
UDP Broadcast in Java

Morning. I'm pretty new in Java and socket connections but I'm trying to send out a UDP packet/broadcast on on port 8001 to a device. I can get the data to send just fine, however when it comes time to receive the data the connection times out. I have a packet sniffer and I can see the packet send and then the device r...

UDP Broadcast stress

I am writing an application that relies on UDP Broadcasting. Does anyone know what kind of stress this puts on your network? I would like to have multiple clients on the same network broadcasting frequently. Any information on this would be helpful Thanks ...

Android Broadcast Address

Hey, I am making a Client Server application for my Android phone. I have created a UDP Server in Python which sits and listens for connections. I can put either the server IP address in directly like and it sends data fine. I can also put in and it find the server on Is it possible to get ...

MPI hypercube broadcast error

I've got a one to all broadcast method for a hypercube, written using MPI: one2allbcast(int n, int rank, void *data, int count, MPI_Datatype dtype) { MPI_Status status; int mask, partner; int mask2 = ((1 << n) - 1) ^ (1 << n-1); for (mask = (1 << n-1); mask; mask >>= 1, mask2 >>= 1) { if (rank & mask2 == 0) { pa...

cannot receive UDP broadcast packets

Hello I have 2 boxes: - an embedded device (ARM Omap with linux) which I'll call "Omap". - a PC (can either be Windows or linux). Scenario 1 Both boxes are in the same network (example: my office). The Omap gets its address from a DHCP server (ex: The PC has always the same address (ex. I can succ...

Send a public broadcast from an AppWidget in Android

I have a widget for a music player and want to be able to send broadcasts when pushing the different buttons. What I want to do is when a button is pushed, the widget sends a public broadcast to another BroadcastReceiver so it can handle the different actions. In my activity class with the BroadcastReceiver: private BroadcastReceiver b...

Design problem with callback functions in android

Hi folks! I'm currently developing an app in android that is accessing wifi values, that is, the application needs to scan for all access point and their specific signal strengths. I know that I have to extend the class BroadcastReceiver overwriting the method BroadcastReceiver.onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) which is called wh...

Android AppWidgetProvider and BroadcastReceivers

The online android documentation says: Everything you can do with AppWidgetProvider, you can do with a regular BroadcastReceiver. So, what i want to do is to register via registerReceiver() another event other than ACTION_APPWIDGET_* on my Widget. For example ACTION_BATTERY_OKAY, is there any way to do this? Obviously i cant regist...

Alternatives for Pushing data from an Android Service to an Activity

I've a service that is receiving UDP data from the network. I want to push this data from the service to a UI activity. One way to do it is using broadcast Intents. What is the performance overhead of sending broadcasts frequently from the service to the activities? Are there any other alternatives for doing this ? Thanks. ...

Android: Programatically triggering phone checkin

From within my Android application, I need to make the phone 'checkin' with Google for Market updates. This can be done manually by the user by opening the dialer and typing '*#*#CHECKIN#*#*'. My app needs the ability to do the same thing. I'm positive this done using an Intent. Some digging shows that the Alarm Manager has this pend...

Error starting conversation list activity from broadcast receiver on deveice

I've got a broadcast receiver that gets triggered when a notification my app created is clicked. When that broadcast receiver is started it completes a task then tries to bring of the sms conversations. It works fine on the emulator, however when I try it on a droid incredible it crashes with the following message 07-07 22:57:23.901: ...

is there any site for broadcasting live shows?

hi, please delete the question if this site is not the right place to post this question I am looking for a site where I can log in and create events that I can broadcast. broadcast will be live and users who come to the site can watch it . And when an user logs on to watch my broadcast I can see the list of users and then have chat op...

sending broadcast intent from runnable.

I want to send a broadcast from a new thread is start. This is what i tried : new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { //some other code for timing. // .. // .. Intent broadcastIntent = new Intent(); broadcastIntent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_ANSWER); ...

Game Server: Broadcasting UDP packet over Internet?

A friend of mine made a small LAN-playable game, and ask me to change it, so it could be playable over the Internet. I don't want to make huge changes on the client application. When a game is created, the server keep sending UDP BROADCAST packets to tell everyone that a game has been created. Now, I just need to change this BROADCAST i...

How to create a new Intent for another app's broadcast receiver?

In the examples, they create Intent as: Intent intent = new Intent(this, AlarmReceiver.class); But suppose my AlarmReceiver class is in another app, how do I create this intent? I've tried with new Intent("") but nothing happens.. It was not called.. Any idea? --Broadcast definition added using the manifest ...

WCF duplex communication

I need to re-write an existing client-server application. The existing application communicate using socket, I have to convert it into WCF. At server side I need to Monitor connected clients Validate client request Broadcast live data (comming from diff source). Listen to client and respond to it At client end I need to Receive...

iPhone reading a broadcast transmission

Hi everybody, I have a server that should send a broadcast transimission, which I have to read in an iPhone App. I searched in the net, but I didn't find anything. I'm able to play a video starting from its URL, so my question is: how can I play in my iPhone a broadcast transmission? ...

Android Broadcast vs Binder

Hi, i have an app with 9 services and one service which manages them and it is kind of hard to manage them all with binders. I only need to call a funtion with the alarmmanager and i'm thinking of just using broadcasts. So the alarmmanager sends a broadcast and a service receives it and calls its funtion. I don't need to pass data betwe...

is this systems broadcast ordered or normal broadcast?

I'm trying to figure out if a system event broadcast is broadcasted using ordered broadcast or normal.. The event is EVENT_REMINDER and in the source for the calendarprovider i noticed it sets up a alarmmanager to sent the broadcast. I can't find how the alarmmanager sends it. My guess would be as a normal broadcast , But while i ...

How can I send a broadcast message in Delphi

Hi, I want to send a broadcast UDP message in my LAN, the application is client/server. I desire to update the user interface, this way any computer send a message to update the others. Can I use UDPServer indy, how to use ? Thanks ...