
Continuous integration tools with "pipeline" support?

Our automated builds and tests are taking an increasing amount of resources, especially since we support many platforms and test in both debug and optimized. So, I'm looking for some tool support that would allow a more incremental "pipeline" approach so we could get feedback and results faster. Some ideal characteristics would include...

What artifacts to save for a nightly build?

Assume that I set up an automatic nightly build. What artifacts of the build should I save? For example: Input source code output binaries Also, how long should I save them, and where? Do your answers change if I do Continuous Integration? ...

Automatic Deployment Resources

I know enough to know that we need to get our application to deploy with a single user action. However, I don't know: What are some good tools to use in a .NET shop? How do you manage config changes for each of your environments? Can someone point me to some good resources for continous integration. I'd like to see some theory as wel...

Automatically Remove Subversion Unversioned Files

Hi, does anybody know a way to recursively remove all files in a working copy that are not under version control? (I need this to get more reliable results in my automatic build VMware.) Thanks, Stefan ...

How to access XML version of CruiseContol.NET Web Dashboard reports (over HTTP)?

I need to determine state of last build (success/failure) and I do it like this: report_url = 'http://.../ViewLatestBuildReport.aspx' success_marker = '<td class="header-title" colspan="2">BUILD SUCCESSFUL</td>' page = urllib.urlopen(report_url) if all(success_marker not in line for line in page): # build is not good, do something ....

How to build an iterative user-defined action in Visual Build Professional?

In VBP its possible to define user defined actions by creating a custom COM component or a custom script. I need to create an user defined action which is iterative, which means it has to call child steps in an iterative manner like the "process files" built in action does. I can't figure out how to do this and Google isn't helpful eit...

Automate SVN Adds Using NAnt

I want to automate SVN adds using NAnt. I want to add to SVN all new files in a given directory. The NAnt script will successfully execute the add command, however it displays the Tortoise SVN add dialog and this is not acceptable because it will execute on a build server running CruiseControl. The build server is running Windows Server ...

Is there a way to separate long running (e.g. stress tests) out so they're not run by default in Maven 2?

We've had an ongoing need here that I can't figure out how to address using the stock Maven 2 tools and documentation. Some of our developers have some very long running JUnit tests (usually stress tests) that under no circumstances should be run as a regular part of the build process / nightly build. Of course we can use the surefire ...

Ant build that finds applications and iterates across them.

I use Ant to build Delphi applications (called from CruiseControl). I want ant to recursively search through a directory tree looking for files *.dpr and when found call either a second build.xml, or preferable a macro or target, passing each of the found file names as a 'parameter'. I have found that I can use subant to find build.xml...

How to specify a relative path for the jsUnit-ant-script?

JsUnit provides an ant-script with the target 'standalone_test'. This target uses the property url to identify the HTML-site, that executes the tests. These site is checked in, so that everyone should be able after a checkout to execute this tests. This works, but the url-proprty must be set to an absolute path, like file:///home/user/pr...

cruisecontrol sourcesafe block

The build machine at work has many projects, but we are only experiencing a problem with one. Two projects are very similar, one builds in debug mode, the other in release mode. They both clear out the projects directory, and then does a full Get from source safe. The debug build gets the source fine and fairly quickly, but the rele...

launching VS2008 build from python

if I paste this into the command prompt by hand, it works, but if I run it from python, I get The filename, directgory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. os.system('%comspec% /k ""C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat"" x86') os.system('devenv Immersica.sln /rebuild Debug /Out last-build.txt') ...

launching vs2008 build from python

The first batch file launches a command prompt, i need the second command to be in the ccontext of the first. how can I do this in python? As is, it launches the batch, and blocks until the batch (with its command prompt context) terminates, and then executes devenv without the necessary context. os.system(r'%comspec% /k ""C:\Program ...

How to organize the project tree for a C++ project using nmake?

There seems to be two major conventions for organizing project files and then many variations. Convention 1: High-level type directories, project sub-directories For example, the wxWidgets project uses this style /solution /bin /prj1 /prj2 /include /prj1 /prj2 /lib /prj1 /prj2 /src ...

Is there step-by-step tutorial on setting up CruiseControl.NET?

What to do automatic nightly build of .NET web application and upload to the test server. Or, if this tool is overkill, please suggest something else. ...

Running Delphi builds under TFS MSBuild

Wanting to build and test a bunch of Borland Delphi 6 projects that are integrated with ASP.NET services. Had been using WANT and CruiseControl for building Delphi. With TFS Build agent we can tie all together and do some testing. I am looking for guidance and direction. One issue I see is that there is no "solution" in a Delphi pro...

Build automation: MSBuild vs. Windows Mobile SDK

Hello, I'm trying to automate the build of the project I'm working on. My ultimate goal is to eventually have a continuous integration server and so far everything was great. In order to find out what is the minimal setup I can have for my project, I started configuring a freshly installed system and stumbled with the requirement to hav...

Top-level .mak file for Visual Studio?

I've inherited a body of Visual C++ source that consists of about a dozen sub-projects. One of these is an empty "MakeAll" project that depends on all the others, so I can build the entire project by setting the MakeAll project active and selecting "Build All." I'd like to automate this process, and coming from a linux environment, my ...

Script Minification and Continuous Integration with MSBuild

On a recent project I have been working on in C#/ASP.NET I have some fairly complicated JavaScript files and some nifty Style Sheets. As these script resources grow in size it is advisable to minify the resources and keep your web pages as light as possible, of course. I know many developers who hand-feed their JavaScript resources into...

Synchronizing CruiseControl projects across Linux and Windows platforms with dependencies

I have a multiple platform application set, with some applications running on Linux and some on Windows. I want to accomplish the following build: Server L runs CruiseControl with Project A, a Linux-only server application. This should build first. If Project A builds successfully, it needs to somehow kick off... Project B, a Window...