
OpenOffice command line PDF creation

I have some documentation written in OpenOffice, now I would like to include some of it as PDF files in the final build deliveries. Now I would like to do this with the automated build script. Is there a way to create a PDF file from OpenOffice with a command line command? ...

Automated-build version number with WiX, Inno Setup, and VS2008

Basically what I need is an automated way to update the product version number in WiX (3.0 with Votive etc), and then get that version number into an Inno Setup "bootstrapper" I pretty much have the process mostly automated, however version numbers still need to be updated manually which obviously isn't ideal, but I couldn't find how to...

What are the best practices to use to pass a web application from development staging to production?

Our Development environment has many layers and is complicated to replicate or even backup effectively. Basically the File system (ie. /usr/appdir/webapp...) has other applications serving our web application, those application we update doing svn updates from their repository. The use of the web application itself (as a user) will a...

Which is the faster way to interact with SourceSafe? Command line or object model?

Our project is held in a SourceSafe database. We have an automated build, which runs every evening on a dedicated build machine. As part of our build process, we get the source and associated data for the installation from SourceSafe. This can take quite some time and makes up the bulk of the build process (which is otherwise dominated b...

Subversion Ant update task taking forever

I've downloaded the svntask for ant from, so it is the "official" one. I have a simple task to update my entire project <target name="prepare"> <svn username="user" password="pass"> <update> <fileset dir="."/> </update> </svn> </target> Running this task took about 2 hours. Running a svn update on the comm...

When should you not use automated testing for a web application?

Assume I'm using an interpreted language to power a medium or large application, and that the application is tested by hand (no unit tests, not integration tests, etc). Support for said product will not be dropped any time in the foreseeable future, and new development happens daily. Are there some situations in which it would not be be...

Best way to alter constants in Java build process

I have inherited a Java application (servlets) that runs under Tomcat. For historical reasons, the code has different "look and feel" options based on where the application will be deployed (essentially a matter of branding). There are several constants that control this branding process, which have different functions and should not be...

Call cmake from make to create Makefiles?

I am using cmake to build my project. For UNIX, I would like to type make from my project's root directory, and have cmake invoked to create the proper Makefiles (if they don't exist yet) and then build my project. I would like the cmake "internal" files (object files, cmake internal Makefiles, etc.) to be hidden (e.g. put in a .build ...

How to structure a Java EE system? How is the term application and thus the content of an EAR defined?

I am in the process of designing a build system and the directory structure for a large software system developed with JEE 5. The build system will be implemented using ant. We have multiple different services, which are grouped thematically. Each service offers either a web service or EJBs. Each service runs on a dedicated application ...

How to add a whole directory or project output to WiX package

We decided to switch from VS integrated setup to WiX. However, what we currently do is use projects output files as the input for the setup project. This lets us easily add Application Files to a directory (for images, samples, and other resources...) and those files are automatically added to the setup when we build. I could not find ...

How do I reference SSIS on a build machine without installing SQL Server 2008 Client Tools?

I need to build SSIS packages on a build machine, and do not want the overhead of installing SQL Server Management Studio on this machine. A SQL Server 2008 SDK would be ideal, but I could not find where to download it. The dlls I require are (for example): Microsoft.SQLServer.ManagedDTS Microsoft.SqlServer.PipelineHost Microsoft.Sql...

How do I notify TFS of build stats?

I am told TFS can accept data on build/test metrics from 3rd party continuous integration tools. Does anyone know how this works or have any good links for me? My google-fu seems weak today and I cannot find any info on this. We would like to have a short powershell script or app run at the end of the build and send all known metrics up ...

Code freeze in SVN - Build management

Is there a better way to implement code freeze in SVN than asking all developers to not check in any new code? We have CruiseControl running, which automatically deploys the latest build to environment. So if new code comes in, the build that was made available earlier changes to the latest one. I want that the build that is deployed is ...

Build Server Best Practices

I heard google has some automated process like that: When you check in, your code is checked into a temporary location. It is built. Style checks run. Tests run. If there are no problems, code goes to actual repository. You receive an e - mail containing test results, performance graphs, style check results and whether your code is che...

MSBuild return value from database

Hi, does anyone know how to return a value from a (sql) database into an MSBuild script? I want to get the value into a property so I can pass it to subsequent build tasks. I am fiddling round with something like the following at the moment, but this is returning -1 to indicate the query has executed successfully, whereas what I want is...

What are some good resources to learn to use NAnt?

I've never used an automated build system - to be honest, I've never had a use for it since I work as a solo developer (not by choice) and do development only on my workstation, so using the Build menu in Visual Studio has been good enough for me. I'm trying to learn more good software engineering practices, and continuous integration i...

scons: How can I create a link to another repository's target if the target is built in the other repository

When I add a "Repository" to a SConstruct file (link), if any target in my repository has been built in this other repository ( and the dependencies haven't changed), then SCons will not build the target -- which is really cool. Unfortunately, I have some tools which rely on the targets being placed in a certain location. How can I cr...

Software Release automation

Hi, I am updating the code on a daily basis and commit all changes in each case so there is the new code available on server all the time. What I would like to simplify is build automation and version control. Currently I build a project and edit it's name version (Project Name vx.x.x) each time the the boss needs it which is not time...

Make/makefile progress indication!

Look at this makefile, it has some sort of primitive progress indication (could have been a progress bar). Please give me suggestions/comments on it! # BUILD is initially undefined ifndef BUILD # max equals 256 x's sixteen := x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x MAX := $(foreach x,$(sixteen),$(sixteen)) # T estimates how many targets ...

Poll: Build Server in a Virtual Machine?

Is it better to have a Build Server in a virtual machine? Do the benefits of having a build server in a VM outweigh the costs? ...