
Recommendation on C# books

Hi, I am looking to buy my first c# book. At the moment amazon have a special offer on two titles: Sams Teach Yourself the C# Language Sams Teach Yourself Visual C# 2008 Is there a difference between visual C# and C#? Also which book would be better for an intro to C#? ...

windows mobile programming using visual c++ - any good books available?

Hi, I searched over the net but couldn't find any of the books on visual c++ for windows mobile programming.. can anyone suggest one? Thanks. ...

Which C++ book shold I get between "C++ Primer" vs "C++ Primer Plus"

Possible Duplicate: The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List I want to learn C++ by using Vim and MinGW as compiler. I'm interesting at "C++ Primer (4th Edition)" and "C++ Primer Plus (5th Edition)" but I don't know how about it different. It has no book store that I can review those books, so I want to know, what is the differe...

Setting up DrJava to work through Friedman / Felleisen "A Little Java"

All, I'm going through the Friedman & Felleisen book "A Little Java, A Few Patterns". I'm trying to type the examples in DrJava, but I'm getting some errors. I'm a beginner, so I might be making rookie mistakes. Here is what I have set-up: public class ALittleJava { //ABSTRACT CLASS POINT abstract class Point { abstract ...

How to get a good price on dev books

Does anyone have any tips for getting a good price on new/used programming-related books? I've looked at some of the more popular books (like DDD and GoF), and even used they can be pretty pricey. I'm not saying they aren't worth it, but I feel like there might be a more focused book store or exchange or something just for devs and/or ...

Is there a good book specialized in exercises in dynamic programming?

Is there a good book specialized in exercises on finding recurrence cause i want to train on (dynamic programming) cause i find myself a lot knowing that a problem can be solved dynamically but i can't find the recurrence function . ...

I need any books in developing Applications for smart card using dot net

I have made search about books dealing with developing apps for smart card using dot net framework but I havn't found any If some one please know a name for a good book please help me with it ...

Good books on numerical computation with C

Hi, I've read the post "What is the best book on numerical methods?" and I wish to ask more or less the same question but in relation to C programming. Most of the time, C programming books on numerical methods are just another version of the author's previous Fortran book on the same subject. I've seen Applied numerical methods in C by ...

Which classic Lisp books are going to be ported to Clojure?

Which classic Lisp books will be ported to Clojure? Does this involve the complete text or only the code files? ...

Comparing Clojure books

Currently [April 5 2010] there is (afaik) one completed Clojure book available: Programming Clojure by Stuart Halloway. Two are being written and partially available at Manning: The Joy of Clojure by Fogus and Houser Clojure in Action by Amit Rathore Another one is about to be published in May: Practical Clojure (The Definitiv...

Asp.Net MVC Tutorial Unit Tests

I am working through Steve Sanderson's book Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework and I having some issues with two unit tests which produce errors. In the example below it tests the CheckOut ViewResult: [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)] public ViewResult CheckOut(Cart cart, FormCollection form) { // Empty carts can't be checked out i...

Code related books available on the iPad

With the release of the iPad and the iBook store, I was wondering what code or tech books are available in the iBook store? With the highlighting and bookmarking feature this seems to be the perfect tech reading interface. I know "Getting Real" from 37signals is available. ...

Continuing education with Visual Basic 9

I am completely new to programming and starting my education with visual basic 9 and SQL. I have read Visual Basic, in easy steps, 2nd edition by Mike Mcgrath. Although it was very easy to understand, it only gave me an introduction to learning VB. I'm looking for something more in depth, albeit for a beginner. I've read through the q...

What's the most comprehensive and comprehensible overview of statistics for programmers?

I'm looking for a book (or other media) which provides an overview of statistics that is both comprehensive (covering all the basic/intermediate concepts) and comprehensible (which, for me, means not being weighed down with unnecessary and especially un-introduced mathematical symbology). Can anyone offer suggestions? ...

I want to learn about the programming in system software

Dealing semaphores and mutex, kernel and shell, which book shud i refer, as i am a beginner, i need to work with my basics as well. ...

java enterprise project

Hi All, All the time we are hearing that java is enterprise. We have read many books about jpa, entity beans and other stuff. All this books explain this technology with some dummy examples. I have not seen a book that explains real problems with enterprise beans, java clients and security! I mean real book not some imaginated stupid...

some literature about structure of social networks

Can you advise some literature about structure of social networks? I am interested in building databases of social networks. Sorry for bad English. ...

Motion detection information

Hi, I know the AFORGE.NET API has motion detection algorithms, but what would be a good book to learn these algorithms with C# samples (the AFORGE.NET code is complex and not commented enough to help). Thanks ...

Networking Quality of Service eBook

Hi There is one ebook written by US University professor titled-Internet Quality Of service" The book explains fundamentals of networking by using java.Its a ebook and free for download.Also he has written Software Engineering for OOPs. Can anybody provide links to these books if he has? ...

When are ASP.NET MVC 2 textbooks going to hit the shelves?

I am itching to learn this technology, but books on are still saying "This title has not yet been released. You may pre-order it now and we will deliver it to you when it arrives." ...