
Bootstrapping Dependencies (using StructureMap) in winforms

I am trying to keep the IoC registration off to the side just like it is done in CodeCampServer via the DependencyResolution project, so that only one project in my solution holds a reference to StructureMap. I have implementations of interfaces in my Client/UI project which I want registered, meaning that this DependencyResolution Proj...

MSBuild Bootstrapper postrequisite

Hello I am using the MSBuild Bootstrapper for my Visual Studio 2005 project. I need to have a specific version of DirectX installed with my program. The problem is I am unable to catch and defer the reboot after DirectX gets installed. I dont know why it wont catch it. So my new idea is to have DirectX be installed after my program is. T...

Does Zend framework's modular approach have good logic behind it?

Zend framework is pretty fast growing, we all agree and we all had been surprised while trying out the modular structure of Zend Framework, if to be concrete the bootstraping of the modules - all the bootstrap files of the modules are executed in the beginning no matter if we are using/accessing that module or not. As far as I remember t...

Zend Framework: Autoloading module resources in config.ini?

Is it possible, to configure the following behaviour in application.ini? <?php class Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap { protected function _initAdminModuleAutoloader() { $this->_resourceLoader = new Zend_Application_Module_Autoloader(array( 'namespace' => 'Admin', 'basePath' => APPLI...

Zend Framework: Getting request object in bootstrap

How do I get the request object from inside the bootstrap file? I can try this methods but not work. $request= new Zend_Controller_Request_Http(); $request = Zend_Controller_FrontController::getInstance()->getRequest(); ...

How to control the download url for dotNetFx35setup.exe without using the Visual Studio bootstrapper

Previously I've used to Visual Studio 2008 setup.bin to generate a bootstrapper. I had some issues with it which were difficult to resolve and turned to dotNetInstaller. One great thing with the VS 2008 generated bootstrapper, was that I was able to control the download location for the .NET framework. By using the MSBuild task I could s...

Hello World bootloader not working!

Hello. I've been working through the tutorials on this webpage which progressively creates a bootloader that displays Hello World. The 2nd tutorial (where we attempt to get an "A" to be output) works perfectly, and yet the 1st tutorial doesn't work for me at all! (The BIOS completely ignores the floppy disk and boots straight into Win...

MBR Booting from DOS

For a project I would like to invoke the MBR on the first harddisk directly from DOS. I've written a small assembler program that loads the MBR in memory at 0:7c00h an does a far jump to it. I've put my util on a (DOS) bootable floppy. The disk (HD0, 0x80) i'm trying to boot has a TrueCrypt boot loader on it. When I run the tool in this ...

Java: hasJREfinishedInitialization() - how to check if jre has finished loading/initializing all core classes?

Is there a way to check if all boot (core) java classes (belonging to the Java Runtime Environment) have been loaded/initialized for use in Java? I need to check this in a rare situation where I have have access to the JRE but not to the actual application, so I cannot simply wait for the main application to run and execute from that po...

Routing zend request through a default controller when controller not found.

Below is a function defined in my Bootstrap class. I must be missing something fundamental in the way Zend does routing and dispatching. What I am trying to accomplish is simple: For any request /foo/bar/* that is not dispatchable for any reason try /index/foo/bar/. The problem I'm having is when the FooController exists I get Action...

Zend Framework subdomain+subfolder router rewrite problem

I'm new to Zend Framwork and this is an issue I've been struggling for several hours already... I'm trying to chain Hostname and standard Route in order to get url with subdomain+subfolders ie.: http:// http:// (sorry for the em...

Mongomapper - bootstrapping techniques

I've just begun creating a rails application using mongomapper for my models. I'm wondering what solution should I use for bootstrapping my app with it. All my previous experience is with ActiveRecord & PostgreSQL, in which I have used several gems for bootstrapping. The one I liked the most was bootstrapper (+ factorygirl + faker). Do...

Zend framework: Forms in modules

Hi, What I want to do: Create a number of modules with the forms folder inside them. What I did: Create a bootstrapper inside the module and added an _initAutoload function with the specific module name as namespace. For instance, an admin module with the following bootstrapper: class Admin_Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Mod...

How can a language's compiler be written in that language?

Possible Duplicates: implementing a compiler in itself Bootstrapping a language How can you write a compiler in the same language as the language you're writing that compiler for? Isn't that sort of recursive? Edit: This may be deleted, but otherwise... : How to bootstrap:

How to create a runnable setup out of bootstrapper packages?

I would like to install a .NET 4.0 application on the user's machine that does not meet certain prerequisites. I need to be able to define the installation order of these prerequisites in my installer, because they depend on each other (.NET 4.0, Windows Installer 4.5, SQL Server 2008 R2 and others). AFAIK this is doable via the follow...

.NET Framework Version Dependency Bootstrapper

About 30 minutes of troubleshooting and it turns out the person who's trying to use my application doesn't have the newest version of the .NET Framework. Is there a way or some KB article which describes a best practice for informing users who are not updated or do not have the framework, etc. Thanks! ...

Can Javascript be Bootstrapped?

Will Javascript on the rapid rise and it being adapted for all sorts of things, my question is: Can Javascript be bootstrapped? More specifically, would a JS parser written in JS be fast enough to be useful at all? What are the design decisions that go into deciding whether or not to bootstrap a language? This questions comes after see...

Detecting if SQL Server 2008 is installed

I am using dotNetInstaller as a bootstrapper and I need to detect if SQL Server 2008 or above is installed as a prerequisite. Currently I am using this registry to detect the installation: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Redist\SharedManagementObjects\1033\CurrentVersion\Version If the value of Version is 10.0.0 or h...

PHP Bootstrapping Basics

I'm writing my first PHP app. Everyone talks about having a bootstrap.php to initialize your app. This makes sense and I've put together one that I'm happy with. There's two things I don't understand, and which no one seems to mention: Where do I call my boostrap from? Do I include it in every page? Please tell me there's a better ...

help me improve my bootstrap

Consider the following code: require(Hmisc) <- 10 data <- rchisq(500, df = 5) #generate fake data #create bins binx <- cut(data, breaks = 10) binx <- levels(binx) binx <- sub("^.*\\,", "", binx) binx <- as.numeric(substr(binx, 1, nchar(binx) - 1)) #pre-allocate a matrix to be filled with samples output <- matrix(NA, nrow = n...