
Book on moving from dedicated apps to web apps?

I wondered if there's a good book on teaching how to make the transition from writing dedicated applications in eg. C++/Delphi/VBClassic to web applications in PHP, etc.? For instance, the book would start with the fact that the web paradigm is based on client-server, HTTP is a stateless protocol, the only language available to run code...

Any good book or tutorial on C++ Windows mobile 6+ development?

Hello, as I briefly surfed over the web it appears there are no tutorials for C++ programing on Win mobile platform, except three or four sample applications on Ms pages. Does anyone know if there is something else anywhere? It seems there are just C# articles... ...

Good Books About How To Train New Development Hires

Our company has recently hired a large enough amount of new programmers that our old method of one-on-one ad-hoc "hey new guy who already knows how to program, let's get in a room and I'll explain some of the basics of our large codebase" isn't going to scale. My plan is to get new and newish employees in a room for a week to bring them...

Looking for a book on MVC

I'm looking for a book on MVC. I've tried diving head-first into it without any documentation, but I didn't really learn about the core concepts. I'm a hands on kinda guy, so the ideal book would teach me the concepts and then allow me to implement them with mini-projects. There are plenty of books to choose from on Amazon, but recomme...

The best book for programming in Android

Possible Duplicate: Good book for beginning android development what is the best book for start programming for android ? ...

Best (and short) book on network security

For Linux and maybe other platforms. Could you suggest? ...

Good way to learn C/C++ for an otherwise experienced programmer?

I always liked coding and programming but I never got to learn it in a structured way. It has mostly been self study. I learned QBASIC, VB and PL/SQL while I was in school. Not very comprehensively, just enough to write some small fancy programs. Wanted to graduate in Comp science but somehow ended up majoring in something else. I did so...

What are some good Axis2 tutorials/books?

Hello everybody, I am currently learning Axis2 and would like to know what are some good tutorials or books. I know SOAP and WSDL already and currently reading the Quickstart Apache Axis2 book but don't like it very much so far (seems other either). It has a lot of theory and makes lots of comparisons with Axis1 (which I don't know ei...

Scala programming book

Can anyone recommend a good book on Scala programming as an introduction? ...

Learning C and The C Programming Language Book

I am thinking of buying the book 'The C Programming Language', aka the Bible of C. I read that it doesn't cover the additions to C99. Should it really matter? Or is there a better book out there that I can buy. Note that I can program in C++ and Python, however I never touched C before but now I have decided to - so I am not a complete ...

a C++ learning book around the Qt Framework

Hello, i wish to migrate to C++ , having a more or less concrete C# & .NET Background. I Want to escape from the shackles of the .NET Environment [THE FRAMEWORKS] but don't feel like starting the learning process from scratch (the OO P introductions, types etc...) so I'm looking for a book that skips some of that and is centered around Q...

Best Java book for clearing its concepts both language and programming

Is 'Black Book of Java' a good book for beginners? What are some other good beginner books on Java? ...

Robert Martin fans: Which book to read first, esp for C++

My understanding of object-oriented design is very limited. My main CS teacher was an old-school C programmer with little/no C++ knowledge, so I only know the basics (polymorphism, inheritance, operator overloading, etc). Since I've been working with a peer, I've come to discover there are some useful rules to learn, and most of the ru...

Do you know of an online tutorial for relational algebra/DDL statements?

I was meant to have my final exam on database management back in January, but I was too ill at the time to sit it. My resit have been scheduled for the end of August, which comes right at the crucial time where my dissertation needs to be nearing completion. Therefore I need to start my revision now as it's been a while since I last ha...

SQL Server book recommendation

Hello Experts, I'm just a beginner in development field.Looking for SQL Server books. Please tell me which is good book to study from. Any suggestion and pointer will be really helpful . thanks ...

"Core Java" alternative ?

I need a book like "Core Java" (both volumes) but written in a more serious style. I'm not a newbie, but not looking for a guru guide. I read Volume 1 a while ago and it was a disappointment. I need something more middle level and not just TWO volumes of pointless newspaper talk. The faults about "Core Java" are countless (my opinion), b...

Is the "The UNIX System Interface" chapter of "The C Programming Language" still relevant?

I started reading The C Programming Language and I have now reached "Chapter 8: The UNIX System Interface." Is that chapter worth reading and still relevant as of today? ...

Good current book to learn Java

Possible Duplicate: Best Java book you have read so far I am interested in learning Java and have a preference for learning from books and using online tutorials to supplement that. I'm not sure which books are considered current, much less are recommended. I saw this SO thread but it is two years old and I just wanted to see ...

C++ book for experience C# developer

I'm experience C# developer and I decide to learn C++ programming language. I've reading The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List and I'm much interesting these two books C++ Primer and Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++. I want to know between these books, which one is suitable for me? ...

What Book on MonoTouch should I buy

I intend to do a little programming using mono touch.. but need a book [eBook, since searchable, preferred] that gets me started. This page has some recomendations, which title should I get. ...