
Advanced example-driven C book with a lot of code.

Hello, I am looking for a book on advanced C programming that: Teaches how to effectively express one's solution in C when one already knows the language in depth, how to express useful practical abstractions. Shows some common design idioms expressed in C, like encapsulation, modularity and that kind of thing. Is example-driven with ...

What tools & media are available out there that helps me in understanding statistics in better way?

Hello, I'm a graduate student very much interested in Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition & Artificial Intelligence. These subjects are just applications of great mathematical subject Statistics. As an undergraduate, I've done courses in Probability and Statistics. We've used it in many other subjects. But sadly its still is very abs...

Facebook application development resources

What is the most efficient way to start learning develop Facebook applications? Any web resource or book that you would recommend to start from? Any MUST READ or Bibles available for this? There are plenty of them in Amazon, but which one really worth to spend time? What kind of development technologies are used in this? Is PHP/MySQL/JS...

Font selection for codes in a book

Which font or fonts should be used while writing code lines inside a book? I'm especially dealing with C code, but I'd also like to know what fonts are used for the codes of popular programming languages in books. ...

Resources for Win32 C/C++ programming

I have experience in a variety of languages (Java, Perl, C#, PHP, javascript, ansi-C for microprocessors, Objective-C and others), with Win32 programming not being an area I've done a lot of work in. Now part of my job entails maintaining a large Win32 codebase that stretches back 15 years and includes everything from C written originall...

A Book about Productivity for programmers

I just find this video about productivity for programmers by peepcode and I'm thinking to download and see it. Besides that, I have to tell you that I prefer to read a book and take notices about it, rather than seeing a video. So, my question is: can you recommend me a good book about productivity for programmers with tips, advices, b...

Good book for Android game development

What is the best book or online resource for Android game development? ...

How to put theory into practise

I like to read alot of IT books e.g programming / functional. But the problem is that after reading I cannot find reasons to put it into practise and I soon forget what I read. Any advise? ...

jsf and huge web site

Hi All, I need to program a very huge web site. The site should contain public part with search engine, user registration forms, cart and all other stuff. The private part should contain administrative web application with a lot of data grids, complex edit forms, security checks, services and so on. Also I need very good support for htm...

What book/resources for large Javascript application development?

I'm looking for a decent book or online resource to help me learn about developing large Javascript applications. There are lots of books that go over the fundamental and advanced features of JS, but I'm looking for something which covers application structure, coding practices etc. Any ideas? ...

Looking for a VIM Book

I have been using vim for about six months now. I know my way around pretty well. I know all of the "basic commands", have defined my own functions and have defined some syntax files. I was hopping to pickup a book on vim to read in my spare time. There is nothing specific that I want to learn I just want to improve my general know...

Spring/EJB 3 books?

Ok so I'm a complete beginner when it comes to Spring and EJB and I really want to change it, the problem is I can't find any single book on Spring 3/EJB 3, everything is about 2 (for Spring/EJB) or 2.5 (for Spring). What are the differences between 2.x and 3? Should I just go with the 2.x books and then google the differences? I was thi...

Constructor initializer list: code from the C++ Primer, chapter 16

Toward the end of Chapter 16 of the "C++ Primer" I encountered the following code (I've removed a bunch of lines): class Sales_item { public: // default constructor: unbound handle Sales_item(): h() { } private: Handle<Item_base> h; // use-counted handle }; My problem is with the Sales_item(): h() { } line. For the sak...

What's a good book for learning BCPL?

A long time ago, I worked on some BCPL code (very similar to C although even more basic, difficult though that is to imagine). Now, as part of a compiler course, we're going to be setting assignments for building some of the parts of the compiler (lexical and semantic analysis) and I'd like to know what the community thinks is the best ...

Does anybody know the .NET framework book on 3.5 like professional .NET framework 2.0 by Joe Duffy?

I am still searching for .NET framework book like that of Joe Duffy's Professional .NET framework. That book is excellent source of insights of .NET framework and techniques of languages that has not been covered by any book. I wish duffy write again for 3.5 or 4.0..If you know some book like this one pls pls let me know.. God Bless you...

books about ASP.NET 4 for those familiar and experienced with previous versions

I'm looking for a book that addresses the changes in ASP.NET 4 without too much rehashing of ASP.NET 3.5 or 2.0. Any recommendations on Amazon? ...

Books On Creating Interpreted Languages

Are there ANY books (maybe even long tutorials) which cover making a basic, interpreted language? ...

Entity Framework 4.0 Book Recommendations?

Hi, Anyone recommend any good Entity Framework 4.0 books? Ideally in eBook/PDF form. That is the covers the latest version of EF and VS2010. thansk ...

Technical Library

Hello Everyone, Is there something called as Technical Library where technical\programming books can be borrowed? Buying books becomes too expensive, given the fact that I start reading a book and keep it aside after couple of days. Borrowing technical\Programming books would be the best bet for me as it would reduce the expense of bu...

Would you suggest any other books than these two for a new Android developer

rofessional Android 2 Application Development (Wrox Programmer to Programmer);s=books&amp;qid=1274289231&amp;sr=8-1 This has about 13 comments with the majority being 4 and 5 stars And this one for the Java reference. Java...