
What is the normal way of dealing with non-standard library locations in an autoconf script?

I'm trying to use the GNU autoconf/automake toolchain for the first time, so the answer to my question might be trivial. The program needs OpenGL/GLUT where the headers and libraries are installed in a non standard location. I found these macros that should do all the checking for me. I'm simply calling it with *AX_CHECK_GLUT*. How do ...

What's the best Mac custom disk image creation app?

I'm looking for a custom disk image creation app that I can integrate into the build process for my app (which means I need to be able to run it from the command line if possible). My desired features are that it will size the image for me, let me set the location of my icons when the image is opened, set a custom background/icon, etc. ...

MSBuild error when building projects for the first time

When i try to run my MSBuild script for a project before opening it in IDE, I get this error: "The project file must be opened in the Visual Studio IDE and converted to the latest version before it can be built by MSBuild" What's the reason i'm getting this error? ...

How do I reference a PIA so my build works ona build server

I'm working on some stuff I've inherited that has a slightly untidy project structure. Some of the projects reference a Primary Interop Assembly (PIA) that it expects to be installed in the GAC. There is a note in the solution folder that says (in summary) "Before building this project, first build X, Y and Z and manually install them in...

Working with ant namespace / directory structure

I'm working with ant on linux using the command line. I've got a simple build step with javac. This compiles correctly but it creates a directory structure under build like my namespace. ie: ./build/com/crosse/samplespace/SampleProgram.class How can I get this output into one directory (where it's easier to call java on it). I tri...

Replacing build.xml with - using Java and the Ant libraries as a build system

I've grown disillusioned with Groovy based alternatives to Ant. AntBuilder doesn't work from within Eclipse, the Groovy plugin for Eclipse is disappointing, and Gradle just isn't ready yet. The Ant documentation has a section titled "Using Ant Tasks Outside of Ant" which gives a teaser for how to use the Ant libraries from Java code. ...

Using Maven to setup a Drupal PHP project

What do I want to achieve? We are currently working on a PHP project that uses Drupal. I desperately want to learn how to create a One-step build for the whole project. Preferably by using something new (for me) that seems very powerful: Maven Basically I want to automate the following process: Checkout Drupal from the official CVS ...

open source msbuild tasks

I currently use to help do additional stuff with MSBuild like get files from sourcesafe or compress javascript files. Recently I have discovered a bug in one of the tasks I use that is a deal breaker. Are there any other open source 3rd party tasks to extend msbuild? Is t...

Modular TeamBuilds

I have 3 TFS Builds (2 Dev and 1 Cert). I would like to modularize the builds so I don't have to edit 3 files each time I make a change to the common items. The problem I have is that Only the items in the build folder (under TeamBuildTypes) are automatically retrieved by the Team Build. I can put in code in my build process to get ot...

Inital "get" done by Team Build

Does anyone have any links to documents about the initial "get" done Team Build (when the files from the ConfigurationFolderPath (ie TFSBuild.proj) are downloaded). All I could find was this one blog post: I would...

Specify non-compile dependencies in Maven and package them as resources

I need to build a jar file that includes (other, external projects') Maven artefacts. The artefacts are to be included just like stuff in src/main/resources, without any processing. Even though they happen to be jar files themselves, they are not compile time dependencies for my code and should not be added to the classpath, at neither ...

Bumping version numbers for new releases in associated files (documentation)

I would be interested to in knowing how you out there handle the bumping the version number for new releases issue. How do you handle the version number in associated files like man pages, etc. The software is build with the gnu tool chain so autoconf, automake, etc are available and used for the version number of the application. So t...

How do I provide Team City with a file?

We are looking at modifying our build process so that our configuration files are all template based. We will then have a file which will be used by NAnt to create configuration files that are specific to the person running the build. My question is how can I safely provide TeamCity with a file considering we don't...

Building a set of specific projects in TFS

Hi, Does anybody know how can I configure TFS Build to build a set of projects in a solution instead? The solution I have, has 16 projects but for one of my build definitions I want some of them to be compiled. ...

Java: How do I build standalone distributions of Maven-based projects?

Hello! I often encounter distributions of Java applications or libraries which use Maven as their build tool. Some of them, sadly, don't provide standalone (or redistributable) jars. Is it possible to build Maven-based applications in such a way, that the build result contains all dependencies and can be redistributed to work out-of-t...

Access Java class public member variable from Ant and use it in a build task

My Java app displays its version number in a few places, so I store that as a public final variable in the app's main class. Is there any way to access that in my Ant build tasks? In the spirit of automating the build process, I'd like Ant to automatically name the zipped distributable with the current version number, but I'm not sure ho...

Build server: Best practices managing third party components ?

I'm maintaining a quite large legacy application. The source tree is a real mess. I'm trying to set up a build server. On the source tree, i've third party component with sources (also in the project's include path). These components are also installed within the IDE. My question is : How to manage those components ? I thought to man...

Running PublicResXFileCodeGenerator at compile time

We are using PublicResXFileCodeGenerator to generate *.Designer.cs files from *.resx files. Currently, these are generated whenever the .resx is saved or when we right click and choose "Run Custom Tool". I want to be able to run this tool automatically at build time, rather than having to do it manually. The Designer.cs files are not ...

MSBuild: adding/copying empty folders via Zip/Copy task

Hi, I'm trying to create copy/zip a pre-compiled site which is contains empty folders(after pre-compilation). Looks like empty folders is not included to the list of items after CreateItem task. How I can care of empty folders? thanks ...

How to build a Visual Studio 9.0 solution from Cygwin and get build output?

I am trying to set up an automated build system on Windows using Cygwin. Among other things, it needs to be able to build several Visual C++ solutions. I have a script which sets up the environment variables needed for devenv, and if I type 'devenv' in bash it brings up the Visual Studio IDE. No problems so far. I am also able to buil...