
Up to date (as of 2010) Ruby On Rails books?

Hello, I've been trying to learn Rails for a while now and I just can not piece it all together with random blogs and SO questions, so I've decided I need a full book/ebook. Can anyone suggest a good one? I've been looking at Agile Web Development With Rails 4th edition. There is an old question about Ruby On Rails books but it is from 2...

Looking for books

When I was learning Visual 2008 I found a book that not only taught the basics but by the end of the book I had developed a fully working database application. Does anyone know where I might find a simular book but using Visual C++? ...

Any books or other resources on Cognos TM1?

I have been assigned to a project to create a activity based costing system using Cognos TM1. I'm familiar with a number of other OLAP tools but have zero experience with TM1. Can anyone suggest a good book (searching doesn't turn up anything obvious) or any good online resources? ...

Any info about book "Unix Internals: The New Frontiers" by Uresh Vahalia 2nd edition (Jan 2010)

This summer I'm getting into UNIX (mostly *BSD) development. I've graduate level knowledge about operating systems. I can also understand the code & read from here and there but the thing is I want to make most of my time. Reading books are best for this. From my search I found that these two books The Design and Implementation of th...

Own CMS or Blog

I'm trying t build a somekind a clone to wordpress and have some problems understanding the functions that are used there. But that's not the problem.. The thing I'm looking for is good book that detailed explains what aspects to be aware of during the creation of the cms and some code snippets or something in that direction.. With best...

Preparing for a C#, ASP.NET, JavaScript interview

I have an interview I'm prepping for, I've written A LOT of code, specifically in C# and ASP.NET. I've written fair amounts of JavaScript, but no OO stuff in it. So I'm definately going to brush up on that. I remember for a previous job interview, I was asked Java questions, like not super intricate, but detailed stuff. Now I'm lookin...

Which edition of windows internals should I read?

Hello, I want to get into windows driver development. I heard from the community that before diving into driver development one must be familiar with windows internals that means one must read "Windows Internals by Mark Russinovich. I'm going to buy this book today. Which edtition should I buy? 4th edition covers Windows XP & Windows 2...

What happened to

A couple years ago I found a great site called something like '' (but not exactly that). It let users submit links to their favorite books for various programming languages, and write a short blurb about why they're so good. You could include their Amazon page and the website would grab a cover picture. I've since ...

tools and books and pic boards to learn embedded programming

Can anyone suggest any good material to start embedded system programming? a good PIC board to start with a good book Tools like compilers, OS, etc. ...

Good beginners' level book about mobile telecommunication

I've recently joined a company who specialize in the mobile telecommunication domain. I'm encountering a lot of jargons, and I'm feeling a bit lost in most of the conversations. Although I'm quickly searching for the new terms on the web and learning stuff on the job, I would like to read an introductory book that will take me through th...

Any book that covers internals of recent versions of Unix OS

This summer I'm getting into UNIX (mostly *BSD) development. I've graduate level knowledge about operating systems. I can also understand the code & read from here and there but the thing is I want to make most of my time. Reading books are best for this. From my search I found that these two books "Unix Internals: The New Frontiers"...

Any good tutorials/books on GNU Tool Chain & Gnu Build System?

Hello, I'm looking for good tutorials/books on Gnu Tool Chain and Gnu Build System. To be more specific, I am looking for information that starts with just the source code & gradually adds build files & uses Gnu Tool Chain step by step. In other words looking for an example which shows how to construct/build a project from the scratc...

Oracle Database introduction and literature

Hi folks, got an new assignment covering Oracle databases. My problem now is that I am completely new to the Oracle system and never worked with it before. I need to develop a concept covering the installation and configuration of the server. Afterwards I need to migrate the old server to the new while ensuring date consistence. I just...

Finding some good Erlang books

Two questions: 1) What's the best book for learning to program in Erlang? 2) And also what's the best reference book for the proficient Erlang programmer? Thanks guys! ...

What is the most updated book on programming TCP/IP sockets with Perl?

What is the most updated book on programming TCP/IP sockets with Perl? ...

When learning C, should one only refer to resources published from 2007 onward?

I ask this question because the international standardization subcommittee for programming languages, or ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22 Programming languages, states on this page: that Technical Corrigendum 3, the latest one, was published in 2007. Now I take it that this means the C language it...

Can you give examples of books that teach large web app development?(advanced and basic topics)

Can you give examples of books that teach large web app development? it must not be focused on a programming language, but to be generical with the concepts and structure. thanks :) EDIT anyway the language used is ruby on rails 2.3.4 ...

Suggest a good book for Quantitative Methods & R Programming

Hi folks, Please suggest a good book for beginner in Quantitative Methods/Techniques. Adding to this, a good book for beginners in R programming language, used in Quantitative Methods. And I've a few questions about this: ? Should I have to learn the other subjects like Probability, Statics, etc. before learning Quantitative Methods ? ...

Best Books for Learning to Test Software

I have read a lot of programming books, many mention testing of various kinds. I have never really gotten into the topic of testing, but I realize how extremely important it is. Anyone know of some good books that provide a thorough exploration of this topic? ...

Is there a book that discusses OOP javascript to build something like gmail's frontend?

I want a book that gives a detailed account of building a rich front end interface like gmail. is there one around? There are books that go over concepts, but I need something to put it all together. Guess I am looking for more of a 'solutions' approach, rather than a reference type book. ...