
Is there any continuous integration software with easy to write plugins?

I'd like to add a continuous integration tool to a project I'm working on. However, I'd like to be able to send the results of the build using Lotus Notes. I already have the Lotus Notes part covered, and I'd like you guys help me choose the right tool for this. I'd preffer something based on Java, but if something else's better, I won't...

How to open and run a specific script from the command line in eclipse

I am trying to run an automated suite every day at the same time, so I want to create a task to open eclipse and execute the main script every day. Is there a way to do this from the command line? ...

Any real world CMake project example ?

I am new to CMake, i think the best way to learn it is to see how it is used in a real world project. I know KDE uses CMake, however, my project is much small than that. On the other hand my project is bigger than mos the hello-world project in the tutorials. simply speaking, my file structure looks like: build # for binary lib_extern...

Is it possible to determine the location of a r2build script from within the script?

My project structure looks like this <base_dir>\build\release.r2p <base_dir>\build\thirdparty\... <base_dir>\src\... <basd_dir>\release\... And my build script does stuff like: delete <base_dir>\release copy <base_dir>\build\thirdparty to <base_dir>\release compile code and output to <base_dir>\release I need to change the locatio...

using JTidy with Maven2

I am working on a Java project using spring2 and Maven. I have already incorporated JSLint4Java into Maven, but now find myself needing to do some further validation. There are a number of core pages in the build i.e. home page, search page etc. that I want to automatically test the final HTML output for specification validity i.e. Val...

How to setup a DotNetNuke Development Environment with Source Control?

My team is developing a new DotNetNuke web application and would like to know what is recommended to setup a development environment with source control and automated builds? We would like to keep the DNN source code separate from our custom modules and extensions source code. The DotNetNuke Compiled Module template for Visual Studio w...

Can I build a Delphi multi language project from the command line?

Using Delphi 2009 (or higher) and the ITE (Internal Translation Manager), how can I build the language projects from the command line? The projects are for example Project\Languages\DEU\Project_DEU.bdsproj Project\Languages\ENG\Project_ENG.bdsproj Theses bdsproj files are not MSBuild projects, so do I have to call DCC32 and pass all ...

Enabling Ant Tools in a new Eclipse Galileo installation

I have recently installed Eclipse Galileo with the PHP Developers Tools. I plan to install the Flash Builder 4 Plug-in to do ActionScript development as well. I want to use Eclipse to both create an ant build script and execute it to compile ActionScript docs from an ActionScript 3 code library. The problem is that when I try to run a...

Avoiding re-building prerequisites in Ant

I have an existing Ant project and would like to speed up the build process by avoiding re-building components that are already up to date. Ant permits you to specify that one target depends on another, but by default every prerequisite is always rebuilt, even if it is already up to date. (This is a key difference between Ant and make....

Increment the same labeller using multiple Cruise Control.Net projects

I have a project that uses the default Cruise Control labeller to keep track of the "build number" for the project. We have recently branched a project version, and I've added an additional Cruise Control project for the branch. I would like the branch to use the same build number sequence as the trunk. However, rather than simply using...

Is it possible to build using a .NET version without 'installing' that version?

I would like to have in my repository as tagged or submodules the different versions of .NET like is possible with other external products nunit, ninject, rhinomocks. ProjectX is created with .NET 3.0 and nunit 2.4.x Projecty is created with .NET 3.5 and nunit 2.5.x Project Z is created with .NET 4.0B2 and a preproduction release of nuni...

scons - how to run something /after/ all targets have been built

I've recently picked up scons to implement a multi-platform build framework for a medium sized C++ project. The build generates a bunch of unit-tests which should be invoked at the end of it all. How does one achieve that sort of thing? For example in my top level sconstruct, I have subdirs=['list', 'of', 'my', 'subprojects'] for subd...

Could Free Pascal benefit of something like Apache Maven?

Apache Maven is a very popular build and dependency management tool in the Java open source ecosphere. I did some tests to find out if it can handle compiled Free Pascal / Delphi units and found it easy to implement. So it would be possible to release open source libraries precompiled for Free Pascal (or Delphi) in a public Maven repo...

How to build an autobuild system and regression test system for subversion?

I have been asked to do the following: a) Build a VM for a subversion server b) Figure out an autobuild system and regression test system c) Write documentation or simple instructions to get people started with subversion I am not really sure what these instructions mean - although I have a vague idea. If you know could you provide som...

How to have `pip install --editable` to run sdist instead of develop?

This points out a very interesting features of pip. However, sometimes you just want it to install the source distribution; this is particularly true when you are running in a virtualenv (so you don't care about messing up the python ...

Heavy use of TortoiseSVN / Subversion locks NT User account

Strange one this, which isn't programming related directly, but I thought it important to ask here instead of, as it is directly related to TortoiseSVN/Subversion usage. Basically, through normal usage, TortoiseSVN operates absolutely fine with our Subversion repository, but as I'm responsible for our continuous integrat...

Given a path, how to determine if its absolute/relative in Ruby ?

I am working on writing a rake build scrip which will work cross platform ( Mac OSX, Linux , Windows ). The build script will be consumed by a CI server [1] I want the logic of my script to be as follows: If the path is determined to be relative, make it absolute by making *output_path = FOO_HOME + user_supplied_relative_path* If th...

How do I modify the custom errors of a remote IIS6 website using MSBuild

I'm trying to use "Microsoft.Sdc.Tasks.Web.Website.UpdateHttpErrorSetting" to change the http error messages of a remote IIS website. The documentation for this task in particular is somewhat lacking and I haven't found a way to use it succesfully. I'd like the http 404 error to load a url instead of the default 404b.html file. I've trie...

How do I automate build and testing for an ajax application in Team Foundation Server?

Hi all, Q. We're looking for a way to automate build process, run test cases and store build results. A problem could be raise as the application on which we want to setup this process is an ajax application -- a one page operation application highly rely on JavaScript. The QA team is using QTP to automate their testing. Q...

Determining Build Directory from SConscript

I have an SConscript which is being copied to a build directory (variant_dir = ...) for construction. As a workaround for not being able to express dependencies, I'm trying to copy some additional files into the build directory. How do I determine what the current build directory is, within an SConscript? For instance, in the following...