
Anything like bpython for Ruby?

IRb is pretty plain compared to bpython, even when using wirble. Is there any ruby equivalent of bpython? ...

how do I set a value for a ShapeKey in Blender Python ?

I've managed to insert Shape Keys from Python using: ob = Scene.GetCurrent().object.active; if(ob.activeShape == 0): ob.insertShapeKey() ob.insertShapeKey() Now how do I change a key value ? ...

How can I set UVs to a Mesh in Blender Python ?

Using Blender 2.49's Python API I'm creating a mesh. I have a list of vertices and a list of face indices. e.g. mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new('mesh') mesh.verts.extend(mVerts) mesh.faces.extend(mFaces) I've noticed MVert's uvco property and MFace's uv property, and added some random values, but I can't see any change when I render. Re...

How do I set a world background texture in Blender 2.49 using Python ?

Hello, I'm trying to set a background World Texture in Blender 2.49. I've made a texture: import Blender from Blender import * import bpy world = World.GetCurrent() worldTex = Texture.New('worldTex') worldTex.setType('Image') worldIm = Image.Load('//blender_scene/tex/bg 001.jpg') worldIm.source = Image.Sources.SEQUENCE worldT...