
Automating library build

I don't have any experience tweaking Xcode build scripts. I've created a static library. When the referencing app builds for debug simulator, I have to make sure the library also has a recent debug simulator build, rather than say device debug. Is there a way to build in the referencing project and have the static library automatical...

Using Ant to ensure a properties file only contains unique entries

Is there a way in Ant which can check that a specified properties file only contains unique keys? A build failure would be the required behaviour if any duplicates are found. ...

How to Set the Working Directory in NAnt?

I am just getting started using NAnt. I was working from a tutorial, and just trying to set a target to clean my solution on build. My Visual Studio Solution structure is as follows: Solution Folder Project Folder Project Folder Tools Folder NAnt Folder The NAnt .exe file resides in the Tools/NAnt folder. My .build file is also i...

Is there a better way of viewing team build logs?

Currently the msbuild logs for team build are appalling as they are just plain text and are very difficult to read. Also the ones created by my build are approx 30Mb and take quite a while to download (our TFS server is in our datacentre). Does anyone know any way of being able to view these logs easier, prefereably integrated with eith...

Modern Build tool suitable for Visual Studio MSBuild

Hi I'm new to build automation and Continuous Integration, but have done extensive research on the subject. First the question: assuming I have an unmanaged Visual C++ .sln file, and that I can build it with MsBuild, which modern build tool should I pick which allows me to easily perform pre/post build steps? I dont want "old" build t...

Source control - How to version resources that are shared across projects

We use Team Foundation Server and have numerous ASP.NET Web Application Projects. Each of the Web Apps uses a custom content management system that we've developed in house. The CMS is itself, an ASP.NET web app. When deployed, the CMS resides in a subdirectory, such as "/Admin". The CMS is comprised of .aspx and ascx files, and the ...

Is it possible to have post-debugging build steps/triggers in XCode?

I want to run some code coverage analysis (using CoverStory) on our iPhone app's unit tests in XCode automatically when the tests run. the problem is that we're using the Google Toolbox for Mac, and the way that the tests seem to run doesn't actually generate code coverage reports from gcov, so the analysis i get is out of date unless i...

How to synchronize SVN revision and version ressources of EXE/DLL files?

Say I have some C++ project which builds an exe or dll file. The project is checked into a SVN repository. I want to automatically synchronize the revision from SVN with the version resource embedded in my exe/dll file, i.e. the version should be something like $major.$minor.$svn_revision. Any ideas on how to achieve this? Are there any ...

Release engineering: what books?

A part of my daily job can be described as release-engineering stuff and I'd like to keep on improving my knowledge+skill even on that specific field. Are there other books besides the 3 ones listed on Wikipedia ("releng" entry -> "further reading") What are your favourite ones on this topic? Please, no generic/all-inclusive/2k-page...

Is Python the right hammer for this nail? (build script)

Currently I'm using a Windows batch file to build my software. It does things like running MSBuild, copying files, creating a ZIP file, running some tests, including the subversion revision number, etc. But the problem is, batch files are evil. So I would like to change to something better. I was planning to recreate my build script in ...

For TFS 2008 Team Build, how do I change where $Temp points to?

We have recently built a new TFS 2008 Team Build server. I don't want users putting their builds in the default temp directory that is pointed to by $Temp for the Build Agent, but I also don't want to force developers to change the path to somewhere else - this runs the risk of developers either (a) not bothering, or (b) making paths tha...

CommandLine automation problem - VS2005 Team Edition

I am trying to automate VC++ build via an addIn written using VB.NEt so that we can schedule it using a simple batch file. This addin performs some custom pre-requisites before the build is started. The build is invoked as ... /useenv %NEWSOLFILE% /CLEAN %BUILDCONFIG% /OUT %OUTLOGFILE% > nul with appropriate filename substi...

TeamBuild - Is it possible to choose what projects to compile at build-time?

I am automating my build process using TeamFoundation and I need to choose what projects to compile according to the .proj file from the build. Here is the full scenario: I have a .proj file which uses a .sln file in order to compile a solution which contains 2 websites. The .sln file is configured to compile both websites in Release co...

Build farms using ccnet

Is it possible to use CruiseControl.Net to set up a build farm? We currently have 4 different build machines building different things at different times and have a bit of a headache to manually balance the load somehow. I would prefer to designate one of them to be the master build machine, which would delegate work to the other ones wh...

Is there a way to redirect stderror to stdout for the duration of a script in Windows?

As a long time UNIX shell scripter / release engineer coming into the Windows environment full time with my latest job, there are some things I inevitably miss. One of them is my trusty old 'exec 2>&1' which in the Bourne shell permently knots together stderr and stdout for the duration of the script, so that logging will capture everyt...

How do you effect a build on an integration server?

Assuming you have two developers working on a project locally on their laptops (A and B). They each have working copies of the SVN repo, and they're coding away in VS. Each one has a fully-functioning copy of the app. They commit back to SVN at every stopping point. You have an integration/test server (C) which has another working co...

How to decrease MSBuild times.

my situation In the C# project I am now working on we have a fairly big solution (80+ projects). Now rebuild times of 5 minutes+ are really becoming a quite problem using MSBuild from VS 2008. In a analysis I did last week it turned out that my build time was spent as follows 1) Copying files to the projects and recopying it to the p...

How to set up an automated mechanism to find build breaks?

In a team where multiple people are working on same file or different files of the same solution it is quite natural that build break happens.. But how to have an automated mechanism where we can find build breaks? ...

sharing build artifacts between jobs in hudson

Hi I'm trying to set up our build process in hudson. Job 1 will be a super fast (hopefully) continuous integration build job that will be built frequently. Job 2, will be responsible for running a comprehensive test suite, at a regular interval or triggered manually. Job 3 will be responsible for running analysis tools across the cod...

Restrict Who can change "Build Quality" in TFS

When a build is in the completed section of the Build Explorer in Visual Studio the Build Quality can be assigned. Is there a way to restrict who can set these? Ideally I would love a way to restrict some to specific users (ie Prod Ready to the Testers) and others to another group (ie Test Ready to Developers) Vaccano ...