
Drupal - using boostrap to check logged in user outside of Drupal not working

I'm pulling my hair out trying to figure this one out. I can't get the Bootstrap to work properly when outside of the Drupal dir. It works fine if I run this code in the Drupal dir, but up one level doesn't work. My Drupal path is /public_html/drupal/. The script I'm running is in /public_html. $user is not returning the logged in use...

what is a kernal, bootloader?

hello friends, i need to know about boot loader and kernel in deep from its basic. i search the google and got a lot of links... but i need to find the good ones. if you pals have any docs or video or htmls share with me..... thanks in advance ...

best practices when rebuilding gcc after patches

Hi, here's the scenario: freshly built latest (native) gcc from a stable release tarball (4.5.1 for the sake of completeness, but that shouldn't really matter) with the full suggested 3-stage bootstrap sequence. Also installed it as the host compiler and configured the system configured to use its runtime libraries. Now, say I see a co...

PHP: Is it secure to use index.php as the bootstrap?

I ask because it seems like the only thing ever called in a proper app index.php file is the require_once bootstrap file. I'm assuming this adds a layer of security but if not, this pattern seems pointless. Why not just use the index.php file as the bootstrap? Any opinions, cautions, thoughts etc. are appreciated! (By the way, my htacce...

Injecting AutoMapper dependencies using Ninject

I am having trouble injecting AutoMapper into an ASP.NET MVC 2 application using Ninject. I used Jimmy Bogard's post on AutoMapper and StructureMap type Configuration as a guide. public class AutoMapperModule : NinjectModule { public override void Load() { Bind<ITypeMapFactory>().To<TypeMapFactory>(); Bind<Config...

Bootstrapping to compare two groups

In the following code I use bootstrapping to calculate the C.I. and the p-value under the null hypothesis that two different fertilizers applied to tomato plants have no effect in plants yields (and the alternative being that the "improved" fertilizer is better). The first random sample (x) comes from plants where a standard fertilizer h...

Is there a relatively easy way for a hybrid .Net exe (console app/Windows service) to install and start itself as a service?

Suppose an executable named ConsoleOrService.exe is written in C#. It currently is a hybrid. I can just start it on the command line, or I can install it using the .Net's installutil ConsoleOrService.exe and then start the service. I would like a third option: running it on the command line like so: ConsoleOrService.exe --install and ha...

How to load plugins with modules

I have this plugin in the plugins directory within the admin module directory. So, it is in application/modules/admin/plugins/LayoutPlugin.php: <?php class LayoutPlugin extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract { public function preDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request) { $layout = Zend_Layout::getMvcInstance(); ...

Executing a function before view renders

I'm new to Zend Framework MVC. I love a lot of things about working with an MVC environment, but find myself confused about it structurally sometimes. I have a simple task, I'd like to flag certain users on our site to track their movements. For this I've set up a simple table in the database, and started to code in my _initTracking() f...

Create p-values from bootstrapped multivariate normal distribution

Dear all, Due to hetereoscedasticity I'm doing bootstrapped linear regression (appeals more to me than robust regression). I'd like to create a plot along the lines of what I've done in the script here. However the fill=int is not right since int should (I believe) be calculated using a bivariate normal distribution. -Any idea how I c...

Unity: Am example of a bootstrapper file?

Hi there, does anyone have a good example of a boostrapper class i can see for reference.. I can't seem to find one anywhere, searched google but no luck. Searched the helpfile and no luck.. Any help really appreciated ...