
How can I deploy an app to my iPhone from the command line?

I can already build an app with a distribution profile via the command line xcodebuild -configuration Distribution -sdk iphoneos3.0 clean build However, I'd like to go one step further and install the app to the connected iPhone and execute it ( as if I'd pressed Build and Run in XCode ). The final command listed in the build comman...

cmake: How to make a script for copying Data files accompanying my program

I am trying to automate my build process with cmake. There is currently only one issue: Where is, in cmake's philosophy (if there is one), the best place to put the copying of data files. I have a library and a few examples. The examples need the data. I currently do the following: I use a custom command in each example's CMakeLists....

How can I merge resource files in a Maven assembly?

I'm using Maven and its assembly plugin to build a distribution package of my project like this: one project assembles a basic runtime (based on Felix), with the appropriate directories and bundles, in a ZIP file. third-party libraries are collected in one project each and either converted to OSGi bundles or, if they are already OSGi c...

Powershell script to enable 'IIS Management Scripts and Tools'

After looking around (for not terribly long I have to admit) I wonder if anyone can point me to a Powershell script that checks if 'IIS Management Scripts and Tools' is enabled and if its not then it enables it like you would from Add Windows features. I checked and and couldnt find one I never touched Power...

Automated builds and STDIN

I am writing an automated build system to do nightly builds of our code. Under normal conditions every thing works fine, but some of the processes in the build can require user input, if a developer commits a change that opens up one of these the automated builds grind to a halt. Does any one know of a way of causing reads from STDIN ...

Hit a URL as part of a CruiseControl.NET build? newbie question: Following a build/deploy of a website, I'd like to invoke a specific URL on the server. I don't need anything back from the resulting page, just need to request it to make something happen. I could create an entry to to fire up IE with the URL as an argument, but I don't want to actually run IE on the...

Programming Definitions: What exactly is 'Building'.

What does it mean to BUILD a solution/project/program? I want to make sure I have my definitions correct (so I don't sound like a idiot when conversing). In IDE's, you can (correct me if I'm wrong) compile source-code/programming-code into computer-readable machine code. You can debug a program, which is basically stepping through the...

Automate COM+ Package Updates

We have a lot of COM+ objects and packages. I am trying to automate the build and deployment. I am looking for a way to automate the updating of these COM+ packages. Does anybody have any suggestions? thanks ...

Is it possible to add Post Build Tasks/Steps to an ASP.NET (2.0) Website Project?

I've got this ASP.NET 2.0 project that I've been working on for a while now. Over time the project grew little by little and in the end I ended up with quite a few steps that I had to run at the end, every time I wanted to publish the project. So, I wrote a script that I can run which executes all the clean-up steps for me and which is...

CruiseControl.NET: Building a project in Debug and Release configurations.

I am using CruiseControl.NET to build a C# project. I am using an msbuild task to achieve this. I want to build the project in both Debug and Release mode irrespective of whether either mode fails. But If I put these as two msbuild tasks in the 'tasks' section of the project and if the first task fails, the second is not executed. I cou...

Structure of NAnt build scripts and solution structure on build server

We're in the process of streamlining/automating build, integration and unit testing as well as deployment. Our software is developed in Visual Studio where we have use both C# and VB.NET in our projects. A single project can be contained within multiple solutions (i.e. Utils project is used in both ProductA and ProductB solutions) For h...

Tool for Merging Database Scripts

Hey all, I'm wondering if anyone has ever used a tool which will take a series of .sql scripts and a manifest file of some sort and merge them into one big .sql file according to the order defined in the manifest? I'm trying to integrate database change packaging into our automated build and I could write a tool for this but I figured ...

Continuous Integration with Teamcity and Clearcase

Has anybody successfully integrated Clearcase with Teamcity (which advertises Clearcase support) to realize a productive continuous integration build environment on a decent size project? ...

Visual Studio Build statistics

Hi, I'm interested in how much time I am spending on building my projects every day. Is there any existing tool which provides such statistics? Thanks! ...

How do I share a label value between multiple CC.NET builds?

I have two projects set up in CC.NET: CI build and nightly build. Both of them execute the same nant script, but with different parameters. The CCNET label (currently generated by the DefaultLabeler) is embedded into AssemblyInfo as the build part of the version (e.g *MajorVersion.MinorVersion.CCNET_Label.SVN_Revision*). For more cons...

Advice on creating self contained project, and distributing a web server with the source code

Hi, I need some advice on configuring a project so it works in development, staging and production environments: I have a web app project, MainProject, that contains two sub-projects, ProjectA and ProjectB, as well as some common code, Common. It's in a Subversion repository. It's nearly all HTML, CSS and JavaScript. In our current ...

How can I copy files in the middle of a build in Team System?

I have two solutions that I want to include in a build. Solution two requires the dll's from solution one to successfully build. Solution two has a Binaries folder where the dll's from solution one need to be copied before building Solution two. I've been trying an AfterBuild Target, hoping that it would copy the items after the fir...

Building a VS2008 .NET 3.0 solution without installing .NET 3.5 on build server

I am developing using 3.0 and VS 2008. The problem is my build server does not have 3.5 installed and therefore I cant build the solution as MSBuild for 2.0 will not support the VS 2008 solution file. There is no easy answer to this besides downgrading to VS 2005. Any ideas folks? ...

Team City Command Line Build Runner

In Team City, we are currently using a command line build runner. While it works just fine, we don't get any output shown in the Team City log. We essentially get a notification that the process started, and that the process exited with a particular exit code. Is there a way to pipe the output of the command line call to the log so t...

Getting started with autotools

Anyone recommend how a person could get started with autotools in building a C project? ...