
Is there a workaround for Java's poor performance on walking huge directories?

I am trying to process files one at a time that are stored over a network. Reading the files is fast due to buffering is not the issue. The problem I have is just listing the directories in a folder. I have at least 10k files per folder over many folders. Performance is super slow since File.list() returns an array instead of an iter...

IE6 invisible text in 7 lines HTML, is there a fix?

It took me forever to reduce the problem to this. I cannot express the amount of frustration I'm experiencing, and if I did, it would not be suitable for any website. Ever. Here is the HTML code that is causing me epic pain: <div style="padding: 5px; background: #EEE"> This text is invisible. Remove either padding or background to s...

jQuery extensions are not working after minification

I came across a weird behavior with jQuery. After minifying all my scripts, jQuery plugins do not work. jQuery object and its api are still available, but none of the extensions that were added after jQuery is able to be invoked. I tested and found that these extensions are still present until the dom is created. I created a simple exten...

How to rename exe file

Say I've got a generic vertical market application and I want to package it as two separate programs aaa.exe and bbb.exe. Is there any way to use the Delphi linker to create an EXE/DLL file that doesn't have the same name as the DPR? I can't just rename the file because I get this error bbb.exe - Unable to to locate component ...

What is wrong with this simple CSS in IE?

There is a div that has inner content, a div with a border that's inside a div. Somehow, this div is expanded to encompass the next div. It blows my mind. <div style="background: yellow;"> <div> <div style="border: 1px solid black; background: green">green background</div> </div> </div> <div style="margin-top: 100px;"> IE gi...

what does it mean when a bug doesn't crash the program

The title says it all. No dire need to know, I'm just curious. Sometimes Eclipse comes up saying "hey you should debug this line!!!" but doesn't actually close the program. I can then continue to play big two, and even go through the same events that caused the error the first time and get another error box to pop up! The bug is simple,...

Java 6 JVM Hang

Apologies for the long post, but I wonder if I could get some more eyeballs on this before I submit a bug report to Sun. JVM: 6u11 O/S: Windows XP SP3 Hardware: AMD Athlon 64 X2 4600+ @ 2.41GHz, with 3.25 GB RAM. I believe I have encountered a fault in the JVM where no thread is given a monitor. In the following thread traces, the mon...

Bug, er Defect Terminology

As the BigCo I worked for got serious about software development, they encouraged more formal terminology. Instead of bugs, which might randomly just happen, they preferred the term defect which could be prevented. Tongue firmly in cheek, I developed the following guideline: Levels of Unexpected Software Events (USE) An Unverified Fe...

Comb Technology

This question is about the rare case of software that is neither in active development nor moribund. First, why is it so rare for software to ever be finished? It seems "no longer in active development" is often synonymous with "moribund". Second, what are exceptions to this? Donald Knuth's TeX is a famous example. It's been untouch...

ASP.NET Routing in WebForms - Blank Page Bug?

OK, I have a standard ASP.NET WebForms Application (3.5, SP1)... I've just added the System.Web.Routing DLL, and set a route to a point to a new handler. That handler is VERY VERY simple, and simply returns a new instance of a standard page. Code here: public class ReportRouteHandler : IRouteHandler { IHttpHandler IRouteHandler.Get...

ASP.NET Routing - Do Custom Routes COMPLETELY SKIP Everything in the Global.asax?

I have a simple ASP.NET 3.5 SP1 Web Forms app... I've added the System.Web.Routing DLL, and I've made a simple route that returns a standard ASP.NET Page as the "IHttpHandler". All is good... except that HttpContext.Current.User is null ??? So, I did a little more digging (I put breakpoints in all the events in the Global.asax file). N...

Is this a Windows XP firewall bug?

I have a webserver running on my Windows XP computer. I have set the firewall to allow incoming HTTP connections: Firewall settings window->'Advanced' tab->select my network connection->Settings->Services->check 'Webserver(HTTP)' checkbox. Normally, this works. However, sometimes upon restarting the server machine, the firewall again b...

Visual Studio 2005 - Projects disappearing

Hmmm, a new odd issue that has just started. Every now and then VS drops a whole bunch of projects from the solution. It will say at the top of Solution explorer "42 projects" when it is displaying only about 20 or so. Closing VS and re-opening it fixes this, although it is a bit of a pain as it takes a little while for the .sln to open ...

Is the IsNullOrEmpty bug fixed in .NET 3.0 or later?

Does anyone know if the IsNullOrEmpty bug is fixed in 3.0 or later? I currently came across the (NullReferenceException) bug in 2.0 and I have found documentation stating that is supposed to be fixed in the next release, but no definitive answer. ...

IE CSS bug: table border showing div with visibility: hidden, position: absolute

The issue I have a <div> on a page which is initially hidden with a visibility: hidden; position: absolute. The issue is that if a <div> hidden this way contains a table which uses border-collapse: collapse and has a border set on it cells, that border still shows "through" the hidden <div> on IE. Try this for yourself by running the c...

Velocity CTP2 Serious Memory Bug

When you create an instance of the cachefactory and then don’t use it anymore the memory that was used during the creation of the object is not released. This will have a substantial effect on all web apps or scenarios where a cachfactory might be created multiple times. The symptoms of this will be unusually high memory use one the pr...

Is this a bug in string.TrimEnd?

"\u4000\f".TrimEnd(new char[0]) is equal to "\u4000". I am passing an empty array, so according to the MSDN documentation nothing should be removed and "\u4000\f" should be returned. Is there a reason for this behaviour? EDIT: Clarified expected behaviour EDIT: Apparently, this changed in 3.5, I was looking at the 2.0 documentation...

Call Multiple Stored Procedures with the Zend Framework

I'm using Zend Framework 1.7.2, MySQL and the MySQLi PDO adapter. I would like to call multiple stored procedures during a given action. I've found that on Windows there is a problem calling multiple stored procedures. If you try it you get the following error message: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2014 Cannot execute queries ...

How to obtain a correct dump using mysqldump and single-transaction when DDL is used at the same time?

I'm new to MySQL and I'm figuring out the best way to perform an on-line hot logical backup using mysqldump. This page suggests this command line: mysqldump --single-transaction --flush-logs --master-data=2 --all-databases > backup_sunday_1_PM.sql but... if you read the documentation carefully you find that: While a --s...

Strange java enum bug

I have a really strange enum bug in Java. for(Answer ans : assessmentResult.getAnswersAsList()) { //originally stored in a table //AnswerStatus stat = ans.getStatus(); if (ans.getStatus() == AnswerStatus.NOT_ASSESSED) { assessed = false; } } An answer is an answer to a question on a test. An assessment result is th...