
Running JS minification as a maven goal?

I'm trying to use YUI compressor in a maven goal, but I'm pretty new to the inner workings of maven. I see that I can copy all js to a new directory with the following: <copy todir="blah"> <fileset> <!-- A bunch of file extension types --> </fileset> </copy> Now, for each css and js file, I want to run the run the yui compres...

Browserless, ant-task-oriented Javascript Unit Testing?

I'm looking for a javascript unit test framework that I can use as part of my automated maven build. This CANNOT use an actual browser, and it MUST be fully browserless. I've tried looking at a few posts on SO, but none seem to meet my needs. Is there such a javascript unit tester? I'm anxious to find out. ...

Reproducible custom distribution build system for Linux

The Problem I have a big infrastructure consisting of several kinds of servers running Linux. For instance, database servers, load balancers, application-specific servers. There are many instances of every kind of server, and all of them need to be reproducible. Every kind of server is basically a custom distribution. Customisations in...

How to optimize an SCons script?

I have an SCons script that takes around 10 seconds just to find out that nothing needs to be rebuild, which feels awfully long for what is essentially a rather small project. Reading the SConscript itself takes just a second or two, most of the time is spend at the: scons: Building targets ... step. How can I find out what exactly s...

tool for building software

I need something like make i.e. dependencies + executing shell commands where failing command stops make execution. But more deeply integrated with shell i.e. now in make each line is executed in separate context so it is not easy to set variable in one line and use it in following line (I do not want escape char at end of line because i...

Can I write an ant task which takes parameters when being executed from another ant task?

Can I write an ant task which takes parameters when being executed from another ant task? What I try to achieve in general, is re-using existing tasks with different parameters. What I don't know is: is there something such a sub-task in ant? can it take parameters? how and where such sub-task is specified? Concept of what I need t...

TFSBuild:How to trigger a build only when a particular file is checked in?

We have a particular file, say that is only modified by 1 or 2 people. Hence we don't want the build to trigger on every check-in, as the other files are mostly untouched. I need to check for a condition prior to building, whether the checked-in item is "" or not.. if yes, then trigger a build, else don't. We use only CI bui...

How can I enforce a specific version of the .net framework

We were under the impression that setting the target framework on the properties of a solution would limit that app to using only that framework or below's functionality. We just found out though, that someone can add a reference and start using code from a higher versioned framework and the compiler won't complain one bit. Since we woul...

[Maven2] How to deliver properties files in addition to artifacts?

I am using Maven2 to build a WAR project. Some properties files are dependent on the environment targeted for a release. I want to deliver, in addition of the WAR, a file called datasource.xml. This file already exists in my project directory, but contains properties that will be filtered during the build (i.e. some ${}). In oth...

Continuous integration - Best practices

I've been thinking about CI and automatic builds a lot lately and am interested in knowing if there are any best practices for setting up and maintaining a continuous integration environment. Do you keep all your CI related files checked in with your project source? How would you usually structure your CI and build files? Any tips are we...

What steps are necesary to automate a build of iPhone app?

I have prior experience in build a automatic build process for .NET & Delphi projects but now want to automate the building of a iPhone project... not only simply builds but also to the final deployment.. I want a generic step list, with the command line actions that need to be performed, so anyone could adapt it to their particular bui...

How to make XCode Run Script Build Phase run if the build breaks?

Hi, I want to be able to launch a Run Script Build Phase in XCode that does this: /usr/bin/say "Broke it." if my build fails. Not sure how to capture the build failure to prompt that though? Two reasons I guess, one "what to catch", two "the build is done so the script has already run in theory... ?" How would you do this? Thanks //...

Is there a way to stop vcbuild's after the first failure?

I am running a vcbuild process as part of a buildbot. I would like the build to stop on the first failure, instead of continuing to build additional projects. It looks like msbuild has a StopOnFirstFailure property, but I do not know if this works with vcbuild or how to use it. ...

Command line compiling an iPhone Application

I would like to find a way to compile and package our iPhone application as part of our automated nightly build. At present we always have to manually kick off a build on a shared Mac that has the adhoc certificates installed on the box and then post the resulting test binaries some place where testers can pull them down and install the...

Reload Environment Variables in C# after launch

We received a new code base that uses environment variables all over the place. They point to things like the project root, assets, different tools, etc. Not the most ideal situation but it works. However, when it comes time to try and run our automated build it becomes a giant pain. Windows seems to instance the environment varia...

How to automate a websphere 6.1 headless ant build using cruise control

I am building/creating a build box in which I want to automate the build process using cruise control. I have install ClearCase and cruise control. My target application server is WebSphere 6.1. For this box, do I need to do a full install of WAS 6.1 or can I just copy over parts from another box to this box so that the build will w...

cancel build operation

I am in phase of implementing hudson for the build automation. I am using some shell scripts to perform one of the build step. Cancel build operation (in the middle of build process) leads to the build in illogical state. Is it possible to restrict users to use cancel build operation? ...

What's with all the Java Build tools?

what's the point of using ant, maven, and buildr? won't the using build in eclipse or netbeans work fine? i'm just curious as to what makes the build tools so special ...

JavaScript minifyer which can be integrated with a build of an ASP.NET application

Inspired by this answer.. Can you guys point me to something similar--something that can be integrated into a build-script or perhaps directly into Visual Studio? ...

Is there an Rake equivalent in Python?

Rake is a software build tool written in Ruby (like ant or make), and so all its files are written in this language. Does something like this exist in Python? ...