
MSBuild vs. NAnt for a mixed 2005 and 2003 codebase

We are currently maintaining a huge code base with hundreds of *.proj and perhaps 50 solutions with interconnected dependencies. All of our code base is either .net or legacy C++. Are current build process is a nested command line script that does automated source control pulling and then builds each solution in turn by calling devenv....

What automated build system do Mac developers use?

Hi, my team is currently using buildbot to automate overnight and continuous-integration builds and regression tests. For builds and unit tests, the builder just invokes a script which syncs the sources from p4 and then runs xcodebuild. The regression tests are also launched by a shell script, and are themselves combinations of shell sc...

WIX MSBuild automation help - solution best practices

I know there are many questions out there regarding this same information. I have read them all, but my brain is all turned around and I don't know which way to go. Plus the lack of documentation really hurts. Here is my scenerio. We are trying to use WIX to create an installer for our application that goes out to our dealers for our pr...

Build Server/CI Setup - Using Latest Component in Application

I have finally started to take the time out to grok the continuous integration process. I have started putting together a build server at home and trying to grok how to deal with different situations in building. If I have component "A", which is used by application "B" - what is the "best practice" for telling the build server to compi...

Looking for articles on automated deployment pros/cons

Hello, currently my team is working on a web-based service which has a very manual deployment process. I'd like to convince my management team to consider spending the engineering effort to bake automated deployment into our engineering practice. Can anyone suggest articles that help me make this argument? ...

Has anyone had any success using Hudson (or another similar build system) with Perl?

Has anyone had any success using Hudson (or another similar build system) with Perl? ...

Language-agnostic automated build and test server for multiple projects

To ease our release testing, we're looking for a system to automatically build and (unit) test our software projects on a variety of architectures. Our constraints are: The code to build is written in several languages, including Python, Java and C. We have several distinct deployment architectures. We have multiple projects, which we ...

Building non-webapp maven2 based project with extra non-essential files and batch files

I'm just beginning to grasp the setup of maven2 while porting over a simple project of mine. I've ran through the package command line example on the Sonatype web site but I'm a bit confused of how I could expand and change the packaging of this project. I've tried to find more information on this subject but I think I'm either thinking ...

How would you automate multiple builds for an iPhone application?

I am aware of the paid vs. free discussion, but I have a couple extra issues that aren't covered there: Say I've written an iPhone app that lets you read a newspaper. I want to build four copies of the app, one for each individual newspaper that can be read, so I have four distinct apps, each reading a different newspaper. Here's the ...

Clean/Full Rebuild of a project every night in CruiseControl.NET

I've set up some rather large C++ projects to do integration builds in CruiseControl.NET, using MSBuild. Now I'd like to schedule a complete Clean of the working directory once a night. How can I do that with CC.NET ? ...

Should I install an SDK on the build server??

(this is a .net build server) I'm getting the following error: c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Microsoft.Common.targets(1679,9): error MSB3091: Task failed because "LC.exe" was not found, or the .NET Framework SDK v2.0 is not installed. The task is looking for "LC.exe" in the "bin" subdirectory beneath the location spe...

Assembly Versioning with TeamCity

I'm working on a C#/VB.Net project that uses SVN and TeamCity build server. A dozen or so assemblies are produced by the build. I want to control the assembly versions so that they all match up and also match the TeamCity build label. I've configured TeamCity to use a build label of Major.Minor.{Revision}.{Build} Where Major and M...

Automated builds of branches with SVN

What I'm looking to do is have CI and an automated build for all of my branches in a repository. I'd like each build of these web apps to have it's own project and be placed as a virtual directory (or equivalent) on a branches site. This would be great to be able to create a new branch and have it start the continuous integration and bui...

Renaming files during ANT copy

I'd like to copy a directory of files, and rename some of them in the process. When I run the script below, nothing copies. If I comment the glob mappers in the file below, the files are copied (without the renaming) Thanks for any help. James <?xml version="1.0" ?> <project name="Create project structure" default="main"> <target nam...

Verify Scriptlets in ASPX files compile with MSbuild

Sometimes after some refactoring occurs, and we produce a successful build, some legacy code using scriptlets fails to compile on runtime. I would like it if there was a way that I can verify that scriptlets will compile using msbuild. Is that what aspnet_compiler is for? Thanks ...

Build Tool Evaluation Report

Hi All Am currently evaluating a build tool/framework. I need to meticulously record my findings and present it to the projects for consideration. I am having trouble coming up with a good way of covering all salient points of such a tool. Anyone know any good sites that cover this topic? (Doesnt have to be specific to build tools - a...

What's a good way to consume a PowerShell Cmdlet in a NAnt build system?

We use NAnt extensively for our build system. Recently, I've written a couple PowerShell Cmdlets to perform a few database related things. At first, the intent of these Cmdlets was not to necessarily run within our build process. However, this has recently become a need and we would like to run a few of these Cmdlets from our NAnt based ...

Auto-Starting Selenium RC on Windows XP

Greetings, I have completed developing a suite of tests using Selenium RC and Java and I'm trying to integrate them with the build system so I can run the tests overnight. The process runs like this: Cruisecontrol does a full build A cron job on the Cruisecontrol server installs the build on a specific test cluster. When the build in...

PHP Build system

I'm using PHPUnderControl which runs on top of Cruise Control for my continuous integration and unit testing. I also have it setup to run PHPDocumentor to generate phpdoc's for me and it runs PHP Code Sniffer to enforce coding standards for me. But now I want to set up something on that same server (Ubuntu) to make deploying to a remote ...

Best practice to integrate custom build tasks in Visual Studio 2008 Project/Solution

To increase the automated part of our build/release process, I would like to integrate some custom tasks in our visual studio projects. What's the best way to organize such solutions? The main problem is: If I add the project implementing the tasks to the solution, the tasks are cached by the visual studio instance. So a rebuild does not...