
java: boolean instanceOf Boolean ?

Hello everyone. I'm a bit confused: I have a function, that takes an Object as argument. But the compiler does not complain if I just pass a primitive and even recognizes a boolean primitive as Boolean Object. Why is that so? public String test(Object value) { if (! (value instanceof Boolean) ) return "invalid"; if (((Boolean) v...

Updating nullable boolean fields in the Entity Framework

Changes to nullable bool properties are not saved back to the db in EF4 however other fields which are nullable are updating without any issues. For example, if I execute simple query similar to the following: EmployeeSurvey employeeSurvey = context.EmployeeSurveys.SingleOrDefault(s => s.EmployeeSurveyID == 60); employeeSurvey.Employee...

Lucene.Net IndexSearcher not working with BooleanQuery

I have the following code snippet: QueryParser parser = new MultiFieldQueryParser(Lucene.Net.Util.Version.LUCENE_29, new string[] { Field1, Field2, Field3 }, _analyzer); parser.SetDefaultOperator(QueryParser.Operator.AND); Query queryOrig= parser.Parse(queryString); var query = new BooleanQuery(); ...

Elegant way to bias random boolean

I'd like to create a random boolean in JavaScript, but I want to take the previous value into account. If the previous value was true, I want it to be more likely for the next value to be true. At the moment I've got this (this is in the context of a closure - goUp and lastGoUp are locals to the containing scope): function setGoUp() { ...

boolean variables posted through AJAX being treated as strings in server side

Following is a part of an AJAX functionality to add classes and packs to session cart:- The jquery part function addClassToCart(itemId) { addItemToCart(itemId,true); } function addPackToCart(itemId) { addItemToCart(itemId,false); } function addItemToCart(itemId,isClass) { $.post(url+"/ajax/add_cart", { operation: 'add_c...

What is !0 in C?

I know that in C, for if statements and comparisons FALSE = 0 and anything else equals true. Hence, int j = 40 int k = !j k == 0 // this is true My question handles the opposite. What does !0 become? 1? int l = 0 int m = !l m == ? // what is m? ...

Rails (or Ruby): Yes/No instead of True/False

I know I could easily write a function and put it in the application controller, but I'd rather not if there is something else that does this already. Basically I want to have something like: >> boolean_variable? => true >> boolean_variable?.yesno => yes >> boolean_variable?.yesno.capitalize => Yes is there something like this already...

PHP boolean to string with modification & a condition

When echoing a boolean (true or false), PHP converts it to 1 or <nothing> and displays it. e.g.: $x = true; echo $x; //displays: 1 $x = false; echo $x; //displays: <nothing> My Question: Is there a PHP function (if not how to code it) which can display exactly "true" or "false" (and not 1 or nothing), if a variable is a boolean otherw...

What is the most 'pythonic' way to logically combine a list of booleans?

I have a list of booleans I'd like to logically combine using and/or. The expanded operations would be: vals = [True, False, True, True, True, False] # And-ing them together result = True for item in vals: result = result and item # Or-ing them together result = False for item in vals: result = result or item Are there nift...

How do I submit a boolean parameter in Rails?

I'm submitting a parameter show_all with the value true. This value isn't associated with a model. My controller is assigning this parameter to an instance variable: @show_all = params[:show_all] However, @show_all.is_a? String, and if @show_all == true always fails. What values does Rails parse as booleans? How can I explicitly spe...

Is the AutoResetEvent type an appropriate choice for an atomic switch?

Suppose I am processing a large amount of incoming data from multiple threads. I may want for this data to act as a trigger for a specific action when certain criteria are met. However, the action is not reentrant; so the same trigger being fired twice in rapid succession should only cause the action to run once. Using a simple bool fla...

Make Python bool print 'On' or 'Off' rather than 'True' or 'False'

What is the best way to make a variable that works exactly like a bool but prints On or Off rather than True or False? Currently the program is printing: Color: True, whereas Color: On would make more sense. For the record, I initially tried to make an OnOff class that inherits from bool: class OnOff(bool): def __str__(self): ...

boolean operation trick

I've seen this before in code, but forgotten it. Basically it toggles a boolean variable. If it's true, it'll set to false and vice-versa. But unfortunately forgot the syntax. It's basically a one liner for this: if (myVar) { myVar = false; } else { myVar = true; } It's something like this, but don't know what it...

How do you verify that a 2d bitmap is contiguous?

Let's say you have the following structure in C#: struct Piece : IEquatable<Piece> { public readonly int size; public readonly bool[,] data; public Piece(Piece p) { size = p.size; data = (bool[,]); } public Piece(int s, bool[,] d) { size = s; if (d.GetLength(0) != s || ...

Objective C try parse boolean

I would like to know how, in Objective-C, how to tell if a string represents a boolean value. The [string boolValue] method will not work, because when I try to parse a string like [@"ERROR" boolValue] it returns NO instead of throwing an exception. In C#, I could do something like: if (Boolean.TryParse(string, out bool)), but this is no...

Toggling Boolean Problem

this code is written in simple ActionScript, but i'm assuming this problem of mine would occur in all languages that have boolean datatypes. i'm simply clicking the stage so that my boolean variable reverses its value and than traces/prints/logs it's new value. however, it's always tracing true instead of switching between true and fal...

Determine if all checkboxes within jQuery object are checked, return as boolean

Hey all. I've been been trying to figure this out for a while now. I create a jQuery object of checkboxes and store it in a variable: $group1 = $('#checkbox1,#checkbox2,#checkbox3,#checkbox4'); The user cannot continue unless all checkboxes in that group are checked. I've been using an if statement combined with .is(':checked') to f...

Does the order of expression to check in boolean statement affect performance

If I have a Boolean expression to check (A && B) If A is found to be false will the language bother to check B? Does this vary from language to language? The reason I ask is that I'm wondering if it's the case that B is checked even if A is false then wouldn't if (A) { if(B) { } else { // code x } } else { // code x }...

is there a boolean type in oracle databases?

is there a boolean type in oracle databases? ...

Boolean vs boolean in Java

There are discussion around Integer vs int in Java. The default value of the former is null while in the later it's 0. How about Boolean vs boolean? A variable in my application can have 0/1 values. I would like to use boolean/Boolean and prefer not to use int. Can I use Boolean/boolean instead? Thanks. ...