. Thanks for your help! ...

iPad book / cartoon contents plus Marvel like cartoons

Hi, I want to create and sell book / cartoons by individual episodes. What's the best way to to this? iBook from the apple store tends to sell by entire volume / book... I see an App from Marvel sells its contents by individual episodes, but I don't want to create / maintain shopping carts and stuff. (I am assuming iPad / iPhone users...

Domain Driven Design And The Entity Framework

hi, I'm new to DDD and i want to use entity framework v4.0 (shipped with .net 4.0) in my new project. since i have few time to learn DDD and entity framework, which books are good for me to read first?! i'm going to first read Domain-Driven Design Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software by Eric Evan and next Pro Entity Framework 4...

Which operating systems book should I go for?

Hi, I'm in a confusion. For our course (1 year ago) I used Stallings. I read it. It was fine. But I don't own any operating system's book. I want to buy a book on operating systems. I'm confused!! which one to pick? Modern Operating Systems (3rd Edition) ~ Andrew S. Tanenbaum (Author) Operating System Concepts ~ Abraham Silberschatz , ...

Recommended book about Cloud Computing

Hi, can you recommend me the books about Cloud Computing? Thanks. ...