
Why use bug tracking software?

The main goal of this question is to generate a list of reasons why you should use bug tracking software. I have some of the basics track bugs (ok, that's easy) defects don't get lost or forgotten Monitoring trends can tell you a lot about your product Can get a better idea of the state of your product I know there are other, prob...

Vehicle tracking through AVL03

Hi All, I have been working on the vehicle tracking concept and using AVL 03 device to send the telemetric details of the vehicle to the server. Now the problem i'm facing is: I have correctly set up all the parameters required to sending data to the call center , then to the log says "GPRS failed", and i'm not getting the data from th...

How to prioritize bugs?

In my current company there isn't clear understanding between the test and development teams as to how severe a bug should be? There are arguments which go back and forth to reduce or to increase the severity. We are not as of now aware of any documents which lays the rules. The tester raises the bug and assigns priority based on his int...

How to use Trac like JIRA

I have been using JIRA for the past 15 months, and now I find myself on a project that is using Trac. How do I look up a ticket just by the ticket number in Trac? I am use to just typing the ticket value in the upper right hand side of JIRA and it finding that one ticket. I tried the same thing in Trac and was not so lucky. ...

TFS process guidance template lock-in?

My team is looking to migrate many of our tools (SCM, bug-tracking, builds, testing) to TFS. We're considering moving each system in stages. For example, move source control first, bug/feature tracking next, etc... Since we have to choose a process template to use source control (or anything in TFS) how locked in are we with the decisio...

Having Trouble Finding The Right Bug Tracker Software

I have searched all day today and have found a gazillion (well, ok -- a few dozen) Bug Trackers, some free, some hosted, some very expensive. I am quickly realizing that I don't have the time to spend evaluating them all (especially since it appears that many of them have so many features that we will never use). Here is my list of mode...

Logging of development email

I'm at an IT/Development department where the only method notifying changes to code is sending a email to the group ([email protected]). So we have a lot of emails. I would like to set up the email group so all emails sent to the group are stored in one place. We use Exchange, so I was thinking of having them automatically store...

Cheaper alternative to FogBugz

Hey guys, I really love using FogBugz but as a startup we just can't handle the cost of 100 Dollars per month(hosted) or 942 Dollars per year for four developers. I am not using the wiki neither am I using it as a help desk software. I really just need a program for our developers where we can track all the cases, assign them to someone ...

Adding bug through email with a bug tracking system

Do you know any bug tracking tools that support adding bugs by sending an email to a specific address? ...

What does your code do to contact you when things go badly wrong?

What does your code do to contact you when things go badly wrong? Actually what i want to know is, How do you get informed by code if something went wrong on your application? ...

Jira: Status tracking for multiple versions

We often have issues reported in JIRA for multiple versions of an application. However the fixes for these issues are not commited at the same time for every version the issue is reported for. This makes it hard to track in which version a fix was commited and developers sometimes forget to commit a fix for a version. Is there a way to...

Looking for Good Open Source Bug Tracking Sofware for Windows

Other than the painful installation of non-windows Bugzilla, any recommendations with an open source bug program that is just as good but with a damn .exe or .msi out there? ...

JIRA or Trac?

I used Atlassian JIRA for bug and issue tracking at my last job. I absolutely loved it and it was particularly easy on the eyes. My present company is using Trac instead, and while it does do all the basics, I am finding it really lacking, particularly with the inability to easily setup multiple projects and link issues. Oh, and the ...

Is there a way to run Trac offline?

I'd like to download the Trac database so I can view its tickets offline. Is there anyway to achieve this? I.e. if I need to leave the office and bring my laptop with me, how can I bring the tickets with me without having to connect to the company network? I know that Mylyn can download and sync tickets via it's trac connector but I'd ...

difference between a bug and an Incident

What is the difference between a "bug" and an "incident" in your organization? Edit ~ I noticed a few bug-tracking software have the options to create an "bug" report and an "incident" report. ...

How to effectively manage branches with JIRA?

We develop a product that consists of a core runtime shared across products (project1, project2, ...) and a project/product specific part. For each of those "products" we maintain multiple branches because different versions are rolled out into the field and require maintenance and sometimes even feature backports. We also use JIRA as a...

Query Trac for all tickets related to a user

How do I query for all trac tickets related to a user. i.e. all tickets for which the tickets were once assigned, assigned now, created , etc etc ...

is there a free bug tracking system that does not have to be installed and set up

I know this question has been asked before but I am looking for bugtracking system that is free and is just online. We are not looking for anything fancy, just want the test team to be able to log something so that testers can go back and go through the bugs. I've looked at bugzilla but it has to be installed and the installation seems...

What's the difference between a bug tracking and an issue tracking system?

I'm looking for both an explanation of why and when you would use each system and what features differentiate a bug vs. issue tracking application. ...

How important is version control integration with your bug tracking software

Currently we use FogBugz for tracking issues and found it to be ok. I'm looking for something else that can allow end users the ability to track their cases along with us. And something that actually works well with email. I've found a few alternatives that support those features but they don't integrate with version control. We've got a...