
Boolean array using "char"

Hi, I made an object that actually represents an array of 8 booleans stored in a char. I made it to learn something more about bitwise operators and about creating your own objects in C. So I've got two questions: Can I be certain if the below code always works? Is this a good implementation to make an object that can't get lost in C, ...

How do I add the equivalent of a :conditions into a scope for a model?

I have a model called Contact. I have added the following method: def all_completed_events # for a given Contact, return all contact_events records that exist and where sugarcrm = false return (self.contact_letters + self.contact_postalcards + self.contact_emails + self.contact_voicemails + self.contact_calls) end What is mis...

Objective c boolean values

Hello, I was wondering what the difference was between the following values in objective c: TRUE(uppercase) - true(lowercase) - yes FALSE(uppercase) - false(lowercase) - no they are colored differently in the IDE, are there different situations when you would use the different boolean values? Thanks ...

What is the Objective-C way of getting a nullable bool?

How should I go about getting a bool value that I can assign true, false and nil to in Objective-C? What is the Objective-C way of doing this? Much like C#'s Nullable. I'm looking to be able to be able to use the nil value to represent undefined. ...

XOR of three values

What is the simplest way to do a three-way exclusive OR? In other words, I have three values, and I want a statement that evaluates to true IFF only one of the three values is true. So far, this is what I've come up with: ((a ^ b) && (a ^ c) && !(b && c)) || ((b ^ a) && (b ^ c) && !(a && c)) || ((c ^ a) && (c ^ b) && !(a && b)) Is th...

Declaring bool variable in c on linux platform

How to declare a variable of bool datatype in C running on Linux platform. I tried the following but its giving an error: #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> bool factors[1000] void main() { } ...

MySQL boolean - flipping the value?

MySQL uses TinyINT to serve as a boolean field. Given the possible options of 0 and 1, I decided that I'd flip values like this: UPDATE table SET boolean_field = ABS(boolean_field - 1) WHERE Circle-K = 'Strange things are afoot' So you either go 1 -> 0 -> ABS(0) = 0 or 0 -> -1 -> ABS(-1) = 1 now I'm curious if this is acceptable or ...

validates_inclusion_of :in => [true, false] is allowing Strings and Fixnums

I have this validation in my model: validates_inclusion_of :imported, :in => [true, false] but still allows Strings and Fixnums. This Shoulda macro returns 2 failures: should_not_allow_values_for :imported, "blah", 42 and I've checked that the macro isn't at fault by doing this in a test: @item.imported = 42 assert [email protected] ...

Java - Convert boolean[] to decimal

Hey, A boolean array can be considered to be a binary number e.g. boolean[] four = {true, false, false}; //100 I would like to convert such an array to its decimal equivalent e.g. int decimal = convertBooleanArrayToDecimal(four); //decimal == 4 How can I do so? Cheers, Pete ...

NSUserDefaults BOOL returning (null)

Hi guys, I'm trying to pull an NSUserDefaults value from a Settings.bundle into my application. When I load up the NSUserDefaults on application load, though, an NSLog reveals that my BOOL value returns "(null)" and my String value returns the number 39540360. The weird thing is that the documentation on NSUserDefaults specifically state...

How should boolean expressions be written in PHP?

How should the following boolean expression be written in PHP: $foo = ""; if($var==TRUE){ $foo = "bar"; } or if($var==TRUE){ $foo = "bar"; }else{ $foo = ""; } or $foo = ($var==TRUE) ? "bar": ""; ...

Alternatives to boolean flags in MySQL tables?

I'm using various boolean flags in my tables, and from reading a bit about optimizing performance I came across a widespread tip to avoid using boolean flags. What are the effective alternatives? Some examples would be much appreciated. ...

Which operator is faster: ?: or &&

While developing ASP.NET applications I often need to parse a boolean value given in string form, e.g. from a query string like ?visible=true I found two solutions to implement the parsing: bool Visible { get { bool b; return Boolean.TryParse(this.Request["visible"], out b) && b; } } or bool Visible { ...

Ordering of evaluation using boolean or

So I've got this snippet of code. And it works (It says 1 is non-prime).: n = 1 s = 'prime' for i in range(2, n / 2 + 1): if n == 1 or n % i == 0: s= 'non-' +s break print s My problem is that if I change the fourth line to: if n % i == 0 or n == 1:, it doesn't work (it says 1 is prime.) Why is that? Since I'm us...

How to change Django NullBooleanField widget application wide?

I would want to display all NullBooleanFields in my application as radio buttons. What's the best way to do it? Following template or something similar would be ideal. Just to allow rich styling and tone-of-voice different from plain "Yes/No/Unknown". '''<li class="field-%s"> <label class="%s" title="%s">%s</label> <label class...

QCView inputKey responds to NO but crashes on YES

Hello, I have a QCView with a boolean input splitter in it. When I try and do [qcview setValue:NO forInputKey:@"showCube"]; it works as expected and the input gets set to NO. However, When I try and do [qcview setValue:YES forInputKey:@"showCube"]; I get EXC_BAD_ACCESS. I have tried using 1, YES, and TRUE and they all give the same erro...

excel - true vs "true" vs true()

When writing an Excel formula, does it make a difference whether you set a value to true, "true", or true()? In other words, which of the following is the best? Or does it depend on the circumstances? if (A1 = 1, true, false) if (A1 = 1, "true", "false") if (A1 = 1, true(), false()) ...

Evaluating a boolean variable in PHP: Should one use If/Else or Switch?

I love getting myself into these ridiculous situations where I over-evaluate my coding practices, so here goes! This question probably transcends PHP (as well as sanity). When evaluating a Boolean variable, which of these is best practice? (assume that there's too much //do stuff for a ternary) if ($bool) { // do true stuff } els...

Is this Boolean comparison correct?

I have a managedObject with an attribute that is a Boolean. I need to compare the value of this and then hide a button if required. There's a couple of caveats, firstly the isBookmarkHidden boolean can be set and will override the property of the managedObject so the button is hidden regardless. If this boolean is NO it will then use th...

Boolean functions: if statements or simple return

I was checking a friend's code, and this pattern showed up quite a bit whenever he wrote functions that returned a boolean value: def multiple_of_three(n): if (n % 3) is 0: return True else: return False I maintain that it's simpler (and perhaps a bit faster) to write: def multiple_of_three(n): return (n % 3...