
What automated build systems are you using? How long do your builds take?

My current project has 5 separate automated builds that kick off after each check-in: Unit Tests (DB calls mocked out): ~6 Minutes Integration Tests (just to the DB): ~40 Minutes Website 1 UI (Selenium, from UI to DB): ~80 Minutes Website 2 UI1 (Selenium, from UI to DB): ~90 Minutes Website 2 UI2 (Selenium, from UI to DB): ~100 Minutes ...

Using devenv arguments /Build and /ResetSettings

Our automated build system builds a variety of Visual Studio 2005 solutions using devenv solution.sln /Build config|platform We have a need to use a specific set of Visual C++ directory settings for a given solution file, these settings have been exported from Visual Studio as a .vssettings files. If I start Visual Studio with dev...

How do I configure an extreme feedback device to notify CI build status?

Trying to save the next guy/gal some trouble in finding out what is needed to setup lava lamps or traffic lights or what have you (the term I believe is eXtreme Feedback Devices) as a BIG VISIBLE INDICATOR of your continuous integration build status. Ensure your post includes... (and please don't mess this question up with imaginative r...

Are there any good build frameworks written in Python?

I switched from NAnt to using Python to write build automation scripts. I am curious if whether any build frameworks worth using that are similar to Make, Ant, and NAnt, but, instead, are Python-based. For example, Ruby has Rake. What about Python? ...

Incremental .NET code coverage tool?

I'm looking for a tool (preferably free) that analyzes incremental code coverage of our C# solution. What I mean by this is that I don't want to know what the total code coverage is for all code or even for a namespace, but only new lines of code or perhaps lines of code that changed since the last checkin. (We use subversion for source...

How can Hudson delete the artifacts created by my build?

Our organization's custom build tools write out a lot of intermediate data, and I'd like it if Hudson could detect which files were created as part of a build and archive those. I'm not sure if it already does so, but if it does there's no user-visible explanation of it, and certainly deleting a build does not delete its output. In det...

Is it possible to alias a branch in Git?

I am looking into using git on a massive scale. I was hoping to increase adoption and make things easier by calling the master branch trunk. This can and will give SVN users some feelings of comfort. I know I can create a branch called trunk but that seems to deviate from the git norms and might cause some users to get confused. I kn...

Delphi MSBuild Build Configurations From Command Line

Delphi 2009 uses build configurations. When you create a new project you have two default build configurations "Debug" and "Release". Now I asked myself how to automate builds using MSBuild (which is supported by Delphi since version 2007). You can start the "msbuild" command in the "RAD Studio Command Prompt" in some Delphi project di...

Conditional compilation with automated builds in Visual Studio

Here's what I'm trying to do: A single build script That script builds two executables from the same Visual Studio project. The first compiled .exe has a small amount of code disabled. The other compiled .exe has everything enabled. I've been reading up on conditional compilation and that takes care of my needs as far as enabling/dis...

Create single jar from many eclipse projects

I'm doing the build automation for a java app with ant. This is a client-server app which has many projects in eclipse. I would like to create a jar file for the client and one for the server, but since the class dependencies are all over the projects (in eclipse)... I had the idea to use a tool to automate the search for dependencies. I...

Is the Software Construction Toolkit (from Google) any good?

Is anyone using the Software Construction Toolkit from Google? Is it good enough to replace make and/or ant? How good is it with its many advertised platforms (java, .net, C++)? What are your opinions on it? Actually this is Google´s modification on top of the Scons. EDIT: No answers yet! So, nobody is using? I'll post my impressions ...

How can I create custom sections in TFS build reports?

I know how to add custom BuildStep task; however, it would be nice to create a new section, similar to the Summary and Build Steps sections. We are selectively deploying the files on a successful build based on the difference between the workspace and destination environment. We do create an HTML and XML log of the files we move and the...

How can I create an executable jar with dependencies using Maven?

I have written a little utility to run from the commandline. I want to package it in a single executable jar for distribution. How can I make maven package all dependend jars into my jar? ...

Why choose Buckminster over Maven?

I've been using Maven for several months and I am pretty comfortable with how it works conceptually and in practice. I have also looked at Buckminster quite extensively (but have not gotten to running samples yet) to try and figure out what it is and how it compares. The documentation is poor. For instance, they use terminology like Bui...

Maven: how to do parallel builds?

When you build with maven on a multicore / multi-CPU machine it would often be possible to build different subprojects in parallel. Is there a way to do this with maven? Is there a plugin for this / whatever? Update: If you care about this you might want to vote for the corresponding maven JIRA entry to get fixed. You need to log in int...

IIS site and nant/nantcontrib?

Hi, is it possible to manage IIS web applications with NAnt? For example stop or start it? ...

What Development and Build Lifecycle Tools Do You Use?

I'm working on transitioning my current project of about 20 developers to a modern development and build environment. We currently use an RCS based source control system and an associated issue tracking system, both with Motif UIs. There is no formal production build process, its just whatever works. I'm interested in: Development T...

How do I change an EXE or DLL version number from the command line?

I need to build an old VB6 application with a version number where the 4th digit is greater than 9999, for example, version VB6 won't let you do this; the build fails. The current workaround is to build version and then manually edit the file in Visual Studio to insert the correct version. There must be a bett...

Using expect to login into SVN

I am trying to use an automated script, which would login to SVN, update my sources, create a tarball with these and scp them to a remote host. The problem here is that, for every login to SVN (even for checkout or update), we require to enter our password. Automation of password entry, the only way that I could find, was using expect t...

Is it possible to use the TFS SDK to create, queue and track builds?

I've been googling and can't find any solid examples how this is done, or if it even can be done. I assume it can. Can anyone point me in the right direction? So far I've been looking under the TFS namespace documentation on msdn. My goal is to be able to fully automate and track our builds in TFS from an intranet web application. ...