
Some doubts on setting an C#/Asp.Net 3.5 application automatic builder server

I want to set my server to automatically build my application upon commit on SVN repo, then deploy on a test/homologation server. What I planning to do: install a build tool (Nant? use MSBuild?); create a simple script and set a hook to SVN that starts the process of building and deploy. To do that, what I need to install on my serv...

WiX 3.0 throws error 217, while being executed by continuous integration

This is the error that is thrown by our automated build suite at Windows 2008, while running ICEs (after migrating from WiX 2.0 to Wix 3.0): LGHT0217: Error executing ICE action 'ICE01'. The most common cause of this kind of ICE failure is an incorrectly registered scripting engine. See fo...

Team Build - Automatically Reenable Agent After Becoming Unreachable

We have a central Team Foundation Server (2008) deployment where all projects get stored. Each project sets up their own build server running Team Build to do their own automated builds. Here's the problem. When a connection error is detected between TFS and the Team Build server, it moves the build agent's status to 'unreachable' which...

How to override component name for svn uri in buckminster RMAP file

I am trying to materialize an RCP application into a workspace from scratch and I am having trouble with one single component whose project name in SVN is not same as it's plug-in id (e.g. it's Bundle-SymbolicName). At this point in time I really can not fix this issue by either renaming the project or bundle id, so I am looking for a w...

Creating a file with build number and branch name in SVN.

There is not an enourmous amount of deployment control where I work at the moment. And while there is a long term plan to create a build script that deals with deployment at the moment we are just publishing our solutions and then copying them to the servers. It would be very useful to have a text file or soemthing similar that would co...

What is/are the difference(s) between MSBuild and TFSBuild

Background: We have a TFS server setup where me manage our source code and track work items and bugs. We also have CC.Net setup to help us do CI (mostly just build and run unit tests). We use .net framework 3.5 and VS 2008 I am familiar with MSBuild and use it in our current project to accomplish many pre-deployment and deployment tasks...

What strategies have you used to improve build times on large projects?

I once worked on a C++ project that took about an hour and a half for a full rebuild. Small edit, build, test cycles took about 5 to 10 minutes. It was an unproductive nightmare. What is the worst build times you ever had to handle? What strategies have you used to improve build times on large projects? Update: How much do you think...

TFS and RTC - can both be used for both Java and .NET development

Both Microsoft's Team system and IBM's Rational Team Concert have similar features and functions. Both claim to be able to support either Java or .NET developers with their favorite IDE. Do you have any experience that shows one is better than the other for a one solution that works for all? Is there any key differences (features) be...

Haskell Build Automation

What is the preferred way to automate build/test/ci/doc-gen/... for a Haskell project? At the moment I use Cabal for the "final" build and bash-scripts to automate testing/checkins/doc-gen/.. but I would like to replace the bash-scripts. I've installed Nemesis (rake for Haskell according to the author) but I'm not yet sure it's the rig...

Haskell cabal+hsc2hs

Can cabal use hsc2hs to create hs files? How? I didn't find an answer in the manuals, googling, nor in other projects (had my hopes up for gtk2hs but it turns out that it doesn't use cabal) ...

Wanted: an example of Application Built/Test Server visualization

Currently we have assorted development build/test boxes. The target Application is mainly written in Python/gcc, uses postgres and has 2 identical USB devices attached. The principal build OSes are RHEL, FreeBSD & XP on i686. The App needs to be regularly built and tested on a couple of releases of each OS. (Maybe the next step would b...

TFS Build Architecture

I am preparing to move my team's source control from VSS over to TFS 2008. This is for an website, and I am currently using a combination of nant scripts and Cruise Control to do all of the builds and deployments. I've been trying to wrap my head around the best way to architect TFS build to do the same thing I'm doing with NA...

Build automation tools, pointers

Hi guys, I am looking to automate the installation of software produced by my build process. How do i automate this process - any tools, pointers will help. ...

Free Visual Studio Build Automation Solution

I'm looking for a build automation solution for use with a Visual Studio solution space containing multiple projects of mixed source types (mainly Win32 C++ and C#). Also, all the code is stored in a Subversion repository. So it needs to go all the way from pulling down a working copy of the code, to compiling the source, to building t...

What free, portable .Net tools are available?

I'm starting a new .Net project, and I would like to know your recommendation for tools to use. In general, I would like to have the following: Somebody should be able to check out the project and build it with nothing more than mono or .Net installed It should build on as many platforms as possible (or at least Windows and Linux) Som...

how to override cruisecontrol build number

We are using cruisecontrol as our CI tool. I would like to know how to override the build numbers assigned by the cruisecontrol. The reason is: We have parallel cruisecontrol sessioon running for different modules and i don't want to have different build numbers for each module rather same number to relate it. ...

Hudson continuous-integration - How to Aggregate the archived artifacts?

The Hudson CI Server has a configuration option called "Aggregate the archived artifacts". If I'm right, this option is used to share previously build artefact's across other builds/jobs. I have tried it, but it seems not working for me. How would the correct setup looks like? (PHAR packages are similar to JAR but for PHP) My current wo...

How to include all files of a directory with cmake ?

Hello, I want to try CMake to manage a new C++ project. However, some files are automatically generated. I have no way to know the name of the generated files. The only thing I know is that these files are all generated in the foo/ directory. Is there a way to ask CMake to include all .cpp files from foo/ ? Thank you. ...

publishing a website using svn export

I currently ftp all my files to my website when i do an update (over a slowish adsl connection) And I want to make things easier, so I just recently started using a hosted svn service, and i thought i could speed things up a bit by doing an svn export of my website directly onto my webserver i have tried that a few times and it seems...

Automated Deployment in Rails

I'm working on my first rails app and am struggling trying to find an efficient and clean solution for doing automated checkouts and deployments. So far I've looked at both CruiseControl.rb (having been familiar with CruiseControl.NET) and Capistrano. Unfortunately, unless I'm missing something, each one of them only does about half of...